Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 652 Zhang Wei Has Made Meritorious Service? The Holy See Is In Danger!

【Ding! Samuel... Fark? ! Who is this man? ! Township level? No, half step town state level? Why didn’t I notice that he was coming]

[Host obtains system points +1000]

When Zhang Wei appeared suddenly, Samuel was taken aback. With his country-level strength, he didn't notice the arrival of Zhang Wei at all, and the opponent just appeared beside him out of thin air.

Not just Samuel.

Even the Pope and the others were stunned, and subconsciously turned their heads to look behind, where Lu Lianxue was.

what's the situation?

Wasn't Mr. Zhang Wei still there just now? How did he get there? Is this the speed that a half-step town should have at the national level? This speed is almost the same as teleportation, tired of kung fu? ?


Doubts are doubts, the Pope also reacted immediately, and quickly responded to Zhang Wei:

"Stop him quickly, he wants to seal the power of our Holy See, and quickly destroy the heart of Satan in his hands, which is the core of the Satanic circle."

As soon as the voice came out.

Before Zhang Wei could make a move, Samuel also came back to his senses, and without hesitation, he shot at Zhang Wei, and raised his hand, which was the dark power of the Zhenguo level, and slapped Zhang Wei.

This scene.

The pope, Lu Lianxue, and fallen angels such as Hill were all trembling in their hearts.

"Not good! Samuel, he is Zhang Wei, you..."

Hill was frightened, and made a gesture to call out to stop, Zhang Wei was appointed by Lord Satan, if he died here, they would definitely not be able to eat and walk around when they went back.

at the same time.

Although Hill only shouted halfway, Samuel still heard the first half of Hill's words. When he heard that the other party was Zhang Wei, his clapping hand couldn't help but pause, and he was about to stop immediately. Before coming here, I heard Hill said that if you attack the Holy See, if you meet an oriental man named Zhang Wei, you must not kill him.


Not waiting for Samuel to stop.

Zhang Wei also used teleportation again, and his figure disappeared again.

Hill: "???"

Samuel: "???"


【Ding! Fallen Archangel... Huh? What about people? ! Grass! Samuel wiped out Zhang Wei? ! It's over, it's over, Lord Satan is going to be angry, huh? wrong! 】

[Host obtains system points +1000]

【Ding! Samuel...not good, confiscated, stop, it's over, wait, who? 】

[Host obtains system points +1100]

Samuel froze for a moment, as if feeling something, looked behind him, and suddenly found that Zhang Wei had appeared behind him at some point.

at the same time.

Hearing the system notification sound in his head, Zhang Wei was a little surprised... It seemed that the Dark Church and the fallen angels didn't want me to die, would they make Satan angry?


Zhang Wei didn't have time to think about it. Taking advantage of Samuel's absence, Zhang Wei stretched out his hand from behind Samuel and got the Satan's Heart in his hand.

Also at the moment of hand.

Without hesitation, Zhang Wei moved in another instant, distanced himself from the Dark Pope.

Seeing this, the Pope exclaimed excitedly:

"Great job!! Mr. Zhang Wei!!!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei is awesome!!"

Matt and the other priests present were also excited. Although they didn't understand the situation, they knew that winning the heart of Satan was very beneficial to the situation and avoided being taken advantage of by the Dark Holy See.


Haven't waited for them to be happy.

Samuel, who had been robbed of Satan's heart, was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't show any anger or any negative emotions, and looked very calm.

【Ding! Samuel... actually stole something from me, a town and state-level man. Is this the person appointed by Lord Satan? It's really amazing. Fortunately, I have a backup plan, otherwise today's attack will fall short. 】

[Host obtains system points +1200]

I thought about it.

Samuel slowly sneered at the happy Pope:

"Bell Griot, are you too happy too early when I have no backup?"


While the Pope was watching, a black-clothed archbishop next to Samuel took a Satanic heart from his hand. After picking it up, Zhang Wei didn't give Zhang Wei another chance to sing the last chant. language.


Rumble! !

Accompanied by the end of the singing, the entire Holy See palace was shaking, as if a small earthquake had occurred, the ground trembled, and the church halls and palaces, which were originally full of sacred and peaceful, were no longer peaceful and holy at this moment, and pieces of floor tiles poured out With the black mist, the flowers and plants in every place were dyed in pitch black.


If you stand high in the sky and look at the Holy See headquarters on the ground, you will be able to see clearly that the entire headquarters is covered by a huge black magic circle. As the black magic circle turns, invisible demonic whispers echo back to the Holy See.


Except for the Holy See people who are as strong as the pope and the head of the jury, even the red-clothed archbishops who are half-step town-level have chest tightness, feeling that they are attached by an evil force, and feel that the power is constantly increasing. elapsed.

As for the other exorcist priests, it was even more tragic. The stronger ones could resist and felt that they could not breathe, but the weaker ones, such as Matt and other priests, coughed up blood and fell to the ground.

"Didn't expect it, Belleglio, one day the sacred Holy See in your heart will be reduced to the territory of fallen angels, and will become the territory of Lord Satan."

Samuel laughed.

The pope's face was unprecedentedly solemn, and he raised the scepter of God in his hand, and cooperated with several senior officials of the Holy See at the township level, such as the head of the judging team, to burst out a terrifying holy radiance to help the Holy See personnel resist the erosion of this magic circle.


Even if it is joined by several towns and nationals, it can be resisted and cannot be broken. The Dark Holy See has made sufficient preparations. Several black-clothed archbishops such as Yi Samuel have become the core of the formation, and they have sacrificed many evil spirits. The monsters, and the help of fallen angels, cannot be broken in a short time.

the other side.

Holding the heart of Satan in his hand, Zhang Wei raised his hand to touch Matt, blessed him with 1 system point to resist the erosion of the magic circle, and returned to Lu Lianxue's side, caring:

"Xiaoxue, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, nothing at all. That Satanic circle seems to be specially designed to deal with the clergy of the Holy See, and it's useless to our ghost exorcists in Daxia."

Lu Lianxue lightly shook her head, signaling Zhang Wei not to worry.

get an answer.

Only then did Zhang Wei feel relieved, and then handed over the Satanic Heart in his hand to Lu Lianxue, and took out his original Satanic Heart, and handed it to Lu Lianxue, saying:

"It's fine, Xiaoxue, you have these two Satanic hearts. With these two, if the fallen angels attack you later, you can use these to fight. If you can't beat it, use the ability of the Satanic heart to escape."

"how about you?"

Lu Lianxue asked Zhang Wei. She noticed that Zhang Wei was looking at the Holy See, the Dark Holy See, and the fallen angels who were fighting again. His eyes were full of worry. The situation in front of him was out of control, and the balance was visibly tilted The side of the dark church.

Also for this.

Out of worry, Lu Lianxue didn't want Zhang Wei to participate in the cooperation at all, and wanted to drag Zhang Wei out of here, even if she was ridiculed afterwards and said that it would be fine to run away, as long as Zhang Wei was not injured.

But the persuasion has not yet been said.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Go and help the Pope and the others. My dad said that when you go out, you can't disgrace the people of Daxia."

in words.

Zhang Wei took out jelly bean-sized 'particles' from his pocket.

Look carefully.

It doesn't seem to be particles, but miniature fairy statues of heavenly soldiers and generals, only the size of jelly beans.


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