Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 653 God Can’T Hear You, But Our Eastern God Can Hear You

Lu Lianxue also saw the 'jelly bean' that Zhang Wei took out, and her beautiful eyes lit up, recognizing the 'jelly bean' in Zhang Wei's hand.

That's a fairy statue.

Before coming to the Vatican, the Department of Health and Dao sent it to Zhang Wei. To be precise, it was bribed by Xiaoxuan to Zhang Wei.

I still remember.

When the fairy statue was delivered, Zhang Wei and the others were all excited and couldn't wait to open the suitcase, and then they were all dumbfounded.

"Where's the fairy statue?"

Zhang Chao looked at the big suitcase, which was empty, and was a little dumbfounded for a moment:

"What is the Secretary of Health doing? Did he send it wrong, or did he forget to put the statue of the fairy, or he got his own money, fuck, such a big suitcase, where the statue of the fairy... eh? What is that?"

The voice did not fall.

Zhang Chao glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the suitcase was not empty. He found that there were a dozen or so 'little jelly beans' placed in the gauze compartment of the suitcase. When he looked closely, his eyes widened:

"I, Cao, found it, the fairy statue, this... so small."

at the same time.

Zhang Wei and the others also discovered:

"It's so small, but it's very delicate. It's indeed a magic weapon."

"What a cute fairy statue, Xiaoxuan thought it was really thoughtful. If you send the fairy statues that are enshrined at home, it is not easy to carry, so I specially sent this kind of fairy statues that are easy to carry."

"Amitabha, I can feel that although these fairy statues are small, they have the power of the half-step township level. The power fluctuations are the same as the half-step township level Buddha strings on the little monk, and they may be more powerful."

Those were fairy statues the size of jelly beans. For the convenience of Zhang Wei's carrying, Shengxuan specially chose such small fairy statues, which were easy to carry and at the same time gave opponents a surprise.


at the same time.

Seeing Zhang Wei take out the fairy statue, Lu Lianxue also knew what Zhang Wei meant, but she was still a little worried. After all, it was the Legion of Fallen Angels, and there was also the Dark Holy See, which even had a state-level township. Zhang Wei also had these magic weapons. Can't take advantage.


Before Lu Lianxue could persuade him, Zhang Wei rushed out.

the other side.

The battle between the Dark Vatican and the Vatican continues, with the Satanic circle being cast. Although the Vatican is in the base camp and has a numerical advantage, it temporarily maintains the advantage, but the pope and the others are not looking good. They know very well that if they continue to fight, the situation will be worse. Complete defection.


The screams startled.

It was a red-clothed archbishop who was fighting a fallen archangel. He originally had the advantage of God's blessing, but after the appearance of the Satanic circle, his strength gradually weakened.


The archbishop in red directly felt that his body was being eroded by the Satanic circle. He was careless and didn't notice the speed of the power passing. He was caught by the fallen archangel and bullied him in front of the archbishop in red.


The fallen archangel stretched out his hand and pierced the chest of the archbishop in red. A transparent blood hole appeared in the chest, blood sprayed, and he held a beating heart in his hand.

next moment.

With a bang.

The fallen archangel crushed the heart of the archbishop in red, and the archbishop in red suddenly lost his eyesight and fell into a pool of his own blood.


"The Archbishop of York!"

Many exorcist priests and red-clothed archbishops yelled, their eyes seemed to burst into flames with anger, but they were only angry. They could do nothing else, and they were restrained by the dark church and fallen angels, let alone pulled out. Body, I can't protect myself, while resisting the erosion of Satan's magic circle, I am tired of dealing with the attack.

The Pope also saw the situation, his face was not good-looking, gloomy and frightening, and he no longer had a kind side.

Also at this time.

Samuel, who was fighting against the Pope, sneered and said:

"Bell Griot, let's go catch it, the Satanic circle has been activated, you have no chance of winning, what is waiting for you is to be slowly eaten away by us, but, but I am very kind, I am willing to give you a chance, as long as you kneel now In front of me, insult God, say a few words of compliment to Lord Satan, I am willing to let you and some of your Holy See personnel go, how about it?"

As soon as his words came out.

Before the pope could respond, the other cardinals heard this, and they were all filled with righteous indignation and cursed:

"Damn Satanists, you can't bring us to our knees."

"Even if we die, we will not betray God."

"Even if we die here today, we will not obey your wishes. Even if we die, so what, we will be in heaven, and after you die, you can only go to endless hell."

The Pope also spoke:

"Samuel, have you seen it, even if you turn this place into Satan's territory, we will not submit to you, we are followers of God, our hearts are with God, put away your despicable Let's do the trick."

at this time.

Hill, who led the fallen angels, smiled and said:

"God is with you? God doesn't even look at you, you idiots, look around you, believers in God are dying one by one, but what about your so-called benevolent God? He doesn't care about you at all Life and death will only lead you to heaven, but don't care about your pain now."

"This is kindness? This is cruelty. This is not helping people. God is selfish. Even if you all die here, he will not blink. He is just and kind. He died laughing."

The words fell.

The first batch of fallen angels present also spoke out one after another, mocking the Pope and the others.

Same time.

They also took more ruthless shots, tearing the weaker exorcist priests to pieces, spilling blood all over the marble walls of the church and on the cross of God, reducing the holy Holy See to hell.

This scene deeply stimulated many members of the Holy See, not to mention the priests, even the archbishop in red was moved and a little shaken.

"Pray quickly, pray to your benevolent and great God, let him save you quickly, so that you don't suffer here."

Hill said sarcastically.

He also raised his hand, holding an angel's spear, and pierced the left arm of the leader of the Knights of Judgment.


The leader screamed and wanted to fight back against Hill, but was restrained by another fallen archangel of the township level, and the situation became a two-on-one situation.

Pretending to be.

With the stimulation of the words and actions of the fallen angels and Samuel, coupled with the erosion of the Satanic circle, some people in the Holy See were shaken.

To this.

The Pope's eyes were solemn, as if he had made a decision, he held up the scepter of God, and the glory of God bloomed:

"Everyone, don't be fooled by the words of the dark church and fallen angels. No matter what, for God and for our homeland, fight back and guard our relatives, friends and homeland. I believe God will see it and lead us to victory. Dispel evil……"

Its voice sounded.

Samuel and the others all noticed the pope's move, and they couldn't help but change their colors slightly. They already realized what the pope wanted to do. They planned to sacrifice themselves and detonate the scepter symbolizing God of the popes of the Holy See in order to gain a chance of life and explode the Satanic law. Array.

Can't help it.

Samuel and the others did not hesitate. Together with Hill, the two pressed towards the Pope, intending to stop the Pope's behavior and not give the Holy See a chance to survive.

But at this time.

Zhang Wei appeared, put it on the shoulder of the pope who was about to explode himself, grinned and said slowly:

"Your Excellency the Pope, don't play such a big game, let's not say how aggrieved you are when you die on your own land, but I can be sure of one thing, that is, I don't know if God will see it, but our heroic deeds, our big The God of Xia has seen it."


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