Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 655 Trigger Special Rewards, If You Meet The Strong, You Will Be Strong!

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals came over, and there were only a dozen or so of them, but the momentum was like a thousand horses and horses. Every step, the sky shook violently, and the clouds in the surrounding fields trembled violently.


The fallen angels were all stunned, and those whose strength was lower than that of the half-step town, couldn't help but feel frightened, but it was too late to be timid, and the heavenly soldiers were coming, so they could only bite the bullet and face each other.

boom! ! ! !


The two sides clashed for a moment.

The loud noise like a volcanic eruption was deafening. The dark power of the fallen angels and the expansion of the divine power of the heavenly soldiers and generals made a deafening noise.

Immediately afterwards.


The screams started one after another.

Like a meat grinder, heavenly soldiers and generals rushed into the army of fallen angels. In just a short moment, dozens of fallen angels were pierced through their bodies by the heavenly soldiers and generals, blood spilled into the sky, and they died tragically on the spot, falling heavily from the air to the ground.

To this.

The heavenly soldiers and generals were not happy, and once again raised the divine soldiers in their hands, and continued to kill the fallen angels beside them, even though the fallen angels became angry after seeing their companions die, and started to fight back, besieging the heavenly soldiers and generals.


The heavenly soldiers and generals have no fear at all, and they charge bravely without fear of death. It seems that their existence is to defend and fight. Unless the enemy dies, they will not retreat.

its performance.

Fallen archangels such as Hill and Wilbur who were not far away saw it in their eyes.

【Ding! The fallen angels were astonished... Is this the legendary law enforcer from the East? 】

[Host obtains system points +5000]

Also at this time.

Hill spoke, and gestured to Wilbur and other fallen archangels beside him:

"Go and stop them, the gods of the east, we haven't killed them yet, if we can kill them, it will be a good capital for talking and laughing when we return to hell."

As soon as his words came out.

Wilbur and the others rushed straight towards the heavenly soldiers and generals, and joined the battlefield to fight against the heavenly soldiers and generals.

at the same time.

Seeing the heavenly soldiers and generals killing all directions, forcing Wilbur and the others to take action, many red-clothed archbishops, trial knights, and exorcist priests were all excited:

"Haha, God bless, we have hope."

"What God blesses, it's the Jade Emperor who blesses you."

"Great, we have a chance of winning."

The bewitching words of the fallen angels had shaken them a lot, and they were so desperate that they wanted to give up struggling. However, now, the help from the Eastern gods rekindled their hope.

At this moment.

The pope also raised the scepter of God and shouted:

"Everyone, don't give up. God bless my Holy See. Even the gods of the East will come to help us. The victory belongs to us. Let us help the gods of the East to eradicate these betrayers of God and believers of Satan."

His voice echoed in the Holy See.

All the cardinals echoed to boost morale:

"The Pope is right, let's take advantage of the help of the heavenly soldiers and generals in the east and fight back!"

"The Satanic circle is slowly eating away at us, but we still have time. We will fight for this time. With the help of the heavenly soldiers and generals, we will kill the fallen angels and the people of the dark church."

"Come on, for God, for the gods of the East, for the homeland."

The Holy See is worthy of being the largest religious organization in the world, and its lobbying ability is astonishing. With a single sentence, the morale and enthusiasm of the clergy present were once again aroused.


"Fight them off."

The clergy were either holding up the bible, or shouting like Matt, all of them were passionate.

And the other side.

Compared with the morale of the Holy See soaring, the dark Holy See is a little flustered.

Seeing that dozens of fallen angels were killed or injured in a short period of time, and the sky was stained red with the blood of the fallen angels, they were terrified. They thought they were sure of victory, but who knew that a group of terrifying oriental gods would descend.

Both Samuel and Hill noticed this.


Holding the heart of Satan in his hand, Samuel rejoined the battlefield and shouted:

"Don't panic, it's just a dozen oriental gods. We have Lord Satan's strongest legion here. With Lord Hill and the others, what are you afraid of? As long as you slowly wear them down, with the Satanic circle, sooner or later the people of the Holy See will Grinded to death."

in words.

Samuel jumped up, and a dark force like black mist gushed out from under his feet, rushing towards a heavenly soldier and general.

Its meaning is obvious.

To defeat or even kill a heavenly soldier and general, so as to boost morale and make the people of the Holy See despair again.

"Samuel, do you think I don't exist!"

The pope drank lightly.

see you...

When Samuel was about to deceive a heavenly soldier and general, the Pope, who was always paying attention to the situation, stood in front of him, and the scepter of God in his hand burst out with the glory of God, turning into a cage of the cross, trying to trap Samuel, Don't let the opponent succeed.

It was Samuel who responded with a sneer:

"Do you think it's just me? I can also help."

The voice starts.

The pope's expression changed suddenly, and he looked aside.

see you...

A town-level archbishop in black came before the Pope at some point, chanted the Dark Bible, turned into a big hand of Satan, and resisted the Pope's cross cage.

next moment.

Although under the blessing of the God's scepter at the township level, the pope flew the archbishop in black and made him cough up blood, but the archbishop in black also played a role in the delay, giving Samuel time to come to a heavenly soldier God will be in front of him.


"My lord, the gods of the East, be careful!!!"

The Pope, the head of the Knights of Judgment, and the archbishops in red all found out and wanted to stop them, but the fallen archangels and the archbishops in black did not give them a chance. But this is the best opportunity to strike, and they are all crazy to block it.


Samuel succeeds:

"Go to hell!"

He had the heart of Satan in one hand and the scepter of Satan in the other. Both of them burst out with dark light, and they blasted a heavenly soldier and general in front of him with all their strength.

boom! ! !

The Heavenly Soldiers and Generals flew upside down, like a meteorite, pierced the sky and landed on a church building of the Holy See.


Smoke and dust filled the air, building debris flew, and the entire church was smashed and collapsed.

The battlefield was instantly silent.


Just when Samuel was about to take advantage of the situation to boost morale.


Sounds from the crumbling church.

look intently.

Samuel, Hill, and everyone else were stunned, looking at the collapsed church as if they had seen a ghost.

The expected death or serious injury of the heavenly soldiers and generals did not happen.

Some are just...

The heavenly soldier and general pushed away the wall of the church, walked out, patted off the dust on his body, and stared sharply at Samuel in the sky. , but even more terrifying.

"Not dead? No, I didn't hurt him? Are you kidding me? I did my best."

Seeing this, Samuel muttered in a daze, unable to hide the bewilderment and horror in his eyes.

The strength of the opponent is half a step at the township level, and I am a dignified township level, and I have the blessing of the township level magic weapon. Even if the opponent is an oriental god, I will definitely be hurt by myself, but the fact is that I am slapped in the face. Looking at Jiang's appearance, he could still feel his breath. It was certain that he was not even injured at all, let alone dead.

【Ding! Samuel was shocked]

[Host obtains system points +1600]

【Trigger special reward】

【Acquisition of Ability——When you are strong, you will be strong】

[This ability can be used three times. After three uses, it takes time to recharge. After recharging, it can continue to be used.

By using this ability, when the host encounters an opponent whose strength is higher than his own, he can obtain a strength similar to the opponent's strength within a certain period of time, and during the period of time when he encounters a stronger opponent, although the host's strength remains the same, but the body surface Weakness will appear over time, in order to deceive opponents, pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and achieve the effect of being strong when they are strong.

However, until the end of the time when the strong is strong, the host's body will no longer appear on the surface, but the real body will enter a weak state, and the specific weak state depends on the strength of the opponent.

in addition.

During the state of weakness, the host can continue to use this ability, as long as the number of times of the ability is still there, it can be used, even if it is in a state of weakness, the perfect interpretation is strong when it is strong. 】


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