The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up.

Following the ability 'do whatever you want' obtained last time, I finally got a permanent skill again, and it's still a bug ability.

"It can be used three times in a row. As long as I use it well, I can kill three enemies who are stronger than me in a row."

Zhang Wei muttered in his heart, not caring about the follow-up side effects of his ability at all. In his opinion, it is better to be able to defeat an enemy stronger than himself in exchange for short-term weakness, than to be unable to fight against a stronger enemy. Running away is better than this.

The essential……

You can do it three times in a row, no matter how weak you are. On the contrary, this is better. The opponent sees that you have temporarily improved your strength and the side effects come, and they will take it lightly.

But Zhang Wei didn't have time to think about it.

at this time.

Seeing that the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were not injured, Samuel thought that the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals had used some method to block his attack, without hesitation, he continued to go towards the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

【Ding! Samuel... I don't believe you can block me once, and you can block me twice]

[Host obtains system points +1200]

Just this time.

"Master Eastern God, I will help you."

The pope came to the side of the heavenly soldiers and generals, and did not intend to give Samuel another chance.

in words.

The pope glanced at the heavenly soldiers and generals beside him, his eyes flickered with surprise and curiosity... Is Samuel too weak, or the Eastern Gods too strong? Why can't Samuel hurt the Eastern God? Samuel is not weak.

As the helm of the Holy See, the Pope has often fought against the Dark Pope Samuel, knowing how powerful he is. For this reason, he was as surprised as Samuel when he saw that the heavenly soldiers and generals were not injured, and his heart was more inclined to the East. The gods are powerful, even if they are only half-step township level, they cannot be resisted by human township level.

Think here.

The Pope looked a little weird, and a thought popped into his mind suddenly... If Samuel did not attack an Eastern god, but a Western angel, would the Angel be unscathed? It feels like it can't be done without injury.

Others have never seen angels, but the Pope has seen them. He once summoned angels to descend to earth, and he knows the strength of angels.

Can't help it.

The pope's face became more and more strange. Recalling that Zhang Wei could easily summon so many heavenly soldiers and generals, and that the heavenly soldiers and generals were so powerful, and also had the ability to purify fallen angels, he couldn't help but doubt his life.

Is the Jade Emperor stronger than God?

Just thinking about it.

Samuel made another move, and the black-clothed archbishop also came up to him, wanting to repeat the old trick.


Hill also shot.

Now with the attack of the heavenly soldiers and generals, Wilbur and the others did not take advantage, not only the heavenly soldiers and generals who were attacked by Samuel, but also the other heavenly soldiers and generals, all of them seemed to be invincible. Against the attacks of the Dark Holy See and fallen angels, it seems that they only have offense in their eyes, and they don't know the word defense.


With the assistance of the Red Archbishop of the Holy See and the Judgment Knight, the fallen angels were suppressed, not to mention taking advantage, but they were constantly being killed and injured. In just a few minutes, one fallen archangel and two black-clothed archbishops were killed.

The situation is very unfavorable.

Especially once again, Samuel hit a heavenly soldier and general, and the opponent got up to go shopping again without injury, Hill couldn't sit still, and chose to shoot at the heavenly general.

"Samuel, stop the Pope for me, I'll kill the gods of the East."

Hill spoke up.

The terrifying power of fallen angels also surged out of his body. It was pure power of corruption, sandwiched with the power of Satan, and even the Pope at the same level trembled.

"not good!"

The Pope's heart beat wildly:

"Master Eastern God, be careful, those are the first batch of fallen angels."

In his view, maybe Samuel can't hurt the heavenly soldiers and generals, then Hill can definitely. After all, he belongs to the gods, is he a fallen angel, or did he fight with Satan in the jihad? He was the first batch of fallen angels. The heavenly generals belong to the same gods, and they have the depraved power of the gods, which is enough to hurt the gods.

In fact.

Not only the Pope thinks so, Samuel and Hill are the same

"Gods of the East, you will regret coming to the West."

in words.

Hill raised the fallen angel spear of the township level in his hand, and pierced the chest of the heavenly soldiers and generals, intending to pierce and tear it, but for the sake of caution, he opened his mouth to Samuel again:

"Samuel, let Wilbur and I kill the gods of the East. If we can't kill them, it's okay. We can contain them. You can kill the people of the Holy See quickly. With the Satanic circle, they can't hold on how long."

It's not loud.

But the Pope and the others heard it, and their faces were unprecedentedly dignified. As Hill said, they have the help of heavenly soldiers and generals, and their overall strength is superior. But if Hill makes a move, what he chooses is not to kill, but to slowly consume. Sorry for the passage of time.

It's just not a second of dignification.


Before Hill stabbed at the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, Zhang Wei appeared and grabbed Hill's fallen angel spear:

"You guys are so lively that I want to get involved too."

【Ding! Hill froze... huh? 】

[Host obtains system points +1100]

Hill heard the words and said instinctively:

"Only by you? One and a half steps down to the national level?"

【Ding! Hill was speechless... who do you look down on? Just one and a half steps from you to stop me at the national level? Although Lord Satan ordered that I cannot kill you, you cannot stop me either]

[Host obtains system points +1200]

at the same time.

Facing Hill's words, Zhang Wei smiled slightly and said:

"Yes, it's up to me."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei has activated the ability of 'When you meet the strong, you will be strong'. His strength is like an inflated balloon, and the skyrocketing value can be seen with the naked eye. He has jumped from the half-step town-state level to the town-state level. His strength is close to that of Hill, and his breath is so strong. , just like a god conceived here, sitting on the ground and becoming a god here.

【Ding! Hill was stunned...Cao! 】

[Host obtains system points +1300]

【Ding! Samuel...Wori]

[Host obtains system points +1400]

The Pope and the others were also stunned, their mouths were open, their eyes were wide open, and there was emotion in their eyes:

"Mr. Zhang Wei worked so hard for us."

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you don't let me work hard, but you work hard yourself."

In their view, Zhang Wei must pay a price for his half-step promotion from the township level to the township level. This kind of forcible improvement of strength is harmful, especially if he can be promoted to the township level. irreversible damage.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't know his behavior, which moved the Pope and the others. He just wanted to brush up the system points. After improving his strength, he replied to Hill:

"What about now? Is it good enough? If not, I'm improving a little bit?"

His words speak out.

Hill: "????"

Samuel: "????"



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