Zhang Wei's words echoed in his ears.

Samuel felt Zhang Wei, who had already been promoted to the township level, and the corner of his mouth twitched...not enough to improve? Did you get promoted casually when you were at the township level? Not enough to improve...

But I thought half of it.

Samuel was silent in his heart, and his eyes fell on Zhang Wei's young face. It seems that according to Zhang Wei's age, he has reached the half-step township level. For him, it seems that it is really easy to be promoted to the township level.


That is the future, now he has used the ghost exorcism method and promoted to the township level, and now he is not ashamed to say that it is not enough to promote, but Samuel does not believe it.

In fact.

Not only Samuel, but also Hill and the Pope, none of the town-level people present believed that Zhang Wei could still improve.

【Ding! Hill... Ascension? Are you kidding me, Cao? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +1200]

Just thinking about it.

Hill seemed to have sensed something, the expression on his face was no longer elegant, and he stared at Zhang Wei in front of him in shock.

just now.

The strength of Zhang Wei in front of him has risen again, and he is no longer directly equal to his own strength. He is already on par with his own strength, completely on par.

Zhang Wei's voice also came:

"It's almost there now?"

in words.

Although the strength is already under the blessing of the strong, it is on the same level as Hill and cannot be improved, but Zhang Wei looked at the shocked Hill, Pope and others, and added a sentence suddenly:

"If it's not enough? Then I will continue to improve?"

Words come out.

【Ding! Hill... is he kidding me? Can it be improved? Impossible, you are raising the township level, not the ordinary township level, you have reached my level, I don’t believe you can continue to improve]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

However, I want to return to my thoughts.

Hill didn't dare to respond to Zhang Wei, feeling a little drummed in his heart, for fear that if he replied, "You have the ability to continue to improve", then Zhang Wei would nod his head and suddenly surpass himself in strength.

Samuel was also dumbfounded, staring at Zhang Wei.

【Ding! Samuel... What kind of ghost exorcism is this? How can it be improved so quickly without chanting, kneading formulas, etc. before casting the spell? The level of Daxia's ghost exorcism is now so much ahead of the world? 】

[Host obtains system points +1400]

Also at this time.

Listening to the system prompt sounding in his mind, Zhang Wei smiled with satisfaction.

next moment.

He said to the Pope:

"Your Excellency the Pope, Samuel and Hill, we are one by one. They want to delay time and grind you to death. We also delay time to give the heavenly soldiers and generals time to slaughter the fallen angels and the members of the dark church."

"it is good."

The Pope nodded quickly when he heard the words, his old eyes moved.

Immediately afterwards.

All the fallen angels, the dark Holy See, and the people of the Holy See have seen that the two sides of this battle are the top battles.

Pope of the Dark See, war, Pope of the See!

And the other side.

The leader of the fallen angels, the great war, the summoner of the Eastern gods!

Without exception.

Any one of the four is an existence that can influence the situation of the war.

the only difference.

It was Zhang Wei among the four. His young grade was eye-catching. No one thought that it was such a young man who would affect the situation in this matter of the life and death of the world's largest ghost exorcist organization. Single-handedly changed the situation of the battle.

at this time.

Zhang Wei has already fought with Hill.


Zhang Wei held the town-level Bai Yu fan in one hand, and while dancing, he collided with Hill's fallen angel spear, and the sparks splashed were blazing and terrifying.

This is a town-state battle.

The aftermath of every collision, not to mention the ghost king, even the top ghost king dare not approach.


The two once fought.

With their battle at the center, a vacuum appeared, and there were no other people around except for the ruined buildings and the collapsed trees and flowers.

"Even if your strength has been raised to my level, there is a natural difference between you and me."

Hill collided with Zhang Wei again, holding a fallen angel spear.

The words fell.

The three pairs of black wings behind Hill spread out and rushed straight to the sky. They spread their wings in high school, and the black feathers poured out monstrous and depraved power, like raindrops of a rainstorm, dense and violent, pouring down on Zhang Wei below.

【Ding! Hill...Although Lord Satan said he couldn't kill you, he didn't say he couldn't teach you, as long as he doesn't kill you]

[Host obtains system points +1400]

【Ding! Hill... Let me let you know today that the majesty of the fallen angels is not easy to trample on even if you are appointed by Lord Satan]

[Host obtains system points +1500]

I thought about it.

Seeing Zhang Wei facing his own attack, Hill fanned the national-level fan in his hand, dispelling the corrupted power, but smiled lightly:

"If you can disperse me once, you can disperse it a few more times. If you don't have the angelic power of the Judgment Knight to go to the sky, you will not be able to hit me. You can only become my living target on the ground."

"Really? Who said you have the power of an angel to fly?"


Hill was taken aback when he heard the words, and his pupils shrank suddenly in the next second.


Zhang Wei didn't generate any wings, just soared into the air with his feet out of thin air, and his whole body was suspended.

[Using one-time Monkey King figure ability, levitation technique]


Zhang Wei faced Hill directly, and because of the high altitude, he didn't have to be afraid of affecting the people around him, and he no longer restrained his hands and feet, so Zhang Wei opened up even more.

【Ding! Hill was shocked...why can he fly? And feel no power fluctuations at all? 】

[Host obtains system points +1600]

"Are you curious, why I can fly directly without using the wave of exorcising ghosts?"

Zhang Wei grinned.

Hill frowned, and finally nodded.

Zhang Wei pointed behind himself and said:

"Because I have wings too."

Hill: "????"

【Ding! Hill... wings? You are kidding me, there is nothing behind you]

[Host obtains system points +1700]

at this time.

Zhang Wei replied again:

"But you can't see my wings, because my wings are...invisible wings, which were created by a woman named Zhang Shaohan in Daxia, why? Don't believe it? If you don't believe me, go ask a Daxia ghost exorcist Ask, everyone knows that Angela Chang created invisible wings."

Following Zhang Wei's last words.

Hill looked startled.

【Ding! Hill... Just ask any Daxia ghost exorcist and you will know? So confident? Is what Zhang Wei said true? Are the geniuses of this age in Daxia so brilliant? In addition to Zhang Wei, there is also Zhang Shaohan, wait, also surnamed Zhang? 】

[Host obtains system points +1800]


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