Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 659: The Madness Of The Holy See Caused By Zhang Wei

【Ding! Hill was confused...Cao? Are you kidding God?]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

Seeing Zhang Wei, whose pale face had changed before him and regained his radiance again, his whole body was full of energy, like the living god of war, Hill was a little dazed.

next moment.

After reacting, Hill looked complicated:

"Zhang Wei, are you crazy? It's just a Holy See, worthy of your sacrifice?"

in words.

As Hill, who had previously fought against Zhang Wei, he was sure that Zhang Wei's weakness just now was not faked, and his qi and blood had once declined. It is certain that the opponent's increased strength had a side effect, and now his strength has improved again. In his opinion , there is only one possibility...

That is, Zhang Wei must have paid a lifespan or other serious price. At this price, he forcibly improved his strength again, otherwise, how could it have side effects, and he could still improve. This situation is tantamount to overdrawing his life.

Not only Hill thinks so, but everyone present thinks so, without exception.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, for your kindness, I thank you on behalf of the Holy See. This time, we will definitely thank you very much!"

The pope's tone was unabashedly moved and grateful, and his eyes were red.

As a top existence among ghost exorcists, he knows very well how much harm it is to forcibly increase his strength when his body is injured. The serious thing is not only the consumption of life, but also the irreversible root cause of the disease. But Zhang Wei For the sake of the Holy See, in order to deal with the fallen angels, they did so.

The pope asked himself.

If it were Zhang Wei himself, he would not necessarily do so. There is no other reason. He is young, and he has reached the half-step township level in his twenties. In the future, he will definitely reach the township level, and even in township level There is a place in the class, there is no need to do such crazy things.


Zhang Wei still did it.

This kind of selfless behavior moved all members of the Holy See, including the Pope.

"It's no wonder that Mr. Zhang Wei can obtain the power to purify fallen angels. His selflessness, if he believes in God, I think God will give him more powerful blessing power than me."

The Pope murmured with emotion.

He finally understands the difference between himself and Zhang Wei. Dare to love is not because the Jade Emperor gave him more blessings, but because he has the qualifications. He is as selfless as God is alive, fearless and selfless.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't hear the pope's words, his eyes fell on Hill, and he grinned and said:

"Come on, let's fight again."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei continued to greet him.

Hill was slightly stunned, but quickly met Zhang Wei, his eyes flickered, and he did not forget to say:

"I have to say, Zhang Wei, you made me admire again. Even if you are a human being, I would like to admire you three points. Since you are working so hard, I will not hold back and will show all my strength."

sound up.

For Zhang Wei's selflessness of "sacrificing oneself for others", even Hill, who is a fallen angel, can't help but respect him, and intends to show it with all his strength. This is his respect for Zhang Wei.

next moment.

Hill burst out with even more terrifying power, his aura soared, and he was three points stronger than before, like a demon god who came out of hell, with black wings lingering around the dark fire of the region, and the horns of the firstborn demon, with every gesture, like an abyss demon king .

"My God, he still has a backhand?"

"Damn it, it seems that he has long been confident about the battle just now, but he didn't use his current ability."

"It's over."

Seeing Hill showing his original form, the people of the Holy See suddenly realized that Hill hadn't used his original form at all. Obviously, the other party had never really panicked. Finish.


This time, Zhang Wei's crazy performance made him show his full strength for the first time.


Feeling the change in Hill's strength, everyone in the Holy See felt desperate.

However, the next second.

A light scold came out of Zhang Wei's mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

Under Hill's wide-eyed stare, and in the eyes of the Holy See and others who were moved to tears, Zhang Wei's strength has once again improved.

Possessing a bug-level ability that is strong when it is strong, Hill's improvement indirectly allowed Zhang Wei to improve with his strength, reaching the same level as him.


Feeling his own strength becoming stronger, Zhang Wei's eyes were sharp, and he said slowly to Hill:

"You are very powerful."

Hill: "???"

Samuel: "???"


【Ding! Hill... are you talking about Nima? Cao? ! Why did you improve again, you...have retained strength? 】

[Host obtains system points +1400]

Hill's eyes widened, and he looked at Zhang Wei, whose strength had soared by three points, as if he had seen a ghost.


No time to think, Zhang Wei has already rushed forward, and he did not forget to shout to the Pope and the others:

"Your Excellency the Pope, I will hold Hill back with all my strength. Hurry up and assist the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals to kill the enemy. I will delay as much as possible."

It's not loud.

But like chicken blood, it stimulated all the people in the Holy See, even the Pope went crazy, raised the scepter of God with one hand and shouted:

"Everyone, go!!! Don't let Mr. Zhang Wei's efforts go to waste. For Mr. Zhang Wei, kill! Kill this group of guys who are willing to fall into darkness."

The cardinals also echoed and yelled:

"Go! For Mr. Zhang Wei."

"Kill, send these fallen angels back to hell, for God, for Mr. Zhang Wei."

They are all crazy.

It was like taking a stimulant one by one, and their eyes were full of madness.

In their view.

Zhang Wei's strength has soared, and he must have overdrawn more money. If it weren't for the fact that they are still in the war, they would have been moved to tears. Everyone's eyes were red, and the image of Zhang Wei in their hearts was infinitely elevated. Besides God, Zhang Wei has the highest status in my heart.

Matt even yelled madly:

"Fake! You guys from the Dark Church deserve to die. I killed you and let Mr. Zhang Wei sacrifice so much. Kill, kill, kill all of you."

As soon as he changed his face, he was obviously wearing a priest's costume, but he looked like a murderer, holding an exorcism dagger, grabbing a person from the dark church, stabbing him frantically at the neck, the main artery ruptured, and blood spattered wildly its face.

Matt didn't care, he poked and said:

"Die! Die for me, for the Jade Emperor, for Mr. Zhang Wei, kill you all, die for me!! Send you to hell for trial, send you to see God"

Its a crazy move.

People in the dark Holy See around are palpitating, looking around at the same crazy people in the Holy See, there is a feeling that we are the evil side, or you are, how can we be more cruel than us.

at the same time.

The Pope was also moved by Zhang Wei's 'pay-off'. He picked up the scepter of God, used it as a stick, wrapped in God's sealing power, and swung it at Samuel in a round. He would never have dared to do this before. Do, love your God's scepter very much.

But now he can't care so much, as long as he can win.


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