Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 660 Hill Can't Hold Back Anymore

at the same time.

Facing the Pope's offensive, Samuel's expression was not good, and he glanced at the battle between Zhang Wei and Hill from time to time. Now the morale of the Holy See was aroused by Zhang Wei, and his momentum was like a rainbow. His own side was obviously shaken. Then accelerate the casualties.

for sure.

If there is no result in the battle on Hill's side, then they will be defeated.

Just thinking about it.

Samuel seemed to have sensed it, and looked towards the battlefield of the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, his face became even more gloomy:

"not good."

I saw...

The battlefield of the heavenly soldiers and generals, I don’t know when, the battle is almost over, as the heavenly soldiers and generals are fighting bravely, and they seem to be unable to kill them, they delay the opponent’s offensive a lot, and many fallen angels died , and among them even more fallen archangels fell.

When another fallen archangel fell.

The other fallen angels were terrified.

【Ding! Fallen angels... why can't they be killed? Is it because this is the west, there is no hell in the east, and there is no place to go after death, so they can't be killed?】

[Host obtains system points +4000]

Immediately afterwards.

As one fallen archangel died one after another, the pressure on the heavenly soldiers and generals to be besieged gradually decreased, while the pressure on the fallen archangels doubled.

Change to before.

Also at the half-step township level, the fallen archangels are fearless, but this was before, but now after facing the heavenly soldiers and generals alone, they feel scalp numb.

"Master Wilbur, come and help me, I can't hold it anymore."

A fallen archangel was fighting with a heavenly soldier and general.

can be seen.

The Fallen Archangel was a little embarrassed, one of the black wings was broken, and the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals were holding the broken black wing in their hands.

Not waiting for Wilbur to respond.

On the other side, there was also a fallen archangel calling for help, and that was Phyllis.


Felice was sweating on her forehead. Although her body exuded a holy and holy light, her face was not holy at all, with an ugly look. She used the power of angels to fight against the heavenly soldiers and generals, but she could do whatever she wanted. Even if the seal is used, it cannot cause effective damage to the heavenly soldiers and generals.

This battle situation once made Felice doubt her life.

If the heavenly soldiers and generals are righteous because they represent the justice of the East, so they can resist evil to a certain extent, even if it is the evil of the West, then I am not evil. Now I represent the justice of the West, an angel!

【Ding! Phyllis... Is it me that the Western Angel was suppressed by the Eastern Heavenly Soldiers and Generals? Or are we created by God, not as powerful as the Jade Emperor? 】

[Host obtains system points +520]

Can't help it.

Phyllis yelled to Wilbur:

"Wilbur, come here and help me. Let's use the power of fallen angels and angels to see if we can work together to kill a heavenly soldier and general."

at the same time.

Hearing this, Wilbur, who was also fighting against the heavenly soldiers and generals, said helplessly:

"I really want to help you, but I can't get away."

in words.

He looked at the three Heavenly Soldiers and Generals in front of him, and his eyelids twitched. He was a dignified township, but he had nothing to do with the three half-step towns. He couldn't beat them to death. They will attack frantically, not allowing themselves the chance to support.

To this.

Samuel, who was fighting the Pope in the distance, looked anxious, and even had an idea that he had never had before:

【Ding! Samuel...or run away? 】

[Host obtains system points +1200]

It wasn't long before Samuel's idea came out.

The rest of the light flickered.

The anxiety on the face turned into joy in an instant

【Ding! Samuel... No, there is a chance! Haha, Zhang Wei finally promoted time is coming to an end]

he noticed.

Zhang Wei, who was fighting against Hill, after another round of continuous fighting, he became pale again, his lips were bloodless, and his blood was fading rapidly, just like the first time he had improved his strength.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Samuel laughed.

His laughter was heard by the Pope and others, and they looked in the direction they were looking at, and then just saw that Zhang Wei's promotion time was over, and he entered a weak state again.


Zhang Wei is like a dying candle, crumbling, his lips are pale, his whole body feels like he is going to die any second, he is as pale as a dead man, and his breath has retreated half a step to Zhen Guo level.

Look at Hill again.

It was not much better, with a distressed face, coughing blood in the mouth, three pairs of wings on the back were broken, dripping with blood, and a hole was pierced in the abdomen, leaning on the spear of the fallen angel, kneeling on one knee That gasps.

【Ding! Hill... It's okay, it's okay, I almost overturned my car, I didn't expect that I would be cornered by a half-step township]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

I thought about it.

Hill smiled weakly and said:

"It's a pity, it's just a little bit close, you can kill me, but after all, I'm better."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei, who was also weak, looked over and replied suddenly:

"Really? Just a little bit? You mean if I hold on for a while, you might lose, right?"


Seeing that he was extremely weak, Hill nodded confidently in response.

However, the next second.

His smile froze abruptly.

Also frozen, there are Samuel, Wilbur, and the Pope.

I saw...

After hearing Hill's response, Zhang Wei stood up again, and this time he stood up, not only standing up, but also raised his momentum again, all the way from the half-step town to the town again class:

"Then close this down."

in words.

Zhang Wei regained his vigor and brilliance again, spreading out the fan in his hand, with such a powerful aura that he became the most dazzling and eye-catching existence compared with the surrounding wolves in this battlefield that had come to an end.

【Ding! Hill couldn't hold back anymore... Wozhinima, come again? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +1400]

【Ding! Samuel couldn't hold away! Those who ride horses must flee! This attack on the Vatican failed! 】

[Host obtains system points +1500]

The fallen archangels who fought against the heavenly soldiers and generals couldn't hold back anymore.

They looked at Zhang Wei, and then subconsciously looked at the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals in the battle, their expressions were indescribably crazy.

【Ding! Fallen archangels... have we been in hell for the last few hundred years, have times changed? Forget about the gods of the East, why can’t even the Orientals be beaten to death?]

[Host obtains system points +4000]


Hill was no longer elegant, stared at Zhang Wei, and finally choked out a sentence:

"Zhang Wei, are you crazy, you overdraw yourself so much."

"It's okay, the big deal is that I will recuperate for a few days later, it's okay, after all, I'm very strong."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, he knew the ability to be strong when he met the strong, the weakness was only temporary, and it would not hurt the root at all.

Its words.

The Pope and the others listened to it. Like Samuel and the others, they couldn't hold back anymore, but they couldn't hold back and were moved. Their eyes were red, and even some emotional ones had tears rolling in their eye sockets. They were already moved. I can't wait to cry.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you are still comforting us until now."

"I now understand why Mr. Zhang Wei was blessed with the ability to purify fallen angels."

“Is Mr. Zhang Wei God.”

Simultaneously with Cong.

As for Hill and Samuel, they were not in the mood to listen to people from the Holy See talking, seeing Zhang Wei being promoted again.

this time.

Hill had no chance of winning and couldn't calm down. He turned around and said to the fallen angels and Samuel:


Samuel also heard it, and then shouted:

"Withdraw!! Quickly withdraw!!!"


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