Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 661 The Most Distinguished Guest In The History Of The Holy See

The voice rang.

Without saying a word, Hill spread his wings, and the black hellfire poured out, rolling the curtain towards Wilbur and other fallen angels and the dark church present.

Same time.

Samuel also made a move, driving the heart of Satan in his hand, and the light bloomed, communicating with the Satanic circle covering the Holy See.


The Satanic magic circle seemed to be connected with the darkness, and the lines of the magic circle sprayed out a black mist in the blink of an eye, rushing towards the fallen angel and Samuel.


The pope immediately took up the scepter of God, released the radiance of God, and dispelled the black mist.


Although the pope reacted quickly, causing the black mist to come and go quickly, but after the black mist dissipated, he looked around again.

"Where are people?"

"Damn it, they ran away."

"Despicable dark Holy See, have you run away now?"

"Sure enough, they still have plans to retreat."

The people of the Holy See looked around, and found that the fallen angels and the people of the Dark Holy See were gone. With the help of the black mist of Satan's heart, it can interfere with the five senses. Using this short-term interference, they all fled here.

Also at this time.

Confirming that the fallen angels had run away, Zhang Wei looked at the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the gaze of the Pope and the others, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals did not speak. They just glanced back at Zhang Wei in response to Zhang Wei, and then they all walked in towards the Nantian Gate. out of the public eye.

A dozen objects the size of 'soy bean' fell from the sky, landed in Zhang Wei's palm, and was picked up by him.

At this moment.

A voice came from not far behind Zhang Wei:

"Mr. Zhang Wei."

The Pope brought some archbishops in red and walked towards Zhang Wei. Although the battle was over, the Pope didn't rest except ordering people to clean up the battlefield and follow the direction of the dark Holy See. He immediately brought people to Zhang Wei.


The Pope bowed deeply towards Zhang Wei, with gratitude written on his face:

"Thank you for your shot this time. On behalf of the entire Holy See, I sincerely thank you. You are the benefactor of my Holy See. If you need any help in the future, or if you still come to Europe, you must contact us. We will definitely entertain you. .”

"Of course, this is a later story. This time you helped us solve the Vatican crisis. We really want to thank you. I wonder if Mr. Zhang Wei has anything you want. If you have anything, feel free to say it. As long as we can give it, I will do my best for you."

The voice did not fall.

A red-clothed archbishop hurriedly came here, holding a box in his hand, and handed it to the Pope:

"My lord, I have brought what you asked me to bring."

The Pope nodded, took the box, and handed it to Zhang Wei with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, thank you for your help this time. This is a little thank you. Please don't be too polite. Of course, it's the same sentence. If there is anything you want, just tell us, because of this little thank you, Can't thank you enough for your help today."

in words.

The Pope looked at Zhang Wei, who was gradually weakening from the township level to half a township level. In his eyes, he was grateful but also worried, so he hurried over to help:

“Mr. Zhang Wei, are you okay?”

"I'm fine."

Zhang Wei responded weakly, his voice a little weak.


Zhang Wei's ability to be strong when he meets the strong ends, and he has come to a truly weak state. He is supported by Lu Lianxue. Now he looks like a living person because he has used three times in a row to become stronger when he meets the strong. , It is no exaggeration to say that people are dying.

His face was as pale as withered, his lips were bloodless and chapped, his eyes were bloodshot, his black hair turned silvery like an old man, and he didn't even have the strength to stand, so he could only be supported by the Pope and Lu Lianxue.

for a while.

Not to mention Lu Lianxue, even the Pope and the others were frightened, there was no need to thank them, and they shouted quickly:

"Quick!! Go get the pastor, go get the heart of God!"

in words.

The other archbishops in red, the exorcist priest, and the trial knights also surrounded him worriedly.

To save Zhang Wei, the Pope directly used the Holy See's state-level magic weapon "God's Heart", which is a magic weapon specially used for healing, and it is the top magic weapon in the world's town-level magic weapon list. Now the Pope He did not hesitate to use it, just to save Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei didn't know this, he fainted in Lu Lianxue's arms in a weak state where he was strong when he met the strong.

until evening.

In a coma for ten hours.

Zhang Wei finally woke up, and when he woke up, he saw Lu Lianxue sitting beside his bed, crying like pear blossoms and rain, surrounded by the Pope, the head of the Knights of Justice, the archbishop in red, and others. It is complicated, with touch, gratitude, sadness and so on.

"Xiaoxue, why are you crying, I'm not dead yet."

Zhang Wei wanted to reach out to touch Lu Lianlian's head, but found that he was still very weak and couldn't lift his hands up.

To this.

Lu Lianxue looked even sadder, and held Zhang Wei's hand tightly:

"Zhang Wei, you still said you're fine, look what you've become now, you're not allowed to die, I haven't told Xiaolin about you yet, I'm afraid she won't be able to take the blow, so you're not allowed to die, die Xiao Lin will hate me to death, and blame me for not telling her earlier."

Zhang Wei was stunned when he heard the words, but soon, after Lu Lianxue and the Pope's narration, Zhang Wei suddenly realized that due to the weak state of being strong, even the heart of God, a national-level magic weapon , There is no way to relieve Zhang Wei's weak state.

Also for this.

In the eyes of Lu Lianxue and the Pope, it was Zhang Wei who continuously used the taboo exorcism method to forcibly increase his strength, and finally suffered irreversible damage. Otherwise, how could the Heart of God not cure Zhang Wei? Level instrument.


In the eyes of Lu Lianxue and the others, Zhang Wei was a seriously injured person. Looking at his tragic appearance, he felt that he would die at any time.

Get the truth.

Zhang Wei laughed out loud:

"Haha, it turned out to be like this. I almost thought that when I was in a coma, my waist was taken away, which scared me to death. As long as the kidney is still there, you don't need to tell Xiao Mantou. It's just a small injury, it's nothing, it's not necessary Let Xiao Mantou worry blindly"

This smile.

Lu Lianxue and the others were even more sad, especially the Pope and others, their eyes were red again, and tears came out... Mr. Zhang Wei is still open-minded until now, and he still has the heart to comfort us, obviously hurt like this, obviously He didn't need to suffer these injuries at all.

Think here.

The Pope held Zhang Wei's hand firmly and vowed:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, don't worry, even if we give everything to the Holy See, we will definitely cure you, I swear in the name of God!"

Others also nodded in agreement:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, if you need anything, just tell me, you can go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, and I will get it for you."

“Mr. Zhang Wei, we will definitely cure you.”

That look.

Its meaning is beyond words, to give everything for the benefactor Zhang Wei, to cure the benefactor Zhang Wei.

Not long.

After chatting with Zhang Wei for a while, the Pope didn't dare to disturb Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue being alone, and for fear of disturbing Zhang Wei's rest and recuperation, he took others out, and as soon as he left the room, he couldn't help but lower his voice to the people present at the Holy See road:

"From today onwards, Mr. Zhang Wei is the most honored guest of my Holy See, an eternal friendship, as long as he has any orders, no matter which Holy See branch or church he asks for help, he will notify me as soon as possible, and give me no spare support."

"Yes! His Excellency the Pope."

The leader of the Judgment Knights and others nodded in earnest.


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