Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 662 Thank You, The Original Heart Of God

The Pope nodded and continued:

"Chief of the judge, go and continue to search for the traces of the fallen angels and the remnants of the dark Holy See. Be sure to eliminate them as much as possible. In addition to coordinating the inventory of the personnel in the Holy See, everyone else should do more investigations and find ways to cure Mr. Zhang Wei. I will go Find some old friends and see if you can get some healing from them."

The order is over.

The Pope did not stay long, and set off without stopping.

the other side.

In the Vatican room where Zhang Wei is.

at this time.

Zhang Wei didn't know that he had accidentally become the highest-ranking guest of the Holy See, and he was still comforting Lu Lianxue:

"Xiaoxue, don't cry. I'm really fine. I'll be fine in a few days. I know my situation. Don't worry. You just wait for me to be unable to pamper you these few days. When the time comes, you'll recover. Wait. I have held back the collision for several days, I was wrong, it should be bull collision, hehe."

Lu Lianxue replied after hearing the words:

"Zhang Wei, you are like this, you still have the mood to drive, are you really okay?"

After she spoke, she found that Zhang Wei looked serious, and he didn't seem to be trying to comfort herself on purpose, as if he could really recover, not at all the decadence that he should have suffered from an irreversible injury.

Zhang Wei nodded seriously and said:

"Of course, when have I lied to you, and if I'm really not good, you think I can really laugh, I'm the brightest new star in Daxia today, half a step at the national level at a young age, and the future is promising Limit, let alone 100%, at least 90% can reach the township level."

"I have a bright future like this. If I get injured, it may affect me to the national level. No matter how big my heart is, I can't smile so brightly. You say yes, I am sure that I can recover, believe me Me, Xiaoxue."

Zhang Wei tried his best to hold up his strength, stretched out his hand to hold Xiaoxue's hand, grinned and said with a smile:

"You and Xiao Mantou know our physical fitness best, you know."

Lu Lianxue's face turned red when she heard that, and she let go of the suspense in her heart a little, but she couldn't help but asked again:

"Are you really okay? Don't lie to me. By the way, do I want to tell Xiaolin about you? Do you really want me to tell Xiaolin?"

"It's really fine, and you don't need to tell Xiao Mantou. If she knows about her temperament, she can't fly over here. The Vatican is not safe now. I'm afraid I can't protect you two. I think Xiaoxue and you are too. Go back to Daxia as soon as possible.

in words.

Zhang Wei recalled the previous system notification sound. Through the system notification sound, he knew that the fallen angels seemed to be unable to kill him for some reason, so he was not worried about his safety, but Lu Lianxue was not within range. the safest.


Lu Lianxue rejected Zhang Wei's request:

"You are not afraid of fallen angels, but you are like this now, someone must take care of you, you see that you struggle to get out of bed, it's okay, I have already called grandpa and the others, and now the Department of Health and Justice also attaches great importance to this matter, saying It is to send someone to protect you, after all, you are the future pillar of our Great Xia."

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Haha, the Secretary of Defense has a bit of a conscience."

Zhang Wei was not surprised by the help of the Secretary of Health. He did not say that the Secretary of Defense cared about him. He only said that he helped the Holy See this time. The Holy See not only sent a box to thank him, but also gave him more than half of the corpses of the fallen angels. He just ordered It was given to the Department of Health and Dao, and the old man of the Huang family was to be treated. For these two points, the Department of Health and Dao would definitely protect himself.

"That's for sure, you don't know that the Department of Health and Dao kept asking me about your situation when they heard about your accident, and planned to use your points in the Department of Health to provide you with free medicine for treatment. It is on the way to deliver it now, how about it?" ? Do you want to know what kind of medicine was sent by the Department of Health and Dao, it's amazing."

Lu Lianxue blinked her beautiful eyes with a smile.

Zhang Wei grinned:

"I don't want to know. Compared with this, I want to know more, Xiaoxue, I was driving just now, did you blush, and said, what picture was in your mind just now, I want to know more about this, what kind of posture picture is it?"


Lu Lian gave Zhang Wei a white look.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you. The medicine is probably top-notch. After all, I have to send top-notch medicine for the price of my promotion. If I send cheap ones, the Department of Health knows that it won't work, so I don't care about it. Compared to this, Xiaoxue, what about the thank you gift from the Holy See? Let me see what it is?"

As soon as his words came out.

Lu Lianxue looked at Zhang Wei dumbfounded:

"You are really a money fan. You have been hurt like this, and you still have the mood to care about the gift. Here is the box."

That being said.

Lu Lianxue still took out a box from the bedside drawer and said:

"Because you were unconscious, I put the box next to your bed."

in words.

Lu Lianxue didn't hide her curiosity. Before Zhang Wei was in a coma, she was worried about Zhang Wei and ignored the box at all. Now that she knew that Zhang Wei was fine, she couldn't help but aroused her curiosity.


Under Zhang Wei's order, Lu Lianxue helped Zhang Wei open the box.

can be seen.

Inside the box is a bead, the size of a thumb.

"Hey, is this the heart of God? No, it's a bit like it, but it shouldn't be."

Lu Lianxue snorted slightly, and then told Zhang Wei that the Pope had previously taken out the state-level magic weapon, the Heart of God, to treat Zhang Wei. She had seen the Heart of God, and the beads in the box were extremely similar to the Heart of God. The difference is that the light of the beads is not as dazzling as the heart of God.

However, judging from the aura emitted by the bead, it is a magic weapon bead of the half-step town state level.

Not long.

After asking Matt who came to visit the doctor, Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue knew the origin of this bead.

"The original heart of God?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang Wei, the Heart of God is a state-level magic weapon of my Holy See. It was made by the tenth pope, and the one in your hand is the tenth pope who made the heart of God first. Prototype made."

Matt smiled and pointed to the beads:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, don't think that the pope, like the president of the Defamation Law Association, gave you a defective product. This is not a defective product. It is a semi-finished product. It was left by the tenth pope. He wanted to keep a Backhand, when he made this God's Heart, he found that there was a missing material, which he didn't have, so there was no follow-up production."

"Instead, I chose to make another God's Heart, and this God's Heart is reserved for later use, so that if the God's Heart is damaged, there is still this God's Heart to use. It can be upgraded to the township level."

"It's a semi-finished product, and although the material is not easy to get, it's not that easy for Mr. Zhang Wei, just need an angel's heart, when our Holy See finds the Fallen Archangel, kill him , it can be used to complete the ascension of the Heart of God."

That's it for now.

Zhang Wei couldn't help taking over the words:

"Or if I purify a fallen archangel, I can also get the heart of an angel."

His words speak out.

Matt froze for a moment, then his eyes lit up and said:

"Not to mention, this is fine too, haha, as expected of Mr. Zhang Wei."


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