Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 663 Zhang Wei, A World-Class Ghost Exorcist Star

Zhang Wei looked at the original God's Heart in Lu Lianxue's hands as he spoke, thinking about how to find a fallen angel, and use the ability to do whatever he wanted to transform it into an angel.

at this time.

As if thinking of something, Zhang Wei looked towards Matt:

"Is there any requirement for the angelic heart needed to complete the initial God's Heart promotion to the township level? I'm afraid it's not enough for an ordinary Tongtian envoy's heart."

"Well, I don't know either."

Matt was a little embarrassed. The reason why he was able to know the heart of God at the beginning was because the Pope told him this time. This is one of the top secrets of the Holy See, and the clergy who are not at the half step town level cannot know it.

Can't help it.

Matt said:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I'll go and ask His Holiness the Pope for you."

Just when Matt was about to turn around and leave to ask.

Zhang Wei stopped the other party:

"No need, Matt, if you want the original God's Heart to be promoted to the township level, even if you don't ask His Excellency the Pope, I don't think it's the heart of an ordinary envoy, at least half a step to the township level. The national level should be better."


After chatting for a while, Matt didn't stay long, and was going to help inquire about Zhang Wei's treatment.

Watch off Matt.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but murmured in his heart:

"Since you can get a Zhenguo-level magic weapon, then get the best one, and find a chance to get a Zhenguo-level fallen angel."

"What bad ideas are you thinking of?"

Lu Lianxue blinked, she noticed the change in Zhang Wei's expression, she was familiar with this expression, she must be thinking of some bad idea again.

"No, no, no."

"I don't believe it, every time you make this expression, you are full of bad water."

"Hey, you discovered all of this."

"No, I'm you..."

The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei rushed to say:

"That's right, you are in negative contact with me every day, so it's hard not to know what I think."

"Driving again, I'm so weak that I don't look serious."

"Then there's nothing to do if you don't drive. I'm weak now, and only my mouth is hard. What can I do without driving? How about trying to see if there are other parts of my body that can be hard?"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was still in the mood to joke around.

Lu Lianxue couldn't laugh or cry, she rarely joked:

"You can just be stubborn now. I talked to Xiaolin on the phone just now. She wanted to come over, but she knew you would be angry, so she asked me to send you your physical condition once an hour. She also specifically asked me to say that you Weakness is weakness when you are weak, but you will definitely make nasty jokes."

"Looking at it now, Xiaolin is really good at predicting things. Did you have similar dirty jokes with Xiaolin before?"

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard that:

"I see, Xiaoxue, you also predict things like a god. You guessed it all. Yes, I had a high fever once before. To comfort Xiaomantou, I said the same thing. I said I'm fine. Don't believe me. She sat up and tried it, and her body was still pretty strong, but the little mantou couldn't be fooled, so she said."

"What did she say?"

Lu Lianxue asked curiously.

Zhang Wei didn't give a damn, he said bluntly:

"She said not to try, saying that I am so weak that I must not be able to move, so she has to move, afraid that if I sit down, I will be disabled."


While Zhang Wei was chatting with Lu Lianxue.

at the same time.

Near the Vatican, a temporary stronghold of the dark Holy See.

After Hill and the others escaped from the Holy See, they came here. Although the attack on the Holy See failed, Hill did not lose his elegance because of it. He sat on the sofa, sipping red wine elegantly, and listening to the people in the Dark Holy See about the casualties. .

"This time we suffered a lot of casualties, and we shouldn't be able to target the Holy See for a long time, and now the Holy See has also united with other European ghost exorcist organizations, and is going to take the opportunity to attack us. Let's go dormant for a while."

Samuel listened to the report and suggested:

"What do you think, Lord Hill?"

"Just follow your suggestion, go dormant first, the activities of the Dark Holy See are hidden as much as possible, if you want to target the Holy See, hand it over to us fallen angels, although our fallen angels also have a lot of casualties, but you go to collect some summoning materials, summon Just the original fallen angels."

"Okay, Lord Hill."

Just when Samuel was about to order his subordinates to arrange matters.

Hill spoke again:

"By the way, did you find out, how is the situation with Zhang Wei?"

Hill cares more about Zhang Wei than the loss of the Dark Vatican. After all, the loss of the Dark Vatican can be made up slowly, but if Zhang Wei dies, all he can do is go to hell and be punished by Satan.

Also for this.

As soon as his words came out.

Wilbur and the rest of the Fallen Archangels all looked over with concern in their eyes. If Zhang Wei died, they would have bad luck going back.


At Samuel's signal, the person who had previously reported the casualties responded:

"Returning to my lords, the security of the Holy See has reached the highest level now. I can't find too much detailed information, but the news from the international forum seems to be a little optimistic about Zhang Wei's situation."

"Huh? He's not going to die, is he?"

As soon as Hill changed his elegance, his heart became tense.

To this.

The person shook his head and said:

"Death should not die for the time being. According to the gossip from over there, Zhang Wei helped the Holy See this time and repelled us. He once again became famous in international forums. His reputation is almost as good as that of the Pope. He is definitely the most popular in the world. 'Ghost exorcist star' is also because he is famous, and many people inquire about his situation."

"It is now known that the confirmed gossip is that the Pope used the Heart of God, but Zhang Wei's situation has not improved. Zhang Wei must have suffered a serious injury, and it will be difficult to heal for a while, so the Pope is using his contacts. Find a way to cure Zhang Wei."

"As for whether Zhang Wei will die, probably not, because my subordinates got gossip from the forum, Xiaoxuan, a well-known forum member in Daxia, also posted a post, boasting about Zhang Wei and caring about Zhang Wei, but No expression of grief or anything like that, it should mean that Zhang Wei will not die."

His words speak out.

Hill and the fallen angels breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's fine if you don't die, as long as you don't die, everything is fine."

"It's really convincing. A mere human being who has improved the strength of the town level three times in a row can still resist death."

"Wilbur, based on your knowledge of the ghost exorcists in Daxia, do you think Zhang Wei is the most powerful among the ghost exorcists in Daxia?"

Not waiting for Wilbur to respond.

But at this time.

Felice, who hadn't spoken before, said suddenly:

"You said... Zhang Wei is not dead now, but injured. Will his enemies take advantage of his illness to kill him? I remember that Zhang Wei has an enemy ghost force? What is it called Sen Luosi?"


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