Phyllis spoke.

Hill and other fallen angels were stunned, and they all looked at him. Hill frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on a young man from the Dark Holy See. He had asked the young man to investigate Zhang Wei's information before, and he had mentioned Zhang Wei No enemies.


Feeling Hill's gaze, the dark Holy See youth also responded:

"It's not impossible, Mr. Hill, I showed you Zhang Wei's information. He and Sen Luosi have been feuding for a long time. Before, Sen Luosi sent people to surround and kill Zhang Wei. The two are endless, especially Zhang Wei has been promoted to Banbu Township level."

"I think there is a half-step township-level enemy, and no one would think of letting it go. I definitely hope that he will die soon, but Zhang Wei has a township-level magical weapon. Maybe Sen Luosi is not easy to act, but it is indeed a good one now. Chance."

The words did not fall.

The Dark Holy See bluntly said:

"Master Hill, you said that if Zhang Wei's life is threatened, you can get rid of Senluosi, so I followed up with Senluosi. The ghost organization of Senluosi is very powerful. It existed hundreds of years ago and was It has been encircled and suppressed many times, but it has never perished."

"Even after each siege, it not only revived, but also became stronger. A few months ago, the Yinyangliao, the ghost exorcist organization of Sakura Country, was approached by Sen Luosi from across the country. It is said that Sen Luosi took away Sakura Country overnight. A ghost force with a township-level seat."

"That ghost force is also a big force that has existed for more than hundreds of years. It was eliminated overnight by Sen Luosi. Yinyang Liao went to check and was also affected. Sen Luosi killed a town-level onmyoji on the spot."

"So...Sen Luosi is capable of threatening Zhang Wei's life, but if we want to get rid of the Dark Holy See, I'm afraid it will not be smooth and it will take a lot of money. Too much to lose."

can be seen.

Listening to the young man's words, Hill frowned even deeper, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment.

Wilbur on the side took the lead in responding:

"If the scale of Senluosi is huge, as far as Zhang Wei's current situation is concerned, there is a high probability that they will act. We have to pay attention to this matter."

Phyllis also nodded in agreement:

"If I were a senior executive of Senluosi, I would choose to kill Zhang Wei at this time. After all, it is the easiest way to kill Zhang Wei now. If I kill him, I can get a town-level magic weapon for free. I don't think anyone would not be happy to get one." A town-level magic weapon."

Other fallen archangels also echoed:

"If Zhang Wei is recovering from his injuries in the Holy See, he should be fine, but if he returns to Daxia, he will feel bad."

"Zhang Wei shouldn't be stupid. Now that he returns to Daxia, he will definitely be approached by Sen Luosi. He should stay in the Holy See to heal his injuries."

"What are you talking about? Don't forget, in addition to Sen Luosi, Zhang Wei also offended the Dark Vatican and fallen angels. He doesn't know that Lord Satan won't let us kill him. Do you think he would rather stay in the Vatican, or rather Go back to your own country to heal your wounds."

Also at this time.

Hill finally moved, raised his hand lightly to interrupt the conversation of the fallen angels, and said in a deep voice:

"We can't let Zhang Wei's life be in danger. Even if he is in the Holy See and protected by the Pope, we can't rest assured. The details of Senluosi are not completely clear. It cannot be ruled out that Senluosi will do something to Zhang Wei in the Holy See."

Words come out.

Felice couldn't help saying:

"What do you mean Hill?"

Hill heard the words and looked over, and said slowly:

"Compared to letting Zhang Wei be protected by others, we worry about his safety outside, it is better to protect him personally."


Felice and the other fallen archangels were all stunned for a moment, but nodded quickly, agreeing with Hill's idea:

"We don't worry about being protected by others, so we can protect ourselves, at least we can feel at ease."

"Indeed, it's up to us to protect it. If something goes wrong, at least Lord Satan will blame it. We've done our best so that we won't be blamed for doing things badly."

"This idea is really good, but... how should we protect ourselves? Bind Zhang Wei? That should be counterproductive. The Holy See and the Great Xia Wei Dao attach great importance to Zhang Wei. If we do this, it is estimated that we are not facing Senluosi. , but the three forces besieged."

They all looked at Hill as they spoke.

Hill raised his head and came obliquely:

"Tied must not be tied, and why we tied it, we didn't want Zhang Wei to die, but to protect him, so...we can protect him blatantly."

His words come out.

Together with Samuel and others, they were stunned.


the next day.

The Vatican room where Zhang Wei resides.

"Zhang Wei, this is the one sent by the Department of Defense to protect you. He is also my second uncle."

Lu Lianxue introduced an old man who walked in from the door.

He was dressed in the Longhu Mountain Taoist uniform, and he looked like a fairy. Just standing there, even ordinary people can see that this old man is not simple. Even if he pretends to be a fortune teller now, he will not think he is anything A charlatan and a charlatan.

"Hi Uncle Second Master, I'm Zhang Wei."

When Zhang Wei learned that the other party was Lu Lianxue's relative, he immediately asked Lu Lianxue to help him get up and salute.


Uncle Second Master stopped Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, don't be polite to the old Taoist. You are hurting now, so don't worry about those worldly etiquettes. The old Taoist has heard about you from Lianxue girl. Now seeing is better than seeing it. You are like a dragon and a phoenix among the real people."

in words.

The uncle of the Second Master stroked his gray beard, and took out the treatment medicine brought by Wei Daosi, preparing to treat Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Uncle Second Master praised me, how can I be so good."

"Don't be humble. If you are not outstanding, then you will not be in the top ten of the veteran list. Your strength is obvious to all."

That's all for words.

Lu Lianxue also listened to Zhang Wei, whispering:

"Zhang Wei, you don't know, just yesterday the veteran list was updated again, and your ranking has moved up again, and now you are in fourth place, while my second uncle is in third place, if you say that you are not good, then Doesn't it mean that Uncle Second Master is not very good, after all, he is one rank higher than you, and the seniors who are ranked behind will also be vomited by you."

Speaking of back.

Lu Lianxue covered her mouth and smiled lightly, feeling happy in her heart, Zhang Wei has advanced in the rankings and become more powerful and famous.

Also at this time.

As soon as Zhang Wei heard Lu Lianxue's words, he immediately looked at the second uncle and said:

"Second Master Uncle, I am indeed outstanding. I am so outstanding that I am not only a dragon and a phoenix. I think I am the reincarnation of a god. I am so old that I am invincible."

Uncle Second Master was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing:

“Little friend Zhang Wei, you are very interesting.”

"Where is it, I... hmm?"

Zhang Wei was about to say something, but at this moment, he seemed to feel something, and looked out the window.

at the same time.

Second Master Uncle also looked over and frowned.


The pope and cardinals in the Holy See also felt it and looked in the same direction.


(ps: I’m Cao! I forgot to update yesterday, and only saw that I updated a chapter yesterday. I thought I updated two chapters. Recently, my family is sick, and I’m too busy taking care of my family. It’s okay. I will make up for the readers today. There are three updates today, one chapter will be updated first, and there will be another two updates later!)

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