Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 665 I, Fallen Archangel Hill, Please Meet With You


The pope and the others looked gloomy, and some cardinals got up angrily:

"These damned fallen angels, we didn't come to the door, but they came to the door again."

"It's good that they came! It saves us the trouble to find them Zhou Ze."

"This time, we must not let them escape easily, and send them to hell!"

They spoke out in righteous indignation.

Just now they felt the aura of a fallen angel appearing in the direction of the Holy See, and the aura was very familiar, it was the aura of the fallen angel Hill.

at the same time.

Knowing that the fallen angels came again, the pope led the archbishop in red to the place of the fallen angels without saying a word, and gave another order before leaving:

"Go and ask the deputy head of the trial, and Archbishop Shengers to protect Mr. Zhang Wei. There are very few fallen angels over there, and the number of them is not many. Be careful is a way to divert the tiger away from the mountain. After all, Mr. Zhang Wei affected this time. Attack of the Dark Holy See."

"In addition, let the head of the jury rush back. Although Daxia sent people to protect Mr. Zhang Wei, I think it's better to be careful."

Zhang Wei is safe.

Only then did the pope feel at ease leading people to where the fallen angels were.


the other side.

Zhang Wei's room.

Like the pope and the others, Zhang Wei and the second uncle also felt the breath of the fallen angels.

"Very evil depraved breath, this should be a fallen angel, right?"

The second uncle stroked his white beard and murmured:

"It seems that the old Taoist still underestimated the fallen angels. He didn't expect them to be so crazy. They just attacked the Holy See and suffered heavy losses. They will come and attack again."

Also at this time.

When Lu Lianxue learned about the situation, her pretty face changed color and she said worriedly:

"It's not for Zhang Wei, is it, Uncle Second Master, are there many people here?"

"Not many. Judging from the breath, it seems that there are... 2?"

"It's two. Is this trying to make a fuss? This is too fake."

Zhang Wei responded with doubts in his eyes. If the Dark Holy See regrouped and attacked again, how could there be so few attacks? If it was a sudden attack, it would be too obvious. The Pope and the others are not fools, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Uncle Second Master also had the same thought as Zhang Wei, he couldn't help picking up the half-step township national magic weapon in his hand and said:

"Regardless of whether it's a slap in the face or not, the old man will try his best to protect you, little friend Zhang Wei."

Zhang Wei nodded.

Just when he was about to answer.

A voice resounded in the Holy See headquarters.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I am the Fallen Archangel Hill, I beg to meet you and discuss something with you. Don't worry, we have no malicious intentions and came here with sincerity."

sound up.

Whether it was the second uncle, Lu Lianxue, or the pope who had just arrived at the scene, they were all stunned.


at the same time.

The west gate of the Holy See headquarters.


The exorcist priest guarding the west gate frowned and looked at the two figures in front of him, one with black wings and the other with holy white wings, both of which had powerful auras, they were Hill and Felice.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious, just as I shouted just now, I'm here to discuss with Mr. Zhang Wei."

Hill raised his hands high in a gesture of surrender.

in words.

He smiled and looked at the coming pope and others, fearing that the other party would make a move, and added:

"I know I'm here now, you won't believe it, Belleglio, but I'm here with sincerity."

Hill said and motioned to Phyllis beside him.

The latter nodded upon seeing this, put down an object exuding a sacred aura in his hand, and gently pushed it towards the feet of the Pope and others.

The Pope and the others frowned, and then they all showed surprise.

They recognized what Felice pushed. It was a superb healing herb 'Angel Fruit'. It was said that it needs to be cultivated with the blood of angels. It is very rare.

"This is an angel fruit. I think you should recognize Bell Griot. This can be used to heal Mr. Zhang Wei. It is most suitable for healing the irreversible wounds left by the body. Of course, if you are afraid that I will tamper with the fruit, you can take it Fruit to exchange equivalent medicines with others."

Hill said with a sincere face.

To this.

Because of the danger to Zhang Wei's life, the Pope did not trust him and asked:

"What do you want to discuss with Mr. Zhang Wei?"

"Well, it's inconvenient to say, I can only talk to Mr. Zhang Wei. Of course, if you are worried, it's okay. I can choose not to interview Mr. Zhang Wei. Isn't there a very advanced technology in this era, called mobile phones? .”

Hill raised his hands high, pointing at the mobile phone held in the other hand with one hand, and then, like Felice before, pushed the mobile phone from the ground not far in front of the Pope and the others and said:

"I can chat with Mr. Zhang Wei on the mobile phone. If you are afraid that I will attack Zhang Wei with my voice, you can ask Mr. Zhang Wei to chat with me on the chat software. I have downloaded it on my phone. It is a special chat software for communication between Daxia people. 'WeChat', I can use that to chat with Mr. Zhang Wei."

"Bell Glio, if you are really worried, you can disassemble the phone and check it, or you can prepare a new phone and chat account yourself, just tell me the account number, and I will chat with Mr. Zhang Wei, how about it? This can't be done It can still endanger Mr. Zhang Wei."

"We really came here with sincerity. I know that Mr. Zhang Wei prevented us from causing destruction to the Holy See, but this does not prevent me from negotiating with Mr. Zhang Wei. After all, we were only summoned by the Dark Holy See to help them deal with it." Holy See, this is just a war between Lord Satan and God’s believers, isn’t it.”

His words speak out.

Hill was also speechless, and he and Felice raised their hands very sincerely, completely giving up their posture, ready to be arrested by the Pope and the others.


The Pope frowned slightly, a little puzzled by Hill's meaning, and couldn't help but whispered to the red-clothed archbishops beside him:

"Everyone, what do you think? Is there any fraud in this?"

"Master Pope, I think Hill has to guard against it, but I can't think of how he could hurt Mr. Zhang Wei if he just uses chat software, and it is a new account, without revealing any identity information of Mr. Zhang Wei. .”

"Maybe he really came to negotiate, or it might be fraudulent. My lord, I don't think we can decide this matter. We should talk to Mr. Zhang Wei first and let him decide. Anyway, we only need to be there at that time." Mr. Zhang Wei, at least if something happens, we can protect it as soon as possible."

A cardinal archbishop said.


After discussion, the Pope immediately sent Matt to inform Zhang Wei of the matter. After all, the other party was looking for Zhang Wei. They could not make decisions privately, and they should ask Zhang Wei's opinion first.


the other side.

With the arrival of Matt, tell the story of Hill.

Uncle Second Master and Lu Lianxue were puzzled, they looked at Mr. Zhang Wei together, and said one after another:

"Little friend Zhang Wei, what are you going to do?"

"Zhang Wei, do you want to talk to the fallen angel? Is there any fraud?"

face inquiries.

Zhang Wei thought for a while and said:

"Go and tell His Excellency the Pope, I agree to talk to Hill, but you don't have to make such a hassle. You can also chat on WeChat on your mobile phone, and talk directly in person."

Others don't know that Hill's harm does not harm Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei knows that fallen angels cannot kill him, and he is not afraid that the other party will hurt him. No matter how weak he is, he has a system immune to all evil damage. Not afraid of harm.

Also for this.

Instead of talking on the phone, Zhang Wei planned to have a face-to-face meeting to see what Hill and the others were up to.


(ps: The second update is here, and there will be a third update later!)

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