Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 666 Zhang Wei, Stronger Than King Solomon!

Zhang Wei spoke out.

Not only Matt, but also Uncle Second Master and Lu Lianxue were also stunned.

next second.

Lu Lianxue grabbed Zhang Wei's hand and said directly:

"Huh? In person? Is it too dangerous for Zhang Wei? Let's talk on the phone, it's safe."

The second uncle stroked his white beard and echoed:

"The old man also thinks Lianxue's proposal is good."


Despite their persuasion, Zhang Wei shook his head:

"No, just have a face-to-face interview. I want to see what tricks the fallen angels want to play. Don't worry about me, Xiaoxue. I'm not acting impulsively. I'm sure that even if the fallen angels want to harm me, I can fight them."

As soon as his words came out.

Uncle Second Master stroked his white beard and smiled, without any kindness in his eyes:

"Haha, it seems that girl Lianxue has found a good man. I didn't expect that little friend Zhang Wei was seriously injured, and she still has such courage. Then do it according to Zhang Wei's wishes. Don't worry, since the old man has been entrusted by the Secretary of Health , and you are the one that Lianxue girl likes, the old man will do his best to protect you."

"Thank you, Uncle Second Master."

Zhang Wei grinned.



Matt brought the news outside the west gate of the Holy See and informed the Pope and others.

"Huh?! Mr. Zhang Wei wants an interview?"

The Pope was surprised when he heard it, thinking that he had heard it wrong, but he waited to make sure that he heard it right, and he did not hide his shocked expression. The other archbishops in red were also shocked.

Wait to recover.

Together with the Pope, without exception, they all have complex expressions, with sighs and surprises:

"Sure enough, Mr. Zhang Wei was able to reach the half-step township level at a young age. It seems that he is not only talented, but also has a fearless spirit."

"I thought that Mr. Zhang Wei would agree to talk, but I didn't expect to have an interview. Mr. Zhang Wei is too brave. He was injured like this. He dared to talk to the fallen angel."

"With this courage, Mr. Zhang Wei's future achievements will be limitless, and he will definitely have a place at the town and country level in the future."

"Oh, it's a pity, Mr. Zhang Wei is not from my Holy See."

The Pope was also filled with emotion, and murmured:

"It's a pity that he fell into the arms of the Jade Emperor, not my God."

Immediately afterwards.

After receiving Zhang Wei's reply, the Pope also opened his mouth and said to Hill and Felice:

"I told Mr. Zhang Wei what you asked to discuss, and Mr. Zhang Wei agreed, but before I take you to Mr. Zhang Wei, I have to search you first and put a seal on you to ensure that you will not hurt Zhang. Mr. Wei."

His words speak out.

Hill was overjoyed, and immediately responded:

"No problem, I... um? Wait, what are you talking about? Take us in? Zhang Wei is going to... interview?"

The words are not finished yet.

Hill suddenly reacted.

【Ding! Hill was stunned... My Satan, did I hear you right, Zhang Wei wants to interview us? It seems... Zhang Wei is braver than I expected]

[Host obtains system points +1000]

Along with getting identified is an interview.

【Ding! Hill admires... As expected of Lord Satan, he dared to have an interview even after being seriously injured. This kind of courage is rare even among fallen angels. If he was a fallen angel, I might be able to become friends with him]

[Host obtains system points +1200]


Hill and Phyllis agreed to the Pope's conditions, and the power of the fallen angel was briefly sealed by the scepter of God, and then taken to Zhang Wei's place.


Not long.

Zhang Wei's room.

Accompanied by knocking on the door, the Pope and the others brought Hill and Phyllis:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, we brought the fallen angel. Be careful. This is the scepter of God. I have already exerted power in it. If you are in danger, Mr. Zhang Wei, use that power to release God. The power of the scepter can also have an effect on the seals imposed on them."

Fearing that something would happen to Zhang Wei, the Pope temporarily gave Zhang Wei the scepter of God as a protective weapon.

"Thank you, His Excellency the Pope."

Zhang Wei took over the scepter, and also told Lu Lianxue and the second uncle to go out together. Hill had something important to talk to him, and he didn't intend to let Lu Lianxue hear it, so as not to be in danger because of knowing the matter.


Watching Lu Lianxue and others leave the room, looking at Hill and Felice sitting opposite, Zhang Wei said slowly:

"Now it's me and you left in the room, just tell me what you want to talk to me."

Hill heard the words and looked at Zhang Wei:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I admire your boldness. Since you are so sincere, I don't want to tell you anything. Let me just say it directly. We want to protect you, at least during your injury."

in words.

Hill looked at Zhang Wei. Before the battle, he was focused on fighting Zhang Wei. He hadn't had time to look at it, but now he has time to look at it.

【Ding! Hill was surprised... His calm eyes don't seem to be pretending. The last time I saw this kind of vigor, it was King Solomon. No, Zhang Wei is calmer and braver than him]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

King Solomon, according to legend, was a famous king in ancient Europe. It is said that he once signed a contract with Satan, got the help of Satan's seventy-two demon gods, captured the world, and made a lot of great achievements. He is a famous European king. Ancient kings.


Hill also added:

"I think Mr. Zhang Wei is confused why we should protect you."


I am not confused.

Zhang Wei replied in his mind, following Hill's expression, he had already guessed the reason, and he probably had something to do with Satan.

as expected.

Following Zhang Wei's attention, Hill pointed to Felice and said casually:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you should know this fallen angel. Her name is Felice. I sent you to assassinate you not long ago, but you are much stronger than expected. You not only killed Felice, but also killed her." Purified back to angel."

"Actually, it is precisely because of this that I want to meet with you and offer to protect you. We want to cooperate with you. You help us to purify our fallen angels back into angels, and we can help you and become your help. How about it?"

【Ding! reason should not let Zhang Wei find out that we protect him purely because of Lord Satan's orders]

[Host obtains system points +1400]

at the same time.

Following Hill's words, Phyllis nodded and looked at Hill. She couldn't help but recall Hill's proposal to 'protect Zhang Wei blatantly'. He directly protected Zhang personally on the grounds that he wanted to purify him back into an angel. Wei, after all they want to turn back into an angel, so Zhang Wei's life cannot be in danger. In this way, Zhang Wei can be blatantly protected.

in addition.

This reason also prevents Zhang Wei from discovering Satan's order. After all, Satan's order is to take Zhang Wei to hell. If Zhang Wei finds that Satan takes a fancy to him, he will definitely be alert.


(ps: the third update!)

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