Regarding Hill's words, Zhang Wei thought it was true, but he was also curious, and murmured in his heart:

"He didn't hesitate to risk being killed, and came to the Holy See in person, just to discuss with me and protect me personally, in case I would be killed, why did Satan pay so much attention to me?"

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei looked at Felice beside Hill, and muttered in his heart:

"Is it because I can purify fallen angels back to angels? It's not impossible. I remember that in the Bible, Satan used to be the angel Lucifer. For some reason, he fought against heaven and was finally cast into hell by God. They wanted me to turn them into angels." Turn back into an angel, go back to heaven?"

"Or am I promoted too fast, even Satan has noticed me? Is this possible?"


Zhang Wei glanced at Hill, and then at Felice. Combined with Hill's previous thoughts on the system notification sound, he had a vague feeling that Satan valued himself, so he should have more to do with the former. After all, if you want to hide a lie, you'd better The solution is to be half-truths and half-false.

Since Hill didn't intend to reveal his intentions, he just came up with a half-true reason, so that it would be easy not to be seen through.

at the same time.

During Zhang Wei's thinking, seeing Zhang Wei looking back and forth at him, Hill, who was already lying, couldn't help but feel a little nervous, especially when Zhang Wei glanced at Felice, his heart became tense, and so did Felice.

【Ding! Hill... What does this Zhang Wei guy think about us? Why haven’t you answered yet? Are you so suspicious by nature? You won’t be found out that I’m lying]

[Host obtains system points +1200]

【Ding! Phyllis... won't be discovered, will she? It shouldn’t be possible, Hill’s lies are mixed, and the reason is very reasonable, so it shouldn’t be discovered, but what does Zhang Wei think of me like that? 】

[Host obtains system points +600]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound in my mind.

Zhang Wei, who was just about to respond, couldn't help but shut his mouth, quietly looked at Hill and Felice, and deliberately smiled, as if I saw through you.


【Ding! Hill was stunned...Made, it won't be discovered, it's impossible, I think the lie is flawless, and it's impossible to be seen through]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

【Ding! Phyllis... Damn it, have you been discovered or what, you should talk back, don't just look at us]

[Host obtains system points +700]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei continued to look at them, moved his eyes away from Hill, and looked at Felice again.

【Ding! Hill... Why did he look at Phyllis again? Did he see through my half-truths and half-false lies? Damn it, not only is he talented, but his brain is also so good】

[Host obtains system points +1400]

【Ding! Phyllis... Zhang Wei looked at me again? Did you discover my secret? No, I shouldn't be flustered, but what does he see me doing? 】

[Host obtains system points +800]

The system prompt sounded again.

Zhang Wei continued to watch, maintaining an inscrutable look, and his smile became even wider, which made the two of Hill feel hairy.

【Ding! Hill...what does he mean, why does he keep looking at Felice]

[Host obtains system points +1500]

【Ding! Phyllis... Hill, you should think of a way. Looking at it like this, I can't hold back anymore. I was discovered. If I wasn't discovered, then why would I keep looking at me... Could it be... ...]

[Host obtains system points +900]

As if thinking of something, Felice's eyes fell on Zhang Wei's smile, and she hesitated before saying:

"What are you doing looking at me like that? Why? Are you interested in me? Want to fuck me?"

Even though she was purified back to being an angel, Felice's thinking remained unchanged. She was still thinking of a fallen angel. She subconsciously thought negatively, and then she instinctively looked at her own Mount Everest.


Phyllis looks like an angel, wearing the kind of white cloth striped clothes that are most commonly seen in church portraits. She has an absolutely explosive figure, especially the precipitousness of Mount Everest. Against the backdrop of white strips, it is even more steep and towering. It looks bottomless, with white wings on its back, and that holy temperament.

Properly attracting attention.

Also at this time.

Hearing what Felice said, Hill couldn't help being stunned for a moment, with a strange flash in his eyes.

【Ding! Hill...huh? It doesn’t seem impossible, I was victimized by paranoia, maybe Zhang Wei didn’t see through it, but just fell in love with Phyllis, that’s right, angels are very beautiful, I couldn’t help but want to fuck them, let alone as a Human Zhang Weiwei]

[Host obtains system points +1500]

Think here.

Hill also took the words, raising an elegant smile:

"I also ask Mr. Zhang Wei to forgive Felice's vulgar words, but, angels are really good-looking, let alone human beings, even demons and devils must be attracted by their beauty. After all... no one You don't like angels, do you?"

The voice did not fall.

Hill paused slightly, and lightly pointed to Phyllis beside him:

"God has rules. Angels cannot fall in love, let alone reproduce, but they are angels from heaven, and Phyllis is not counted. If you are interested in Mr. Zhang Wei, I think Phyllis will be very happy." with you."


Hill looked at Felice and motioned to her. Felice nodded without a trace when she saw this, smiled and said to Zhang Wei:

"Yes, Hill is right. Mr. Zhang Wei, if you are interested in me, I will be happy to accompany you. This can be regarded as a compensation for the last time I shot you. Please forgive me a lot , I can be at your mercy, I just ask you to forgive me for attacking you."

at the same time.

Facing the words of Hill and Phyllis, Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. What are these two fallen angels thinking? I just want to look at you and see if you can be stared at by me and whisper the truth in your heart.

Seeing that Hill and the others lost their minds, they could no longer ask the truth.


Zhang Wei reached out and interrupted Hill's words:

"Wait, two, you guys are thinking wrong. I didn't mean that. The reason why I looked at you was just thinking about whether to agree to your request."

" that so?"

Hill was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhang Wei suspiciously, and added:

"What is there to think about, Mr. Zhang Wei, are you afraid that we will be cheated and will harm you? If you are afraid that we still have the intention of killing you, then we will sign a contract with fallen angels with you .”

"I think Mr. Zhang Wei knows about the fallen angel contract. This is a contract with the lives of our fallen angels. If we violate the contract, even if we are the first generation of fallen angels, we will not be resurrected from hell after death. This is fatal to us. , no fallen angel would break the contract."


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