Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 668 Want To Be A Half-Blooded Angel?

Hill made a proposal.

Zhang Wei immediately agreed:

"If you want to sign the angel contract, I can agree to your negotiation today, you guarantee my safety, and I will help you purify the fallen angels back to angels."

He knows about the fallen angel contract, which is similar to the devil's contract. Once the contract is signed, the fallen angel must not violate the content of the contract, nor can it cause any direct or indirect harm to the contractor. If this happens, the fallen angel will be killed by the power of the contract. .

This is a rule, no matter what powerful fallen angels, as long as the contract is made, even the fallen angels at the township level must abide by it. Even if Satan signed the fallen angel contract, Satan must abide by the content of the contract.


Zhang Wei signed the contract with Hill and said bluntly:

"How long are you going to protect me?"

"At least until you recover, Mr. Zhang Wei, we will protect you. Unless the enemy steps over our corpse, as long as we don't die, we will do our best to protect you. Of course, we will try our best to heal your injury."

Hill said and asked:

"Well, look at your injury, Mr. Zhang Wei. I don't know when you will recover. I can't wait for you to recover before you purify us back into angels. How about setting a time limit?"


Zhang Wei agreed, he was so eager to do so, he knew best that his injury was not as severe as the rumors outside, and he only needed to be weak for a period of time to recover, but he did not intend to let go of the opportunity to get bodyguards and thugs for free.

Immediately afterwards.

After some discussion, Hill said:

"We will protect Mr. Zhang Wei for a month first, and I will personally protect Mr. Zhang Wei, and Mr. Zhang Wei, you will help us purify a fallen angel first. We will provide personnel, and you will determine the candidate for purification. Every month passes, You help us purify one person, until one year later, our fallen angel contract ends, isn't that right?"

Zhang Wei nodded. Here are the contract conditions he proposed:

"That's all for my conditions. If you are not satisfied with anything, you can bring it up for further discussion."

Hill thought for a while and shook his head:

"No, we agree to these conditions, which I think are very reasonable conditions."

【Ding! Hill... one year is not bad, Zhang Wei, a wounded ghost, knows when he will recover. If the recovery of the injury is the prerequisite for protection, then if the injury does not recover, we will not be bound for the rest of our lives]

[Host acquisition system +1000]


Hill and Phyllis signed the fallen angel contract with Zhang Wei, cut their fingers on the fallen angel contract magic circle under their feet, and Zhang Wei's blood dripped:

"Ushir (Ferris) signed a fallen angel contract with Zhang Wei to protect him for one year... If he violates it, he will not go to hell and be resurrected, and his soul will be destroyed!"

When the light of the contract blooms.

The moment the contract takes effect.

【Ding! Hill heaved a sigh of relief... It's finally finished, the trip was not in vain, the next step is to protect Zhang Wei, and find a chance to bring him back to hell to meet Lord Satan]

[Host obtains system points +1100]

I thought about it.

Hill stepped forward, smiled and shook hands with Zhang Wei:

"So happy to cooperate, Mr. Zhang Wei."

"Pleasant cooperation."

Zhang Wei replied, but he added something in his heart... so it's like this, the reason why they protect me is that Satan wants to take me to hell? This is Satan wanting to meet me in person, and this is the real purpose. It seems that Satan is probably because of my purification ability.

Combining the ideas that Hill inadvertently said in his heart, plus various information such as the conditions of the contract concluded, Zhang Wei already had a confirmation in his heart.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei said with a smile in his heart:

"It's hard to take me to hell, Hill."

at this time.

Hill didn't know Zhang Wei's thoughts, and continued to smile:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, in order to better protect you, I am going to go back and tell the other fallen angels about the matter, so that they can also sign a contract. After all, it is said that you have many enemies and are very powerful. I Although she claims to be strong, she is not so inflated that she can protect you alone."

"That's why other fallen angels need to be protected together. Let's protect together to better ensure your safety."

Zhang Wei nodded:

"Of course, go back and tell him, I'll wait for you here."

"Okay, then I'll go back first. As for Phyllis, you can stay here first. While I'm not here, try your best to protect Mr. Zhang Wei. If Mr. Zhang Wei needs anything, you can talk to Feili S said she would do what she could to meet your needs."

After talking about it, Hill gave Zhang Wei a look with a smile, with a look of "you understand".


Zhang Wei is a bit dumbfounded. Hill hasn't given up on his previous ideas, but I'm not interested in angels at all. I'm only interested in my Xiaoxue and Xiaomantou. They dress up as angels, and they are more angels than Felice.

the other side.

At the end of Hill's words, he also gave Phyllis a look. Phyllis nodded knowingly, and returned a look of reassurance, as if silently responding to Hill... Don't worry, I promise to let Zhang Wei ejaculate.

【Ding! Hill... Just now I was worried about doing an experiment to see if Phyllis could become an angel and reproduce, but now Zhang Wei wants Phyllis to suit me, he is the best talent among human beings, you can take a look Can angels and humans create hybrids, especially with talented humans, can they create powerful hybrids?]

[Host obtains system points +1500]

"I originally wanted to create hybrids and study angels. Unfortunately, I'm not interested at all."

Zhang Wei murmured while listening to the system prompt in his head.

the other side.

As Hill walked out of the room, the Pope and others who had been waiting outside the room couldn't bear it anymore and knocked on the door of Zhang Wei's room.

one in.

The Pope, Lu Lianxue and others all checked Zhang Wei:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, are you okay? They didn't do anything to you, did they? Is there something uncomfortable?"


Zhang Wei shook his head, watching them be wary of Felice who was still present, and said bluntly:

"His Excellency, you don't have to worry about me. Felice will not harm me, including that Hill, and other fallen angels will not harm me. Not only can they not harm me, from now on, they have to guarantee my safety, and later Hill will come back and keep me safe from being attacked by my enemies now that I am weak."

It's not loud.

But everyone present could hear clearly.

Pope and others: "????"

Lu Lianxue: "????"

Uncle Second Master: "????"

next second.

The pope said with a confused face:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, what are you talking about? Fallen angels want to protect your life? Have you been attacked by a spirit?"

"No, Your Excellency the Pope, I was not attacked mentally. I negotiated with them and signed a fallen angel contract with them."

Zhang Wei responded with a smile

As soon as his words came out.

The pope once again fell into dead silence, their eyes widened.


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