Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 669 Mr. Dead House, Master Is Looking For You

Just when the Pope and others were stunned.

It seemed that they were afraid that Zhang Wei's words would not be able to convince the Pope and the others, and Phyllis also said:

"Yes, our fallen angels have signed a fallen angel contract with Mr. Zhang Wei."

in words.

Felice raised her hand and showed the back of her left hand to everyone.

see you.

With the movement of his mind, a strange pattern appeared on the back of his hand, which looked like a magic circle and a mark of a devil. Not only Felice, Zhang Wei also showed the same pattern mark on the back of his hand as Felice.

The pope and they recognized the textured sign:

"It can't be wrong, the mark of the fallen angel's contract."

"My God, it is indeed the mark of the fallen angel's contract."

As the enemies of the fallen angels, the Pope and the others are naturally familiar with the fallen angels, and they recognize at a glance that this is the mark that can only be obtained by contract with the fallen angels, and judging from the marks of Zhang Wei and Felice, Zhang Wei is the leading party of the contract, There is no possibility that Zhang Wei was driven by the imprint.

See here.

The Pope and the others were shocked, and they confirmed that what Zhang Wei said earlier was not a joke, or he was crazy. He really made a contract with the fallen angels, so that the fallen angels who shouted at him not long ago are now protecting his life. .

"How did this work?"

"You said...won't Mr. Zhang Wei want to have an interview just to make a contract with the fallen angels? He has already made plans?"

"I thought Mr. Zhang Wei was impulsive. He looked down on the power of fallen angels before interviewing him. Dare is to plan ahead."

"It's amazing, how did Mr. Zhang Wei let these fallen angels sign a contract with him."

They couldn't help talking in whispers.

in words.

Including the Pope, they all looked at Zhang Wei, with curiosity, shock, emotion and so on in their eyes.

"These fallen angels were crazy before. They wanted to kill Zhang Wei. Even Samuel wanted to take the opportunity to attack. Now...they want to protect Zhang Wei. Mr. Zhang Wei..."

the Pope murmured.

Not only the Pope, but the uncle of the second teacher was also shocked. Those old eyes stared at Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei couldn't help but asked:

"Second Master Uncle, why are you looking at me like that? Is there rice on my face, or vegetables between my teeth?"

As soon as his words came out.

The uncle of the second master didn't care about Zhang Wei's jokes, he looked at Zhang Wei seriously, and said word by word:

"The old man is looking at little friend Zhang Wei. There is something extraordinary about you that the old man hasn't noticed. It really... makes the old man look at you with admiration. No, it should make the old man amazed. I think the old man has already imagined Zhang Wei. You are good enough, and in the end, you are even better than the old man imagined."

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard this:

"Second Master Uncle praised me. It's nothing to make a contract with the fallen angels. It's because they came to the door on their own initiative. It has nothing to do with me. I'm just going with the flow."

"They take the initiative, so you have to have something they like to make a contract, don't you? Don't be humble, Zhang Wei, you are very powerful. To use a modern catchphrase that Lianxue girl taught me before, you are very awesome."

The uncle of the second master gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up.


We talked again.

Although the Pope and the others were shocked and curious about how Zhang Wei made a contract with the fallen angel, Zhang Wei didn't intend to say it, and they were too embarrassed to ask. Everyone has privacy, and Zhang Wei was still injured, so he didn't stay for long. Leave Zhang Wei's room.

The uncle of the second master also got up and left, preparing to deploy the Longhushan formation around Zhang Wei's room to prevent Zhang Wei from being attacked.


before leaving.

Uncle Second Master did not forget to pull Lu Lianxue aside and whispered in his ear:

"Girl Lianxue, hurry up and catch little friend Zhang Wei, and don't accidentally let him escape. His future is limitless, and it is very suitable to be our son-in-law of Longhushan."

Lu Lianxue laughed when she heard this, and joked:

"Uncle Second Master, don't worry, Zhang Wei will not be able to climb away, let alone run away like this. I can handle it casually, hee hee."

Immediately afterwards.

Watching off the second uncle, Lu Lianxue came to Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, what do you want to eat for dinner today? I'll prepare it for you. You should eat more now that you are recovering from your injury."

"Compared to this, I want to know what Uncle Second Master Xiaoxue told you just now."

Facing Zhang Wei for questioning.

Lu Lianxue didn't hide anything, she smiled and told the conversation.


Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded and said solemnly:

"Indeed, I think you are right, Xiaoxue."

"Right, Zhang Wei, you can only lie on the bed now. If you want to go out, I have to help you, or push your wheelchair. You can't escape."

Lu Lianxue's beautiful face was playful.

Zhang Wei shook his head and index finger:

"No, no, Xiaoxue, I'm sure, it doesn't mean I can't escape."

"What does that mean?"

"I mean you really got hold of me. You kept holding me the other night, so you got hold of it, hehe."

"Hate it, hit you."

Lu Lianxue patted Zhang Wei lightly.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled, and said to Felice, who was already acting as a security guard, standing at the door:

"Ferris, Hill is back, tell me, Xiaoxue and I have something important to discuss."

【Ding! Phyllis... the important thing, I think it's a 'big thing in life']

[Host obtains system points +520]


the other side.

Stealing the country, at the gate of the manor villa.

at this time.

A taxi stopped, and the fat man got out of the car, holding a large bag in both hands, and muttered:

"Stealing the country's handicrafts is really expensive. If I spend so much money, I will run out of money again. I have to find a tailor to borrow some more money. What reason should I use to borrow money this time?"

is talking.

Seeing the fat man coming back, the servant at the gate of the villa bowed respectfully and said:

"Mr. Dead House, the master asked me to tell you that if you come back, please go to the garden to find her. She has something to tell you about Zhang Wei."


The fat man was slightly startled, nodded and said:

"Understood, then you can take my things back to the room, I will go to the gardener now, remember to be careful with my things, don't let me bump them."

That's all for words.

The fat man didn't say much, and walked straight to the garden of the villa.

en route.

The fat man thought:

"Looking for me because of Zhang Wei's affairs? Did the gardener have news that Zhang Wei is in the Vatican? Oh, I thought Zhang Wei was going to the Vatican. I could at least relax for a few days. It seems that the gardener cares more about Zhang than I thought. Wei, you've only been to the Vatican for a few days, and you're anxious to kill again?"

"It's just that Zhang Wei has a town-level magic weapon, how is she going to kill her? Could it be that she brought the soul-calling flag? Or... is Yin Yang here?"

The words fell.

The fat man came to the garden, and at a glance, he saw the bouquet that Zhang Wei's father had paid homage to the gardener over the years, and she planted it in the garden.

Also at this time.

The gardener noticed the fat man's arrival, so he put down the watering can in his hand, and said directly:

"This morning, Sen Luo called me and asked us to do something to Zhang Wei as soon as possible, because the opportunity to do it came, and Zhang Wei was seriously injured in the Vatican."


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