Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 671 Even If The Heavenly King Lao Tzu Came, He Would Not Be Able To Do It

"Hey, fat brother."

Zhang Wei picked up his phone and looked, the caller showed Fatty, who had sent a WeChat message.

【Fat Man】: Zhang Wei heard that you were seriously injured in the Vatican? Wo Ri, what are you doing, there is no need to work so hard, how is your health now, tell me quickly, it is urgent.


Zhang Wei replied to Fatty:

【Zhang Wei】: My body is very weak now, and I can't even stand up, but don't worry, fat brother, I am not as miserable as the outside rumors. Although I was injured, it is not critical and I can recover.

[Fatty]: I am Cao? ! Really or not, you are not trying to comfort me, I read the forum report, you have performed the ban on exorcising ghosts, and forcibly promoted to the township level, the forum said that you have been promoted seven or eight times.

[Fat Man]: Seven or eight times I feel exaggerated, this is not masturbation, even if it is seven or eight times, you have to stop, but you must have used it several times, are you okay?

【Zhang Wei】: It's okay, there's nothing to lie about. When I recover, you'll know.

[Fatty]: That's right. When will you recover? Can you recover tomorrow? Or much better.

【Zhang Wei】: Fat brother, you think I am a god, I just fought with the dark church and fallen angels yesterday.

[Fatty]: Well, okay, Zhang Wei, how many days will it take for you? the day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? Or four or five days?

【Zhang Wei】: I don't know, but it should take ten days.

[Fatty]: So long!

Following the news of the fat man.

Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows slightly. It is definitely great news that he can fully recover, but it's okay for the fat man to be unhappy, and he is anxious about his recovery time. No matter how you look at it, there are problems.

【Zhang Wei】: I recovered pretty well in ten days, but others would be paralyzed for life. Fat brother, do you have anything else to say?

as expected.

After Zhang Wei asked, the fat man did not hide:

[Fatty]: Yes, apart from caring about your injuries, I have another important matter to tell you about your safety.


Fatty told Zhang Wei the news that Sen Luosi sent the gardener and himself to kill the Vatican to find a chance to kill Zhang Wei, blame the Dark Vatican and the fallen angels.

[Fatty]: So you said I can not be in a hurry. If you can recover or improve a lot within four or five days, I can find some reasons to delay it for you, but ten days is so long, it is difficult for me to delay it for so long.

Seeing the message from Fat Brother, Zhang Wei laughed out loud as he almost wrote the news on his face with a headache.

Immediately afterwards.

【Zhang Wei】: Don't worry, Fat Brother. You and the gardener can come and attack me, and I'll be fine. Although I'm weak, I have other guarantees.

Just as Zhang Wei was typing, he was about to explain the situation to the fat man.

The fat man sent the message first.

[Fatty]: Do you want to talk about the old Daoist of Longhushan sent by the Department of Health and Dao to protect you? I know that, it's useful, and it's not difficult for me and the gardener to fight the old way of Longhushan.

【Zhang Wei】: In addition to the second uncle, Fat Brother, I have other guarantees.

[Fat Man]: Do you mean the Pope? This is a good idea. Find some reason and let the pope or the head of the trial stay by your side. This should help you delay your recovery, and it's not easy for us to start.

【Zhang Wei】: I am not talking about the pope, nor the presiding judge.

[Fatty Man]: You are kidding me, besides the pope and the head of the jury, who else can be your protection, Zhang Wei, you look down on me as a villain, I am very strong, okay, I am invincible below the half-step town state level , especially since I'm almost at the half-step township level recently, and with the gardener, I can kill the township level.

【Zhang Wei】: It's not that I look down on you, but it's really guaranteed.

[Fatty]: Then tell me who else can.

[Zhang Wei]: There are fallen angels, and the dark church, they will protect me, qq expression grinning jpg

message sent.

The fat man froze.

[Fatty]:? ? ? ?

【Ding! Fatty is confused... huh? 】

[Host obtains system points +400]

[Fat Man]: Zhang Wei, you also said that you are not affected by the taboo law, you see that your brain has lost its mind, damn, the dark church and fallen angels will protect you? It’s not bad that they don’t want to kill you at the Holy See now, and protect you. You treat the other party as having Stockholm Syndrome, and after being defeated by you, they all fall in love with you.

【Zhang Wei】: That's not true, but it's almost there. They really have to protect me. If you don't believe me, look at this.

Zhang Wei didn't continue to tease the fat man, and sent me a photo of the back of his hand with the mark of the fallen angel's contract, and in the photo, he made a gesture of "Yeah" with the other hand.

Same time.

Zhang Wei told the story before and after the fallen angel signed the contract with him.

for a while.

The fat man was stunned.

【Ding! Fatty... hiss! ! 】

[Host gain points +410]

Wait to recover.

【Ding! The fat man is excited]

[Host obtains system points +420]

"As expected of Zhang Wei, haha, let the enemy become my bodyguard, now I don't have to worry about it."

The fat man talked happily to himself.


[Fat Man]: Well done, Zhang Wei, it looks like I'm worrying too much, with fallen angels protecting you, plus the veteran Taoists of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, even me and the gardener can't kill you.

【Zhang Wei】: Not only is it not easy to kill me, I also want to let you steal chickens without losing money. To be precise, let the gardener steal chickens without losing money, hehe.

Look at Zhang Wei's news.

The fat man froze for a moment.

[Fatty]: Huh? Zhang Wei, do you have any ideas?

[Zhang Wei]: Of course, Fat Brother, I remember what you said, the gardener is Sen Luosi's number two, and now the number two comes to come to the door, I don't think I can do anything, I'm so sorry for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity .

[Fatty]: It's indeed an opportunity, but if you kill the gardener now, wouldn't it be easy to expose me as a villain, and Sen Luo attaches great importance to the gardener, so I don't guarantee that Sen Luo will go crazy and kill you desperately.

【Zhang Wei】: Who said I wanted to kill the gardener? Fat brother, I naturally understand what you said. What I want to say is that we took advantage of the gardener's self-inflicted trap, and we subdued her and forced her to make a contract with me.

Once the message is sent.

Before Zhang Wei can think about how to force the gardener, after all, the ghost-back tattoo contract requires the other party to be voluntary. It can be done willingly, or it can be tricked into signing voluntarily, just like the dumb and stuttering back then.

But at this time.

Fatty sent the message first.

[Fatty]: It's impossible to subdue the gardener, Zhang Wei, don't think about it, the reason why I think you want to kill the gardener instead of subduing it is because I think it is impossible for you to subdue the gardener, she can deal with you before The ghosts are different.

[Fatty]: The gardener is a very crazy ghost with a very strong personality. She is also an accompanying ghost mother queen. She is about to reach the township level. She can form a huge ghost force by herself. This kind of existence is destined to stand at the top of ghosts. , How could it be possible to submit to others.

[Fatty]: Don't look at her joining Sen Luosi, but in fact, Sen Luo has to give her three points of courtesy. Sen Luo and her are not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but a cooperative relationship.

[Fatty]: And I've been in touch with the gardener a lot recently, and it's hard for me to imagine her submitting or even being subdued by her superior posture, so don't think about it, I can swear to you that I want to subdue the gardener, Absolutely impossible, not to mention Sen Luo, even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu would not be able to do it.


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