Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 672 Plotting Against Each Other, Who Plotted Whom?

Look at the message sent by the fat man.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled:

【Zhang Wei】: Is it so difficult to deal with? Oh, what a pity.

[Fatty]: Yes, it's that difficult, so don't think about it. Compared with this, think of other ways to deal with it.

Immediately afterwards.

Fatty sent a proposal:

[Fatty]: It is impossible to subdue it, and it is impossible to kill it, but it can be injured. As long as the gardener is injured, or even seriously injured, Sen Luo should not go crazy. Second, the gardener is injured. It will seriously delay the lock Longjing plan.

[Fatty]: A tailor contacted me recently, saying that Sen Luo was in a good mood during the meeting recently. The glasses killed a senior member of the Department of Health without permission, which aroused the anger of the Department of Health. The Longjing project went well.

[Fatty]: If the gardener is hurt now, the Longjing Suo project will definitely be delayed, and then we will have more time to inquire about the purpose of the Longjing Suo project. How about it, my suggestion is not bad, I am worthy of being the strongest villain.

[Zhang Wei]: The method is indeed possible, but I am a bit stubborn, and I want to subdue it, but I have written down your suggestion, Fat Brother, and I will be ready for everything. By the way, when will you come, Fat Brother.

[Fatty]: Tonight, I am going to go to the airport now.

【Zhang Wei】: Damn, so fast?

[Fatty]: Yes, alas, there is no way, Sen Luo called suddenly, and made a temporary decision, Zhang quickly arranges for you to protect, and when I go to the Vatican, the gardener is next to me, so I won’t be able to talk to you I got in touch, and when the time comes to play by ear, let’s not talk about it, the gardener came to me.

With this message sent.

The fat man looked towards the bedroom door, and there was the sound of footsteps, and the next second, there was a knock on the door.


The gardener's voice came:

"Dead house, are you ready? I've packed it here and can leave at any time."

can be seen.

At this time, the gardener's beautiful eyes were moving, and he bit his fingernails as if he was thinking about something.

Now it’s time to go to the Vatican to attack and kill Zhang Wei. The gardener hasn’t thought of a good way to help Zhang Wei procrastinate, so he can’t help but come up with a dangerous idea... Should he kill the dead house here, and then tell Sen Luo that it’s Zhang Wei Killed there.

Ideas come and go quickly.

There was a crunch.

The fat man opened the bedroom door and came out:

"I've packed it up and I'm ready to go. I can't let Zhang Wei go easily this time, otherwise I, the villain, will be too cheap. Zhang Wei has escaped me again and again. Shame, shame."

His words speak out.

The gardener finally dismissed the idea of ​​killing the fat man now... It seems that he has made sufficient preparations. If he kills him now, there may be some means of escape, so let's wait until his godson is there and kill the dead house.

I thought about it.

The gardener glanced at the fat man without a trace, and murmured in his heart:

"Prepared enough, but you will never be ready for me to stab you in the back when you kill Zhang Wei."

the other side.

The gardener was thinking about dealing with the fat man, and the fat man was also thinking about it, muttering in his heart:

"How can I not reveal my identity while the gardener is seriously injured, yes!"


The gardener took the subordinates in the manor villa, and went to the airport with the fat man.

on the way.

The gardener asked the fat man:

"Have you thought of a plan to deal with Zhang Wei?"

"Not yet, what about you?"

"I don't have either. I'm just cleaning it up. It seems that I can only play by ear..."

Before the gardener finished speaking by ear, the butler's subordinate next to the gardener hesitated and said:

"Master, this subordinate has a plan."

"Huh? What's the plan? Let's hear it."

The gardener frowned slightly.


The butler didn't notice the gardener's actions, so he recommended himself:

"Master, at that time, I and others can be outside the Holy See. I am a slanderer, and I can pretend to be sent by the slander association to attract the Pope. Others can pretend to be a dark church attack to attract others. When the time comes, Master He and Mr. Dead House can take the opportunity to kill Zhang Wei."

Fatty: "..."


Although he was very unhappy in his heart, the fat man and the gardener finally spoke up:

"Yo, you have a good idea, you have the brains to be a villain."

"Then use this method?"

"I think it's fine."

The fat man replied casually, scolding the whole family tree of this nosy butler in his heart.

at the same time.

The gardener also glanced at the housekeeper and said:

"It's a good idea."

"Thank you for the compliment, Master, I'll share everything with Master."

The housekeeper's eyes were full of undisguised joy, and he didn't notice at all the fleeting look in the gardener's eyes of "this subordinate can't be taken anymore".


the other side.

The Vatican room where Zhang Wei resides.

at this time.

Zhang Wei called Hill into the room after chatting with the fat man.

one in.

Hill subconsciously glanced at Felice, then at Zhang Wei and said:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you need to be restrained. Your body is still weak. I think you should stop tossing around for so long."

in its view.

I came to find Zhang Wei by myself, but Zhang Wei made me wait at the door for a long time. Seeing that Felice was still standing in front of the door, Zhang Wei thought that he had left earlier, so Zhang Wei couldn't wait for Felice to come to serve and counted the time. , It's been a while since he left and now he came in, and Hill couldn't help being startled.

【Ding! Hill... Zhang Wei is not only amazing in cultivation, but also amazing in that aspect]

[Host obtains system points +1000]

To this.

Zhang Wei naturally heard what Hill meant, but he didn't explain it, and now he ignores these things:

"Hill, have you selected the fallen angels you want me to purify? If you have selected them, show them to me. In addition, call all the fallen angels at the half-step town level. Since you want to protect Me, then come here, so I can be safe."

Hill was stunned and said:

"I did choose a candidate by the way after talking to my companions, but Mr. Zhang Wei, do you want to help purify now? Are you sure? Your body..."

Zhang Wei interrupted:

"I'm just physically weak. It's easy to purify a fallen angel. You give me the list of personnel. I just want to complete the first step of our contract conditions as soon as possible. You should do your best to protect me and cooperate. Since you are sincere, I also have to show some sincerity, don't I?"

"Haha, of course."

Hill smiled.

Now that Zhang Wei has said so much, Hill has no intention of refusing, wishing so much, he immediately handed a list to Zhang Wei, and called Wilbur to ask them to come, but he will not go there. Protect next to Zhang Wei, and wait for Zhang Wei to choose a good person.

the other side.

Zhang Wei took the list and looked at it.


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