It was also when Zhang Wei was looking at the list.

Hill interjected:

"This time, our fallen angels have selected four candidates. They will also participate in the duty of protecting you in the future. Do you need me to introduce you?"

Zhang Wei nodded.

The list given by Hill only had names, not even a photo. The only one he recognized was Wilbur, who was asked by Hill to restrain the heavenly soldiers and generals during the previous war.


Under the introduction of Hill, Zhang Wei knew the information of the list members. Except for a fallen angel named Amy, the others were fallen archangels, the original fallen angels:

"I'm a little curious, is this Amy special, but it's in the first batch of lists."

Zhang Wei looked at Hill while talking.

He noticed that when he was talking about Amy, unlike introducing other fallen angels, his expression changed a little, and he seemed to know her very well, just like the introduction of several treasures.

To this.

Hill didn't hide it, coughed lightly and said:

"This is my wife. Of course, I didn't add Amy to the first batch of lists out of selfishness. I got the consent of Wilbur and the others. They also want to know whether the second generation of fallen angels can be purified into angels." .”

The words did not fall.

Hill was afraid that Zhang Wei would not understand the system of fallen angels, and would say that the second generation of fallen angels was conceived in hell.

Also at this time.

Looking at Zhang Wei who was staring at the list, Hill asked curiously:

"I don't know Mr. Zhang Wei, have you thought about which fallen angel to choose for purification."

"That's it."

Zhang Wei pointed to Amy on the list.

its move.

Jean Dehill was stunned and looked at Zhang Wei in surprise. Before he could say anything, Zhang Wei was the first to say:

"I purified the first fallen angel, but I haven't purified the second generation yet. I want to give it a try. And since Amy is your wife, I think you also like Amy being purified into an angel."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei slanted towards Hill, and added another sentence in his heart:

"You and Amy are husband and wife, so you should have intercourse. I don't know if a fallen angel and an angel have intercourse, can they give birth to mixed blood? I think it is worth studying."

the other side.

Hill heard Zhang Wei's words, his eyes lit up, and he thought Zhang Wei was doing it for himself, so he couldn't help but perform a gentleman's salute:

"Yes, I do hope that Amy will be purified into an angel. Thank you, Mr. Zhang Wei, for choosing Amy. I will remember this kindness."

The words fell.

Hill was not idle, and chatted with Zhang Wei for a while, then went out to call Amy. Now that he has a fallen angel contract, the pope allows the fallen angel to stay in the Holy See to protect Zhang Wei.

Not long.

Hill brought Amy over.

"Following the heavens, the Jade Emperor said, I..."

Accompanied by Zhang Wei's chanting, he displayed his ability to do whatever he wanted, and then under Hill's watchful eyes, his fallen angel wife Amy, who had been in bed with her for hundreds of years, was fading away and turned into a holy and holy breath.

visible to the naked eye.

Amy's two pairs of black wings gradually turned white from the inside to the outside. The white was flawless and full of holiness.

【Ding! Satan, the second generation of fallen angels can really be purified into angels]

[Host obtains system points +1200]

Feeling the extraordinary angelic aura emanating from his wife Amy, Hill couldn't hide his excitement. Even as a town-level, he couldn't help but look around Amy:

"Amy, you have really become an angel, haha, is there something wrong with you? Do you feel anything?"

"I feel very good. Is this the power of angels? It's so holy. No wonder it can target us fallen angels. This is the nemesis. But I don't need to be afraid of angels in the future. I also have this power now."

【Ding! Amy excited]

[Host obtains system points +600]

Amy was equally excited, feeling the renewed power in her body, and saluted Zhang Wei again and again:

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang Wei. I will remember the kindness this time. Although I have become an angel, I am still a fallen angel. Our fallen angels value kindness the most. If there is anything that can help you in the future, You can tell me, and I'll do my best."

"You're being polite, it's nothing more than a little effort, after all, this is the condition of the contract with you."

Zhang Wei waved his hand.

in words.

He smiled and said to the fallen angel Hill and the angel Amy who were excitedly hugging each other:

"If you let God see this picture of you, you will probably be pissed off. I suggest you don't hug here. Even if God is not angry, His Excellency the Pope will be sore when he sees it."

"Haha, God is better off being angry."

Hill replied, his eyes did fall on Amy.

【Ding! Hill... Zhang Wei can purify the second generation of fallen angels, and the next generation of fallen angels will definitely be able to do the same. It's really great. It's the most sensible decision to make a contract with him this time, but... now is not the time to think about these things]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

Zhang Wei couldn't help but look at Hill. Although there was no system prompt, because Hill's attention was on Amy, he couldn't get Hill's thoughts on Amy, but even so, Zhang Wei could guess something. two.

The reason.

The way Hill looked at Amy was very similar to the way Zhang Wei looked at Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin, and every time Zhang Wei showed this look, he just wanted to overwhelm the world.

And it is.

at this time.

Hill stared at Amy, and after looking at it, he couldn't help whispering to Amy:

"Amy, are your genitals still there?"

"I'm here."

"It seems to be the same as Felice. What is purified is your fallen angel power, not your body."


Hill coughed lightly and said:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, now that Amy has been purified, I'll call Wilbur and the others to make a contract with you."


Zhang Wei replied with a smile.


the other side.

In a church of the Holy See.

Wilbur and the others were arranged here by Hill, and they were discussing at this moment:

"I don't know if Amy can be purified back to an angel."

"I don't think it is possible, after all, it is the second generation of fallen angels, but if it can be purified, it will be a major event for us fallen angels."

"Whether it's possible or not, we, the first fallen angels, will definitely be able to. I hope to draw me next time."

"That's not okay, I hope to draw... eh? Be careful! It smells like an angel!"

Before Wilbur finished speaking, he seemed to have a feeling, his face changed suddenly, and he looked towards the door of the church.

Just when preparing for defense.

However, they discovered that in addition to the angel's breath outside the church, there was also a fallen angel's breath, which was Hill's breath.

realize this.

They all became short of breath, and their faces were excited, could it be...

next moment.

As Amy and Hill walked in, their excitement was unspeakable:

"I can really become an angel, hahahaha."

"Amy, congratulations, you have become an angel, the power of an angel is very powerful."

"Hahahaha, it seems that today is an extremely important day for us fallen angels."

Words speak.

Hill smiled, briefly recounted the matter of turning Amy into an angel, and continued:

"Now Amy can be turned into an angel. In the future, we can also let the descendants of fallen angels come to purify Zhang Wei. We can consider the selection of personnel. Before that, you go to make a contract with Zhang Wei, and you go out from here until the next day." Turn left and tell the doorman to take you to Zhang Wei."

"Huh? Hill, won't you take us to Zhang Wei?"

"I still have something to do."

Hill smiled gracefully.

"whats the matter?"

Wilbur and the others subconsciously asked.

To this.

Hill and Amy looked at each other and said in unison:

"Mate with an angel."

"I want to see if the angels are penetrated by the fallen angels, will God go crazy."


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