That night.

Vatican International Airport, departure gate.

Although it was 9:30 in the evening, the airport was still crowded with people, especially after the two figures came out of the exit, it caused a sensation among many people at the airport.

"What a beautiful woman."

"Is that fat man his husband? My God, I really envy him for marrying such a beautiful woman."

"Don't think about it, that fat man is either gifted in some aspects, or has great ability."

"I think it's money ability. You can see that there are a lot of bodyguards behind them, and they are definitely rich."

at the same time.

Facing the discussion of the people around, the fat man and the gardener ignored it, picked up the phone, opened the map, and then the fat man said:

"The headquarters of the Holy See is some distance away from us. What should I say? Find a hotel to settle down first, or go and have a look first."

"Let's go and have a look first."

In order to avoid showing his feet, the gardener casually replied.

His words speak out.

The butler at the side also echoed:

"As expected of the master, he is resourceful and resourceful. Let's check out the spots first, and then we will be looking for a hotel to stay in, so we can make better arrangements."


Immediately afterwards.

The gardener and the others drove all the way to the headquarters of the Holy See. They were not afraid of being suspicious if they went so late. It is not only the headquarters of the Holy See, but also a pilgrimage site for Christianity in the world today. It is brightly lit even at night, and even attracts more tourists at night. to see.


for a long time.

Arrive near the Holy See headquarters.

"The guards are very strict."

The fat man murmured, jumping onto a big tree while there was no one around, and looked at the Holy See buildings from the top of the tree. He could feel the powerful aura in the Holy See, so he couldn't help asking the gardener beside him:

"I feel a very pure and holy aura. It should be the pope at the township level. He is still in the Holy See, so he must be lured out."

The gardener nodded, not wanting to miss the once-in-a-lifetime reason:

"Besides the Pope, there seems to be another group, which should be the head of the jury. In fact, these are not bad. My subordinates just said that they will be guided out, but the Holy See headquarters is too big. I don't know where Zhang Wei is hidden."

The meaning is beyond words, the Holy See is very big, let alone assassinate Zhang Wei, it will take time to find Zhang Wei, let alone kill Zhang Wei, it is very likely that when the Pope and the others react, the two of them have not killed Zhang Wei.

Just when the fat man was about to respond.

The butler next to him spoke:

"Master, you can entrust this matter to me. I can help you search for intelligence first. You know my intelligence capabilities, master."


Fatty: "..."


The gardener and the fat man coincidentally, both had the urge to kill the butler, but on the surface they could only respond bravely.

The fat man smiled and said:

"Oh, gardener, your men are good, you have a lot of talents, young man, you have performed well, why don't you follow me in the future, and I will cover you."

The gardener waved his hand and said:

"He used to be in the intelligence department of the Law Defamation Association. He almost forgot about this matter. He can't give it to you. I will give it to you. I won't be able to get information in the future."

Upon hearing this, the butler hurriedly flattered him:

"I am willing to devote myself to my master until I die."


With the butler disrupting the situation, the gardener and the others went to the hotel after setting up a spot, and asked the butler to search for information.


the other side.

Zhang Wei is in the Holy See room.

at this time.

Zhang Wei's room was full of people, besides the second uncle, there were Hill, Wilbur and other fallen angels.

"Xiaoxue, please help me sort out some materials. The professor at Seoul University told me just now that I have to write a paper. I am not in good health now. Please help me find some materials."

Knowing that the fat man and the gardener will come tonight.

to this end.

Zhang Wei found a random reason, intending to drive Lu Lianxue away to prevent her from being in danger, and at the same time said:

"By the way, Xiaoxue, call the second uncle, Amy, and Felice. I have many enemies. I don't worry about you being alone."

"But take away Uncle Second Master, that one is for you..."

The words are not finished yet.

Lu Lianxue glanced at Hill and the others present, and immediately shut her mouth, Zhang Wei has no shortage of people to protect him.


After Lu Lianxue and the others left, Zhang Wei said:

"I want everyone to know that I have the job of exorcising ghosts such as Tianji Master and Credit Daoist in Daxia. To be honest, I also dabble in one or two. I went to the toilet just now, and I looked at the night sky from the window of the toilet. After my night-time stargazing, I feel like I might be attacked by enemies tonight."

"So I hope you can protect me well. The other party dares to attack and kill me tonight. If I am still in the Holy See, I should not be weak. Remember to keep your spirits up."

As soon as his words came out.

Hill and the others were all stunned, and the next moment, their eyes were all burning:

"What? Someone dares to deal with you, Mr. Zhang Wei?"

"Mr. Zhang Wei, don't worry, with us here, we will take good care of you."

"Whoever they are, we will kill them."

Now that they know that Zhang Wei can purify even descendants of fallen angels, Zhang Wei has become a favorite in the eyes of fallen angels. Now when they hear that someone is going to kill Zhang Wei, they all get angry.


Zhang Wei continued:

"I think they dared to do it because I was rumored to be weak, and the Holy See had just suffered a serious injury, so they dared to deal with me, but they didn't know that I signed a contract with you fallen angels, so they could be caught off guard. .”

"Mr. Zhang Wei, do you have any ideas?"

"Yes, you will lurk around me later. If they come, I will give you a signal at that time. You are coming out. Come and cooperate with each other. If you want to come, the other party will definitely not be able to react."



the other side.

12 am.

Although it had only been more than an hour, the butler still got the information about Zhang Wei's room, and he immediately told the gardener and the fat man the news.

To this.

Even though the fat man and the gardener scolded the butler a dozen times in their hearts, they still decided to take action.

Immediately afterwards.

According to the previous plan, Gardener's subordinates successfully lured the Pope and the head of the jury away by using their identities as the Defamation Law Association and pretending to be an attack.

It is also this moment.


The fat man gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, and rushed to the room where Zhang Wei was at first. He had to alert Zhang Wei before the gardener made a move first.

Same time.

The gardener saw the fat man rushing out first, but she didn't stop him, and his actions were exactly what she wanted:

"Very well, you rush out first, and when you attack my godson, I can take the opportunity to stab the knife in the back."


The two rushed into Zhang Wei's room back and forth with their own plans.

The fat man kicked open the door and shouted arrogantly:

"Zhang Wei, let me, the villain, finally get a chance, die!"

in words.

The fat man who rushed in front of Zhang Wei could not see his face because the gardener was behind him, so he winked at Zhang Wei, signaling him to look behind him and be careful of the gardener behind him.

To this.

Zhang Wei also understood, picked up the township fan in one hand, and the original God's heart in the other, and while looking back, he was also ready to release the signal.

However, the next second.

Looking at the appearance of the gardener behind him, Zhang Wei, who was about to signal, was stunned.

at the same time.

Facing the fat man who was about to attack Zhang Wei, the gardener didn't hesitate, his beautiful face showed a stern look, and he stretched out his hand to pat the fat man's head.

Fatty seemed to have sensed it, and hurriedly looked behind him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was a little stunned for a while... Cao, what's the situation, gardener, are you sure you're shooting in the right direction? !

Everything happened too fast.

The fat man didn't have time to react, he could only show despair... Could it be that I was discovered by Sen Luosi as an undercover agent, alas, is my villain life coming to an end?

Seeing that the gardener's hand was about to approach the fat man's head.

But at this time.

A voice sounded.

The gardener's action couldn't help but stagnate:

"... Godmother?! Wait! Godmother, don't do anything!!!"

That is the voice of Zhang Wei.

He saw the appearance of the gardener clearly and recognized his appearance. Isn't it his father's friend He Juan? Like a strange ghost.


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