Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 675 My Godmother Is Sen Luosi's Second Person? !

Zhang Wei's voice sounded.

The gardener who was about to start was stunned.

【Ding! Gardener...huh? I'm hallucinating? Godson is calling me godmother, he... recognized me? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +600]

Not just gardeners.

The fat man was also stunned.

【Ding! Fat brother... Did I have an auditory hallucination before I died, Zhang Wei was calling the gardener... Godmother? 】

[Host obtains system points +300]

In fact.

Not only the gardener and the fat man, Zhang Wei was also shocked

Zhang Wei saw that the gardener was stagnant, and he was sure that the gardener was his father Zhang Ping's friend He Juan.

Learn about the situation.

Zhang Wei was stunned. His father's previous suitor was Sen Luosi's number two gardener? Doesn't that mean that Sen Luo sent his godmother to kill me? So what's the situation now, the godmother thought that the fat brother would hurt me, so when the fat brother was about to attack me, she sneaked up on the fat brother from behind to prevent the fat brother from hurting me.


Zhang Wei didn't have time to think about it, fearing that the fat man would be killed by the gardener, he hurriedly continued:

"Is it you, godmother, my god, godmother, are you a gardener? Wait, godmother, don't do anything, fat brother is on his own."

As soon as his words came out.

【Ding! Gardener... oh my god, godson really recognized me, wait, dead house knows Zhang Wei? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +700]

【Ding! Fat Brother...Cao, Zhang Wei really knows Zhang Wei? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +400]

next second.

The fat man spoke:

"Gardener, do you know Zhang Wei? Are you his godmother? Zhang Wei, are you sure the gardener is your godmother?"

in words.

The fat man subconsciously distanced himself from the gardener and stood beside Zhang Wei's bed. No matter what the current situation was, the gardener wanted to kill himself, and Zhang Wei exposed himself. All he could do was to protect Zhang Wei from being attacked and killed by the gardener.

Zhang Wei did not answer the fat brother's question, but asked the gardener:

"Are you He Juan's godmother?"

Words come out.

The gardener was shocked, and she was sure that Zhang Wei did recognize her. She thought of many ways to recognize Zhang Wei, or the way to explain to Zhang Wei that she was her godmother after killing Fat Brother. Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei recognized himself at a glance.

Can't help it.

The gardener nodded subconsciously:

"Yes, I'm He Juan, godson, did you recognize me?"


Fearing that Zhang Wei might suspect that she was gaining trust, the gardener opened her mouth again, telling some things about herself and Zhang Ping, and when she finished speaking, she continued:

"Only Zhang Ping and I know these things. If you don't believe me, you can ask your father Zhang Ping."

【Ding! Gardener... Fortunately, I have thought about how to recognize my godson in advance, so I won't be in a hurry]

[Host obtains system points +800]

Zhang Wei couldn't help but said:

"No, I believe you are indeed my godmother He Juan."

There was a system prompt, even without asking his father, Zhang Wei was sure that the gardener was his godmother He Juan.


Gardeners don't know the system.

【Ding! The gardener was godson trusts me so much]

[Host obtains system points +900]

After confirming that the godmother He Juan was the gardener, Zhang Wei was not idle, and immediately looked at the fat man:

"Brother Fat, it seems that what you told me at noon was wrong. Who said gardeners can't be subdued."

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Zhang Wei and then at the gardener strangely. He still hadn't recovered from the shock for a while... I'm not dreaming, is the gardener Zhang Wei's godmother?

at the same time.

Zhang Wei saw the fat man's expression, and continued:

"Actually, Fat Brother, I was also surprised. I didn't expect the gardener to be my godmother. You may not know that I recognize my godmother as my godmother. It's just what happened not long ago."


Zhang Wei told the whole thing about the gardener as his godmother, and looked at the gardener:

"The one who was in the grove on the graveyard was you godmother, right? At that time, godmother, you inadvertently leaked a breath, but I didn't expect it to be godmother, let alone the gardener of Senluosi. I didn’t expect godmother how you became a ghost, and even went to Sen Luosi to become the number two person.”

The gardener said:

"That's because you and Zhang Ping's words moved me. I accidentally leaked my breath because I didn't control my emotions, but fortunately, I leaked, otherwise you wouldn't recognize me. As for me becoming Sen Luosi No. 2 Characters, it's a long story."

That's all for words.

The gardener looked at Zhang Wei, hesitated for a while and said:

"Are you really willing to recognize me as a godmother?"

"Of course I would. Since my father mentioned you as godmother to me, he has often told me about godmother."

Just when the gardener was so moved to say something.

The fat man interrupted the gardener:

"Wait, you two are warm over there first, can I ask, gardener, did you know that Zhang Wei is your godson when I came to steal the country to assist you?"


The gardener nodded noncommittally:

"To be honest, it gave me a headache to know that Sen Luo sent you here. After all, if I was alone, I could use all kinds of excuses to keep my godson, but when you came, I had to think of ways. .”

The words did not fall.

As if thinking of something, the gardener glanced at Zhang Wei and then at the fat man:

"Compared to my affairs, what's going on with you and your godson in the dead house? How did you know each other? Aren't you a senior executive of Senluosi?"

"The matter between me and Zhang Wei is also a long story, and I can explain it to you later, but what you said, gardener, is that you are also a senior executive of Senluosi, or the number two."

The fat man replied.

at this time.

Knowing that both parties have an important relationship with Zhang Wei, the fat man and the gardener are a little embarrassed. They all recalled that in order to protect Zhang Wei from being assassinated, they made various excuses. Now that they think about it, they are innocent Fight wits with your own people.

The gardener was a little dumbfounded:

"If I knew that you knew your godson, I wouldn't have to think about it every day."

His words come out.

The fat man is also a little dumbfounded:

"Dare to love the villain's operation that I thought was handsome, but it doesn't make any sense."

Speaking of which.

The fat man seemed to think of something and asked:

"By the way, gardener, what's the situation with your butler? Does he not know about your relationship with Zhang Wei?"

Mention housekeeping.

After the gardener nodded in response, Yoyo added:

"That butler can't be asked anymore."

"What butler?"

Zhang Wei asked curiously.

To this.

The fat man waved his hand and said:

"This matter can be discussed later. I think it is better to talk about our assassination of Zhang Wei first. How should we explain to Sen Luo that the assassination of Zhang Wei was not successful."

"Brother Fat is right, you have to find a good reason, but I have to do one thing before that."

"What is it?"

"Tell Hill, who are ambushing around, that the crisis is over."

Zhang Wei looked at the gardener as he spoke, and explained to him that he had contracted with the fallen angels and arranged for them to ambush around him to protect him.

【Ding! The gardener... Oh my God, he is indeed my godson, the enemy has become a bodyguard]

[Host obtains system points +900]


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