Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 680 Pope: The Jade Emperor Is So Great!


Facing the words of the Pope, although Zhang Wei was surprised, he did not refuse:

"His Excellency the Pope wants to hear some information about the Jade Emperor from me. There is still a lot of information about the Jade Emperor, and I won't be able to finish it in a while."

"Mr. Zhang Wei, please choose one that I can understand more easily."

"That's fine, let me think about it. I have it. Let me tell His Excellency the story of how the Jade Emperor became a god in the legend."


Zhang Wei told the Jade Emperor the most classic allusion of "one man attains enlightenment and a chicken dog ascends to heaven" when he became a god.

"It is said that... the Jade Emperor became a god through cultivation... When he became a god, when he ascended to the sky, he couldn't bear to leave the chickens, ducks and dogs at home, so he took them with him to the sky and became a god in the sky. This is the popular story in Daxia, 'one person attains enlightenment, chicken and dog ascend to heaven'."

"The allusion to this story is about the Jade Emperor becoming a god. Later, it was also circulated by the ancients of Daxia. It describes that when a person gets benefits, everyone around him will also benefit."

can be seen.

Following Zhang Wei's words, the Jade Emperor's eyes lit up, and he said bluntly:

"My God, what a great and benevolent act it is for one person to attain enlightenment and ascend to heaven. He has benefited himself and does not forget the people and pets around him. Is this the Jade Emperor, a god of great benevolence and selflessness?"

in words.

The Jade Emperor murmured in his heart:

"Now I have reasons to believe that Mr. Zhang Wei really suffered such a serious injury, he won't have any sequelae, and he won't die after being attacked and killed. He really has the protection of the Jade Emperor, a loving God."

I thought about it.

The Jade Emperor couldn't wait to say:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you continue to tell, what other stories do the Jade Emperor have?"

"Then let me continue. Let me think about it. Now I have talked about when the Jade Emperor became a god. Then let me talk about what happened after the Jade Emperor became a god. Let's talk about the people around him first."


Zhang Wei spent an afternoon popularizing the genealogy of the Jade Emperor to the pope, talking about the heavenly court controlled by the Jade Emperor, the structure of the heavenly court, some of the heavenly rules promulgated by the Jade Emperor, and the relationship between the gods of the heavenly court and the Jade Emperor, the relationship between the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata, etc. .

He talked for six or seven hours.

Even if the attendants came back with the inquired information during the period, the Pope didn't notice, and kept asking Zhang Wei to tell the story of the Jade Emperor like a child.

And as told.

The Pope was shocked by what Zhang Wei said time and time again. The Great Xia is worthy of being one of the five ancient civilizations in the world.


Especially when the Pope heard that the Tathagata of the West and the Jade Emperor, in terms of status, the Jade Emperor is like Lai Da, and the Jade Emperor has the saying of Haotian God, and Daxia’s word for the Western God is actually taken from the Haotian God. fetched.

Hear here.

The Pope was amazed:

"It turns out that in your Great Xia, that's how you called us God. My God, is it related to the Jade Emperor?"

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I won't be able to finish talking about the Jade Emperor and the myth of the Great Xia in a while. If His Excellency the Pope still wants to hear it, I can find an opportunity to talk to you later. It's getting late now."

His words speak out.

The Pope froze for a moment, followed Zhang Wei's gaze and looked out the window, only then did he notice that the night was coming:

"My God, why is it so late? Mr. Zhang Wei, I'm so sorry to drag you to tell me so long."

"Haha, it's okay, I'm happy to share it too."

"I am also very grateful to Mr. Zhang Wei for sharing. I really know a lot this time, so I won't talk about it."

The pope finally noticed the attendants beside him, and immediately asked:

"Check if the children's exorcism mission is ready, and talk to Mr. Zhang Wei."

"My lord, the inquiry has been made."

The attendant saluted respectfully, then picked up the information and said:

"The mission target assigned to Dannok and the others this time appeared in the Aegean Sea not long ago. Three ghosts who have just become ghosts. They are estimated to be three years old, and their strength is at the level of ghosts. Judging by his front clothes, he is a prisoner."

"I think it should be the death row inmates who died in the nearby national prison. This kind of thing is very common. Considering that Dannock and the others have a lot of personnel this time, and they were prisoners before they were alive, they will be more brutal, so let Dannock and the others deal with it in groups of two. A ghost."

"As for the exorcist priests in charge of protection and invigilation, they are Father Frye and Father Matt."

The Pope nodded when he heard the words:

"Then arrange it like this, Mr. Zhang Wei, this is the exorcism task assigned to the children. Would you like to participate in it too? I think the safety of the children will be much safer with you here."


"Yes, responsible for grading. In fact, the grading standard is very simple, 100 points. According to the process of exorcising ghosts, if the children do not complete it independently, they will all score below 60 points. If they fail, they will score above 60 points."


How can Zhang Wei not want to be able to live an addiction to invigilation.


That night.

Zhang Wei's room.

at this time.

Zhang Wei has returned from the Pope's side and has washed up, just as he is about to go to bed:

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

“Mr. Zhang Wei, it’s me, Hill, I heard you were looking for me.”

"come in."

Following Zhang Wei's signal, Hill walked in. At this time, Zhang Wei asked:

"Have you made arrangements for what I told you this morning, Hill?"

"Of course, you said that you want to go back to Seoul University, I have already told Wilbur and Samuel, and then all the fallen angels I will lead this time will accompany Zhang Mr. Wei is going to Seoul National University, and Wilbur, Amy, and I will protect you personally, and the rest will be nearby or in the area where Mr. Zhang Wei is located, so we can provide immediate support."

"That's fine, but before that, you go to the Aegean Sea with me tomorrow."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei told about his trip to the Aegean Sea.

Hill nodded:

"No problem, I'll tell Wilbur and Amy later, so does Mr. Zhang Wei have any orders? If not, I won't disturb your rest. Wilbur will guard you at the door tonight. "

He noticed that Zhang Wei had washed well and didn't intend to disturb Zhang Wei's rest.

To this.

Zhang Wei stopped Hill:

"There is one more thing I want to ask you."

"What, you say."

"It's after I purified Amy back to an angel, Hill, you should have mated with your Amy?"

His words speak out.

Hill was stunned, and looked at Zhang Wei in astonishment.


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