Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 681 Update Of The International Dharma Tool List

“Huh? Mr. Zhang Wei, what did you say?”

Hill coughed. Even though he was a fallen angel, he was a little embarrassed to be asked directly in person, even though he was being elegant, and at the same time, he was more surprised. He didn't expect Zhang Wei to ask this question, let alone Zhang Wei. Will keep an eye on this.

To this.

Hill intends to deny it, fearing that Zhang Wei will associate it with mixed race and learn more.

But he hasn't spoken yet.

Zhang Wei's voice came first:

"Hill doesn't have to hide it anymore, I can see it. At that time, Amy was purified into an angel. Look at Amy's eyes. I understand. I also have a partner. I understand what those eyes are."

in words.

Zhang Wei raised a smirk.

【Ding! Hill was embarrassed... Cough, I was so excited at the time, I should restrain myself, but there is no way, this is a transparent angel, there has been no similar thing since ancient times, even if it is me, I can't calm down]

[Host obtains system points +1200]

"It was discovered by Mr. Zhang Wei."

Now that he was discovered, Hill no longer concealed it and continued:

"By the way, Mr. Zhang Wei, why are you asking this? Do you want to know how it feels? In fact, you have to experience it yourself to know it. Mr. Zhang Wei, don't be shy. Felice can let you feel it for yourself. I can only say that it feels great. .”

Seeing that Hill was smiling and wanted to describe it further, Zhang Wei interrupted:

"Hill, you misunderstood. I didn't want to ask you how you feel. I'm not interested in how you feel. I just want to ask you. Are you mating with Amy like us humans? Will you take safety measures? If not, you Do you think you and Amy can have children?"

"If it can be born, do you think it is an angel, a fallen angel, or... a hybrid."

In the end.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled, the meaning was self-evident.

Hill froze.

【Ding! Hill... mixed blood, why Zhang Wei would ask this, he won't find out what I want to experiment, will he find out more]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

at this time.

Zhang Wei glanced at Hill, and said slowly:

"When I purified Amy before, I was thinking, you said that fallen angels can reproduce, so in theory, angels and fallen angels should be able to do the same, then what kind of angel will be born, you should have considered it, Hill This one."

"Cough, to be honest, I did think about this."

Hill responded.

【Ding! Hill heaved a sigh of relief... It turned out that it was pure curiosity, not discovering Mr. Satan.]

[Host obtains system points +1400]

At this moment.

Zhang Wei continued:

"Then what do you think? It's what I just said."

Hill thought about it for a while and expressed his thoughts. Anyway, Zhang Wei doesn’t know about Lord Satan and other things. Moreover, with Zhang Wei’s powerful talent, he might have some unique insights:

"It is impossible for angels to reproduce, because God did not give angels reproductive organs. God does not allow such impurity in heaven, but fallen angels have reproductive organs. Mr. Zhang Wei, the angels you purified, you purified It's strength, and it still has organs."

"So theoretically, the purified angels can reproduce with fallen angels. As for what can be born, I am also curious. Personally, I feel that it will be a hybrid with the power of fallen angels and angels, because since ancient times, there have been many western ghosts. Mixed breed."

"What do you think, Mr. Zhang Wei."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement:

"I think the same as you, Hill. There have been vampires and humans, or vampires and succubi, werewolves and humans, and even hybrids of werewolves and vampires in the West. Many of these hybrids have the power of both ghost species. "


"Fallen angels and angels are not ghosts, they belong to gods, but in theory, you are the same kind of gods, and you should be able to produce offspring. I remember that there were once fallen angels who mated with demons, and half fallen angels and half demons were born. Isn't it ?"

"So I suggest, Hill, you and Amy, don't have security measures. If you have nothing to do, you should do more and try to see if you can have an heir. Speaking of which, Hill, you and Amy should have no infertility. Something like that, did any of you give birth to an heir before this?"

"Amy and I have five descendants, but none of them were summoned."

"That's fine. It's fine if you don't have infertility. I'm afraid you are infertile or something. It seems that many fallen angels are infertile."

【Ding! Hill... your sister is infertile]

[Host obtains system points +1400]

"They're not infertile, they just don't want to have children."

"I see."


Zhang Wei chatted with Hill for a while again, telling Hill not to continue guarding tonight, and changing shifts early so that Wilbur could guard him.

"Then I'll go find Amy first."

"Go, remember tonight..."

When Zhang Wei said this, his hands clapped wildly.


Hill coughed lightly, and was about to leave immediately, but before that, he seemed to think of something, and turned around and looked over:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, would you like to give Phyllis a try? There are cases of fallen angels marrying humans to give birth to offspring. Half fallen angels are half human. In theory, it is also possible for Phyllis, who has been purified into an angel, to be born with her." You bred half-human, half-angel offspring."

"No, I'm not interested in half-man, half-angel."

"Mr. Zhang Wei is not interested in half-human half-angel, that pair of Phyllis..."

"I can tell you this responsibly, and I'm not interested."


Seeing Zhang Wei's expression that didn't look like he was joking, Hill was a little surprised:

【Ding! Hill... Really, he is not interested in angels, Zhang Wei is really a determined human being]

[Host obtains system points +1500]

Did not continue to chat.

Hill left, planning to mate as much as possible in the next few days to see if he could produce hybrid offspring.

the other side.

After Hill left the room, with a creak, the bathroom door opened, and Lu Lianxue came out:

"Hey, is Xiaoxue ready to wash?"

"Yeah, Zhang Wei, what are you talking about with the fallen angel? I was in the bathroom just now, and I heard you chattering."

"Oh, we're talking about breeding and mating."

"Go, go, drive again."

"I didn't drive, what I said is true."

"Come on, I don't believe it. I think you just want to lie to me and you... Cough, I almost got caught by you, let's not talk about it."

Lu Lianxue gave Zhang Wei a cute look, and then said:

"By the way, Zhang Wei, have you watched the international forum?"

"Huh? What's the matter? Did something important happen?"

"Yes, the International Magical Artifact List has been updated."


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