As Lu Lianxue said, there was a smile on her beautiful dimple.


Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Xiaoxue, there's something wrong with your smile, are you sure it's just an update on the International Dharma Artifact List?"

"Sure, if you don't believe me, go and have a look and you'll know."

Lu Lianxue smiled.

"I gonna go see."

When Zhang Wei heard this, he picked up his mobile phone and logged into the international forum, and at a glance, he saw the post that was the number one searched post on the forum:

[International Dharma Artifact Ranking Update! 】

Click to see.

[Hi everyone, I am the updater of the Artifact List. Since I was fortunate enough to contact Xiaoxuan from Daxia, I got a lot of new information from him, so the main body Artifact List is updated in advance. Next, as usual, First, let me briefly talk about the update report of the magic weapon list. If you want to see the ranking directly, you can directly drop down to see the magic weapon ranking table at the back.

In this update of the top 100 magical artifacts in the world, compared with the previous ranking, 5 magical artifacts were eliminated from the list due to damage or loss, 8 magical artifacts were strengthened and their rankings rose, and 4 The newly promoted magic weapon has entered the ranking list, the following is the magic weapon list...]

"Five magical artifacts were damaged or lost. It seems that in recent years, ghost exorcists and ghosts have been fighting fiercely. I remember Zhang Chao told me that only two magical artifacts were damaged in the last list."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked towards the table of the magic weapon list.

Follow the list all the way to see.

Not long.

When he saw the 24th place on the list, Zhang Wei let out a small sigh.


Zhang Wei looked at Lu Lianxue:

"Great Xiaoxue, you just smiled mysteriously because of this."

at the same time.

Listening to Zhang Wei's words, Lu Lianxue smiled and said:

"Yes, that's it. Congratulations, Zhang Wei, your magic weapon is on the list."

in words.

She looked at Zhang Wei's phone, and she could see the introduction of the twenty-fourth magic weapon on the magic weapon list.

【24th place: Bai Yufan】

[Level: Township level]

[Owner: Zhang Wei, the ghost exorcist of Daxia. 】

[Record: Zhang Wei once used this magic weapon to fight against the undefeated fallen angels of the township level. He once used this magic weapon to break the seal of the seventh-ranked magic weapon God's Scepter. The ancient evil spirit...]

Also at this time.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, and the caller ID - Xiao Mantou.

When the phone was connected, before Zhang Wei could speak, Qiu Xiaolin's voice came from inside:

"Wow! Xiaoweizi picked it up so quickly, didn't you have sex with Xiaoxue, hee hee, yes, you are still weak now, forget it, let's not talk about this, Xiaoweizi, go to the international forum quickly, your magic weapon It's on the global magic weapon list!"

"Guess how many rankings it is, it's twenty-fourth, and not only these, Xiaoweizi, you have broken the record now. There is no craftsman in the world who can enter the first magic weapon that can be refined." Bang, you are the only one, you are amazing."

Listening to Qiu Xiaolin chattering non-stop on the phone, Zhang Wei grinned:

"That's right, don't look at who I am, Zhang Wei. I'm a man with a small steamed bun. Can I not be amazing? You say yes."

"Hey, you're the one with a sweet mouth, come on, I'll blow you a kiss across thousands of kilometers, ua~"

"I'm on the global magic weapon list, so I'm rewarded with a blown kiss? It's not enough."

"Then what reward do you want?"

"I need to……"

Just when Zhang Wei was about to speak, Qiu Xiaolin seemed to know what Zhang Wei was going to say, so she interrupted his words first, and said with a smile:

"Let me guess, do you want to say that you want to reward me for being listed on the global magic weapon list?"

"Hey, as expected of Xiao Mantou, you understand me, so what do you think of the reward?"

"Okay, okay, let you go, go hard, you are the winner and you are the biggest."

His words speak out.

Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin laughed out loud, and Lu Lianxue, who was listening to their conversation, smiled and shook her head. She used to feel shy and bold about their way of talking, but she is used to it now.

Immediately afterwards.

Qiu Xiaolin said again:

"Let's not talk about this first, Xiao Weizi, let me tell you, I may go to steal the country in a few days."

"Huh? Little Mantou, what are you doing here? What's the matter, you miss me so much, you can't wait to see me, but we're still weak, I can't bear you to make trouble, you can take care of me when you have time."

"Hit you, I didn't miss you. Well, I went to steal the country, and a large part of it was because I missed you. Hee hee, I was planning to go to steal the country to drive out ghosts, and I happened to be able to meet you too."


Qiu Xiaolin didn't hide anything, and told the reason of the matter. Yesterday, she was looking for a ghost exorcism task at the Department of Health and Dao, in order to improve her strength. She happened to see a mission to steal a country to exorcise ghosts. Qiu Xiaolin looked at the task level and found that she could As for the scope, he just took over the task without saying a word.

This is also the reason why Qiu Xiaolin is planning to steal the country.

She thought that firstly, she could exorcise ghosts and improve her strength, and secondly, she could see Zhang Wei. There was no way, although both Lu Lianxue and Zhang Wei told her that Zhang Wei's injury was not serious and there would be no sequelae. With the description of events in the Vatican in international forums, it is impossible not to worry.

And now.

With this task, she just happened to be able to visit Zhang Wei, and she didn't have to be afraid of being caught by Zhang Wei. For fear of worrying about herself, she stopped herself from looking at him. Of course, she didn't tell Zhang Wei about this, she just told Zhang Wei that she had found it. Stealing the country to exorcise ghosts.


Qiu Xiaolin didn't say anything, Zhang Wei would not know, and he was moved when he learned that he had found a mission to exorcise ghosts from the country:

"The task of stealing the country and exorcising ghosts, that's good. It just so happens that I haven't seen my little mantou for a long time. I miss my little mantou, and I miss my little mantou's mantou."

"Hey, I miss you and Xiaoxue too, but let me tell you first, I didn't go because you were injured, so don't let me go."

Qiu Xiaolin pouted.

Zhang Wei laughed when he heard the words:

"No, then I'll go back to Seoul from the Aegean Sea as soon as possible. Tell me what time the plane is for Xiao Mantou, and I'll pick you up."

If he didn't know the gardener was the godmother before, Zhang Wei would definitely not agree to Qiu Xiaolin's coming. After all, he was being targeted by the Department of Health and Justice, but now that he knew the gardener was the godmother He Juan, Zhang Wei naturally didn't have to worry.

"I have a plane at 1:00 noon the day after tomorrow. Is Xiaoweizi going to pick you up? Even if you still have a conscience, we are halfway here to see you."

"That must be conscientious. Not only will I pick up the plane, but I will also prepare the most luxurious hotel for Xiao Mantou. How about preparing a presidential suite? Adding another person to live with me, isn't it very thoughtful?"

"Removing living with you is a special intention, but if you add it, hehe, then there are ulterior motives."

"What is the ulterior motive?"

"I didn't say it, I wanted to try to guide me, only Xiaoxue would be fooled by you, and I wouldn't be fooled, Xiaoxue, are you listening too, kick Zhang Wei for me, or bite Zhang Wei."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei laughed.


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