
Zhang Wei chatted with Qiu Xiaolin again, but because he had to catch a flight tomorrow, he hung up the phone.


at the same time.

Aegean Sea, on a street, even though it was 12 o'clock in the evening, there were still many people walking around on the street, the lights on both sides were feasting, and there was no silence at all because of the night.

"It's right to come to the Aegean Sea, I'm right."

The one who spoke was a man in a black sportswear with a hood. There was no one around him, but he was talking to himself.

People passing by thought that the other party was crazy.


If people with yin and yang eyes look at it, they can see that the man with the black hat is not alone. There are three figures lying on his back. hat man.

Also at this time.

The figure on the left of the three figures responded:

"Indeed, with so many people, even if they come out to look for food late at night and are discovered by those damned exorcist priests, they don't have to be afraid that they won't be able to escape, just hide in the crowd and it's over."

Words come out.

The figure on the right reached out to a woman passing by, and grabbed her like that, but the woman didn't scream, she just felt as if a cold wind was blowing through her body, shivering from the cold, and then the figure said:

"Hehe, you're so soft. I'll find a woman to rape and then kill. I heard that the women in the Aegean Sea are very profound and suitable for me."

in words.

He looked towards the figure on the left:

"Don't worry about the exorcist priest, they are too busy now, so they definitely won't care about us."

"Are you talking about a lot of werewolves being killed recently? Indeed, just now I went to check on the surroundings of our hiding place and met a vampire. He said that the old wolf king of the Laura family also died today."

The figure in the middle said.

The figure on the right raised his eyebrows:

"Tsk tsk tsk, the old wolf king of the Laura family? This sounds very powerful, are they all dead?"

The figure in the middle was about to respond.

The voice of the man with a black hat rang:

"The old wolf king of the Laura family is not only powerful, but he is a werewolf at the half-step township level. He is actually dead? Is the news reliable, are they all dead? It seems that Europe is really going to change. First, there is an accident in the Holy See, and now Many families of werewolves in Europe have been attacked."


The black hooded man pulled his hat and muttered:

"We'll stay here for a couple of days. Let's find an opportunity to go out of Europe and go to Asia, where the weather is relatively calm for the time being."

He is the breeder of three ghosts. At first he was just an ordinary person. By coincidence, he got a black magic book, which recorded some ordinary ghost spells and so on. He became a ghost and got a lot of money by using ghosts.

But because of this, his movement attracted the attention of ghost exorcists, and he was ordered to be wanted. Fortunately, he usually hides. From the outsiders' perspective, it was three ghosts who committed the crime, and they didn't know that there was him behind the scenes.

"Go to Asia? Didn't you say that there are many ways to exorcise ghosts in Asia, are you sure?"

"What are you afraid of? I'm already at the ghost king level. If I kill a few more ghost exorcists and eat them, I'll be able to reach the middle-level ghost king. With the strength of the intermediate ghost king, I'm sure I'll be fine. If I can eat some powerful ghost exorcists, I can reach the top ghost king." , that's safer."

"There are so many powerful exorcists for you to eat."

The figure on the left replied casually.

To this.

The man in the black hat laughed:

"Isn't there the three of you? The outside world thinks that you only have the strength of ghosts. Every time you send ghost exorcists, they are all at the level of red-clothed ghosts. However, your strength is actually half-step ghost king. Next, you only need to be exposed to the outside world. A little strength, don't need to reveal too much, reveal a red-clothed devil."

"In this way, the ghost exorcist who comes to arrest you will have to be stronger, no matter what, he must be a top-level red-clothed ghost, or if you are lucky, come a ghost king-level ghost exorcist, then I will eat some, After all, we are in a symbiotic relationship, and I benefit and you benefit as well."

As soon as his words came out.

The three ghosts all looked happy:

"You are finally willing to let us expose a little more. You don't know that I play weak every day, but I am very tired."

"Although not all of them can be exposed, the red-clothed ghost is also fine."

"It's better to have a ghost king-level ghost exorcist, hehehe, so we can also have a meal together."

The words did not fall.

Seemingly thinking of something, the ghost on the left murmured:

"It would be great if we could eat that Zhang Wei, not to mention you, we can also improve a lot of strength, that is a half-step township level, and it is the only half-step township level we can eat, After all, he heard that he is weak."

"All right, all right, don't be too whimsical, you think I don't want to, you don't know, there are many ghosts in Europe who don't want to eat Zhang Wei's, and they all know that Zhang Wei is weak, but no ghost dares to do it, because he is The Holy See is staying."

The man in the black hat waved his hand in response:

"Instead of daydreaming, let's keep our feet on the ground and look for prey around us."


the next day.

Aegean Sea, International Airport.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, can you really help us find ghosts?"

Danock held a toy and said:

"Isn't this Dragon Ball Radar?"

After arriving at the Aegean Sea, Dannok and the others were eager to find the mission target, but just as they walked out of the airport, they found it difficult to see the crowds outside the door. The Aegean Sea is not a small place, and it would take a while to find ghosts. possible.

To this.

Zhang Wei gave Lu Lianxue a toy Dragon Ball Radar from the anime "Dragon Ball" that he bought this morning, blessed it with system points, and gave it to Danok, telling him that this can help them detect whether there are ghosts around the radar, Once there is a ghost within a certain range, it will be displayed on the radar. With this, it will be very convenient to find ghosts.

"It's Dragon Ball Radar, you know, I like anime, so I made a ghost hunting tool of the same style as Dragon Ball Radar."

"I see."

Danok nodded happily.

Zhang Wei rubbed Dannok's head, motioned Dannok and the others to look at the radar and said:

"Your mission this time is three ghosts, right? I heard that there are three ghosts united together. Then you just need to take the radar and look for it in the Aegean Sea. Once the radar shows three red dots, it means that there are three ghosts." , and the three ghosts together should be the three ghosts united together."

The voice just fell.

A little priest beside Danok looked at the radar:

"So that's the case, Mr. Zhang Wei, what kind of red dots are you talking about?"

"Are the red dots, just like the red dots that appear on my radar now, they will flicker, you look at the three red dots...huh?"

Zhang Wei had just said something, but at this moment, he let out a slight sigh.

he noticed.

At some point, three flashing red dots appeared on the radar, not too far away from them.


Dannok and the others were all stunned, and Matt and Frye also stared wide-eyed:

"Wow, did you come across it this time?"

"Hahaha, I came here by myself."

"Mr. Zhang Wei, is this according to Daxia's words, calling Cao Cao Cao Cao?"


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