Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 684 Looks Like The Information Is Wrong

Seeing the three red dots on the radar, Dannok and the others were unabashedly happy, and asked Zhang Wei how to find the position of the red dots on the radar.

To this.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Zhang Wei pointed at the radar and taught them how to identify the radar direction.

at the same time.

The red dot where the radar azimuth is located is also in a building not far from the airport.

Just as happy as Dannock and the others, the three ghost figures in the building, to be precise, one person and three ghosts, their faces were also full of excitement.

"I'm not dazzled, it's Zhang Wei!"

The ghost on the left rubbed his eyes excitedly, and his eyes fixed on Zhang Wei, who was sitting in a wheelchair at the gate of the airport in the distance.

Not only him.

The other ghosts and the man with the black hat also stared intently, afraid that Zhang Wei would disappear in the blink of an eye, and dared not leave their sight.

Not long ago, they just returned to the building where they were hiding after foraging for food. After drinking and eating, they sat by the window and talked, watching the direction of the airport to see if they could find the next target .


Looking at it, the ghost on the right glanced out of the corner of the eye, and noticed a few people dressed as priests coming out, two adults and six little priests, but he didn't wait for him to be happy. He looked intently and saw the priests The figure of the stars arching the moon.

It was a handsome young man in a wheelchair.

When he saw the young man clearly, the ghost on the right screamed out, and recognized the young man's identity, it was Zhang Wei! There is no mistake, he has seen photos of Zhang Wei on international forums, and he is the same as the young man in the wheelchair. Combined with the current situation of Zhang Wei, he is sure that the young man in the wheelchair is Zhang Wei.

Same time.

His exclamation also attracted his companions, who saw Zhang Wei one after another.

at this time.

After recognizing Zhang Wei, the men in black and hats were excited:

"Haha, daydreams come true."

"Now I have a chance to be promoted to the top ghost king, no! Even half step town state level."

"It seems that the goddess of luck favored us, so we met Zhang Wei."

in words.

The ghost on the left couldn't wait to say:

"Don't say anything, let's act quickly, two priests, even if they are ghost kings, we can deal with them, not to mention there are a few little priests, we can take the opportunity to take them as hostages, it is easier to succeed Grab Zhang Wei."

As soon as his words came out.

The other two ghosts are about to move.

But at this time.

The man in the black hat stopped the ghosts:

"Don't worry, it's broad daylight now, and it's still close to lunch time. There's so much traffic, we're going to take action now, and it's easy to be exposed. If the exorcists from the Aegean Sea find out and rush over to help, the situation will become troublesome."

"So don't worry, Zhang Wei has come to the Aegean Sea anyway, are you afraid that he will run away, first find out the strength of the two priests, and then try to lure Zhang Wei to our side."

The man in black and hat was very cautious. Finally, after his persuasion, the three ghosts agreed to his idea, and planned to approach Zhang Wei first to determine the strength of the priest before making follow-up attraction.

Just finished planning...


"Is it my illusion? Why does it feel like Zhang Wei is approaching us?"

"Gift Crab, haha, it's true!"

Through the window, they suddenly found that Zhang Wei and others had left the airport, and then approached them all the way:

"It seems that God is helping us and wants us to eat Zhang Wei."

"Zhang Wei chose our hotel building, cky!"

talking to himself.

They seemed to see that Zhang Wei and the others had arrived at the door of the building and walked in.


As Zhang Wei and the others approached, the man in the black hat no longer hesitated, and immediately asked the three ghosts to attack Zhang Wei for no other reason. The arrival of Zhang Wei and the others made him feel the strength of Fry and Matt. A red-clothed ghost-level priest, this level of strength is completely nothing to worry about.


the other side.

Registration at the hotel reception.

at this time.

Zhang Wei and the others came to the hotel following the guidance of the radar, and decided to stay in this hotel in order to avoid trouble.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you register first, we will go to exorcism first."

Dannok took the lead.

The other little priests also spoke one after another, wanting to exorcise the demon early, but before they could act, Zhang Wei stopped them.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhang Wei."

Words come out.

Before Zhang Wei could respond, Hill, who was guarding his side and pretending to be a passerby, said slowly:

"The three ghosts detected by the radar are not the same as the target you are looking for. These three ghosts are very strong, and you cannot deal with them."

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally:

"Hill is right. Those three ghosts are very strong. Whether they are mission targets or not, you can't deal with them, because they have reached the half-step ghost king level, and... there is a ghost king level person beside them."

in words.

Zhang Wei looked towards Matt and Frye who were shocked by the situation:

"It seems that your information is wrong. The three ghost targets hide their strength."

Relying on their strong strength, both Zhang Wei and Hill sensed the strength of the man in black and the three ghosts. In their view, it couldn't be a coincidence that the three ghosts could get together, and it seemed to be the goal of the mission.

"Ah? Half-step ghost king level? That can't be the target of Danok and the others. You have to change the mission again."

As Matt said, he picked up his mobile phone and prepared to report to the Holy See to temporarily change tasks for Danock and the others.

Zhang Wei stopped Matt:

"Matt, there is no need to change the mission. After all, changing the mission should take a lot of time. You need to find the target again, and you have to find out where the new target is."

"But they can't deal with half-step ghost kings, let alone Danok, I can't even deal with them."

"Dannok and the others really can't deal with them, but as long as they are not half-step ghost kings, they will be fine."


Matt, Dannock and others were stunned when they heard this.

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice continued:

"The reason why I told you not to look for them is not because they are half-level ghost kings and you can't deal with them now. The second is because they came here by themselves."

His words spoke for a moment.

Before Matt and the others could respond, they all felt that the surrounding temperature was dropping rapidly, and a layer of frost had formed on the marble hotel floor.

accompanied by temperature fluctuations.

The creepy ghost laughter echoed in the lobby of the hotel.

"This is Ghostland."

Matt and Fletcher said.

When they were talking with Zhang Wei, they seemed to be pulled into the ghost realm by the ghost.

Also at this time.

They all noticed that the three red dots on the Dragon Ball radar appeared in the center of the radar at some point, in other words, the three red dots were right beside them.

next moment.

It seems to have a feeling.

They looked towards the elevator entrance of the hotel, only to hear a ding sound, the elevator entrance opened, and three ghosts lingering in the lifeless spirit came out.


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