Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 79 Search Luxia City Horror House Posts

Female dormitory, 2533 dormitory.

at this time.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were looking at the door nervously, while Lin Ping paced back and forth hesitantly.

It has been a while since the female ghost who knocked on the door came to Zhang Wei to go out. Because of the mute yellow talisman, they didn't know what happened outside the door, and they dared not go out. Zhang Wei told them to stay in the dormitory .

"Zhang Wei will be fine, why is there no movement outside?"

Lin Ping hesitated to speak, and glanced at the dormitory door closed by Zhang Wei. They didn't know there was a mute yellow talisman.

"Why don't you go out and have a look?" Zhou Xiaoqian asked.

Qiu Xiaolin stopped them: "No, Xiao... Zhang Wei said, let's stay in the dormitory and don't go out. The dormitory is protected by his talisman. We will be fine. If we go out now, it will affect him."


The door of the dormitory opened during their conversation.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others didn't have time to talk, they all looked towards the dormitory door, and they were overjoyed when they saw that the figure in front of the dormitory door was Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei!"

Qiu Xiaolin was the first to rush forward, she was not as calm as she appeared on the surface, she was more worried than anyone else.

"Huh? Why aren't you asleep yet?" Zhang Wei asked with a smile.

Before he left, he told them, 'The ghost is coming, I'll go out to deal with it, you guys go to bed, it's late, you'll get wrinkles if you don't sleep'.

Zhang Ya and the others gave him an angry look.

"How can I sleep at this time?"

"That's it."

"By the way, Zhang Wei, what about that ghost? How did you deal with it?"

When Zhang Ya asked, she nervously glanced at the dormitory door that opened behind Zhang Wei. The light outside the corridor was dim, which was in stark contrast to the bright lights inside the dormitory. When she knew there were ghosts outside, she looked inexplicably creepy and afraid of ghosts. Suddenly rushed out.

Looking at the nervousness of the crowd, Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"The ghost has been killed by me."


They all cried out excitedly, but quickly covered their mouths, fearing that they would make noise to other dormitories, but the excitement on their faces could not be concealed.

But at this time.

Zhang Wei sighed: "It's just a pity."

"What a pity?" Qiu Xiaolin and the others couldn't help but mention it.

"Unfortunately, I can only sleep here for one night."


Zhang Ya and the others were amused by Zhang Wei, swept away all the tension before, and completely relaxed.

Lin Ping raised a smug smile and joked:

"Zhang Wei, if you want to continue sleeping with us, that's fine. We don't mind. We can even let Xiaolin sleep with you."

Zhang Ya also echoed the sentence:

"Hey, yes, no matter how you help us exorcise ghosts, we have no money to give you, so we can only repay with our bodies."

As she spoke, Zhang Ya pointed to her mouth:

"Little girl has nothing to repay, she can only repay with her mouth, and eat with you, but you are not allowed to see our mouths open, and we must see each other, of course, except for Xiaolin."

Zhou Xiaoqing listened to Zhang Ya's words, giggled beside her, and also raised her hand jokingly:

"And me, I can also repay with my body. I choose to repay with my hands. I can give you a massage and pinch your shoulders, but don't let us use our hands, of course, except for Xiaolin~"

Qiu Xiaolin blushed suddenly.

As soon as the group of roommates learned that the ghost had been dealt with, they immediately burst into joy.

She pinched the waist of the three of them: "You are going to die, what are you talking about?"

side pinch.

Not to be outdone, Qiu Xiaolin fought back:

"Zhang Wei, you can stay here for as long as you want. After all, Yaya and the others said... they will repay you in turn."

Some slapstick.

After Qiu Xiaolin and the others calmed down.

Qiu Xiaolin said: "Zhang Wei, are you going back tomorrow? Yaya and I will go to Luxia City with you. We are almost busy with student union activities here. We just happened to go to the comic exhibition together."


Zhang Wei nodded, sat down on the chair and turned on Qiu Xiaolin's computer, then added:

"It's getting late, all beauties, go to sleep, while I'm still here tomorrow morning, I'll treat you to something delicious when I get up early."

Qiu Xiaolin was puzzled: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Although the words were asked, she knew that Zhang Wei didn't want to sleep with her. After all, even if she agreed, the two were not boyfriend and girlfriend, but ex-girlfriends.

Zhang Wei smiled, and casually found a reason:

"I'm not sleepy yet. Who asked Zhang Ya and the others to stimulate me? How can I sleep this way? I happen to play Yuanshinshin for a while, and I haven't done it in my daily routine today."

"That's fine. If you're sleepy, you can go to bed. Anyway, it's only one night. It's okay." Qiu Xiaolin patted the bed and replied.

That night.

Perhaps it was due to encountering ghosts in the past two days, Qiu Xiaolin and the others were so nervous that they couldn't sleep well.

Now the ghost is gone.

The mind relaxes.

They all fell asleep before long, and Lin Ping snored.

Zhang Wei turned on the computer and logged into the Ministry of Health Forum.


In the search box of the forum, I entered related words such as 'House of Horrors in Luxia City'.

Since yesterday, in order to investigate Qiu Xiaolin and the others' encounter with ghosts, Zhang Wei accidentally learned from Lu Lianxue that there is a powerful ghost living in Luxia City.

that ghost.

Different from other ghosts.

It is not a ghost that a person turns into after death, but an old willow tree that becomes a spirit and dies. By chance, it becomes a ghost.

You must know that spirits themselves are rare, and it is even more rare for spirits to become ghosts after death. The key opponent is a willow tree. Since ancient times, willow trees have had the effect of warding off evil spirits.

Also for this.

Even the old willow tree ghost, who has nothing to do with Qiu Xiaolin, aroused Zhang Wei's interest.

He planned to try his luck and see if there was any information about the old willow on the Department of Health Forum.

"Huh, there really are?"

With the click of the search button.

On the Department of Health's forum page, some related posts popped up, some of which were related to the old willow tree.

Zhang Wei looked at one of the posts.

[Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Luxia City, playing a house of horrors almost cost me my life, giao le giao]

Click to enter the post:

Now I finally know what it means to be away from home. If you can keep a low profile, keep a low profile. Don't be arrogant because of your own ability.

Let's get to the point.

Let me talk about my strength first. I am a razorsmith. According to the standards of the Department of Health and Dao, my strength has reached Tiger Guard, and I can be the captain.

This is not me bragging.

I can indeed be the captain, the Department of Defense has invited me before.

And because of the invitation, even though I declined, it made me quite inflated, and I felt that I was awesome. Basically, I went to every city with great fanfare, and I would contact the local health department to help drive away Ghost make some money.

As you know, idle ghost exorcisers like us like to run around, and the way to make money is to exorcise ghosts, so if no customers come to the door, they will go to the Ministry of Health to do some ghost exorcism tasks to earn some money.

And I am no exception.

Didn’t I say above, I’m strong, so when I ask the Department of Health to exorcise ghosts, they’re all about dealing with powerful ghosts, at least at the level of red-clothed ghosts.

After all you know.

The stronger the ghost you deal with, the better the reward.

And the post I posted this time is that I went to Luxia City this time and asked the Department of Health and Dao for the task of exorcising ghosts, and I almost lost my life.


Before talking about my next experience in Luxia City.

First of all, I would like to advise everyone, go to Luxia City, do not pretend, you will die! !


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