Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 80 The Best Contract Partner For The Ghost Back Tattoo

Perhaps for fear that people who read the post would not understand, after the poster said, "Don't pretend, you will die", he deliberately added a dynamic emoticon package "55% open, yelling" at the end.

When the post see here.

Zhang Wei almost laughed out loud, then continued to read the post:

Here's the thing.

I went to Luxia City because a client asked me to exorcise ghosts. After helping the client exorcise ghosts, I did not choose to leave. It was my first time in Luxia City and I planned to stay for a few more days.

And am I not bloated?

I plan to stay for a few more days, and go to the local Department of Health and Dao to order ghost exorcism tasks as usual, to make money and pretend to be pretend at the same time, to expand my reputation.

At that time.

I accepted a mission to kill the red-clothed ghost.

That ghost in red is very powerful, it can be compared with the little girl in red in Wanxing, but I am a dick, no matter how powerful that ghost is, it is still not as good as me, and I was chasing him all the way.

Then I chased and killed that red-clothed ghost all the way, and came to a house of horrors in Luxia City.

I remember it very well.

At that time, the time was 7:30 in the evening.

That house of horrors was still open, but the red-clothed ghost hid in, so I had to reserve the place to prevent outsiders from entering the house of horrors. Let me tell you, this was definitely the best decision I made in my life. It was this rescuer. killed me.

After booking the place, I asked all the staff to leave the horror house and go in to find the red-clothed ghost on the grounds that I don't like playing horror houses with npcs.

And after that.

I started looking for the ghost in the horror house, because there was no outsider, so I let it go and searched for the ghost directly in the horror house.

But before I found the red-clothed ghost, I heard the scream of the red-clothed ghost first.

You don't know.

At that time, the old dick in red was miserable.

What a disaster, it's the same as when you pull the zipper in the toilet, but you pull it too fast, and Jill is caught suddenly, and you scream in pain.

I heard the scream.

Immediately rushed over.

And then guess what I saw, I saw a scene that I will never forget.

I saw the red-clothed ghost I was chasing and killing. Its whole body was tied up with wicker except its head. Then it was tied up in the mid-air of the house. The wicker connected all sides of the room like a spider web.

And as the tied willows tightened, the red-clothed ghost screamed, and its whole body was like a juicer, with blood oozing from the cracks in the tied willows.

But that's not what shocked me.

Shockingly, in front of the bound red-clothed ghost stood an old man-like ghost.

Just quietly watching the red-clothed ghost being strangled.

That old ghost is very strong.

Even if it was just standing, I knew it was very strong, so I didn't dare to push it too far, and directly used my most powerful exorcism technique.

And guess what?

Riding on a horse!

One move!

The old ghost just glanced at me, and the ghost exorcism I performed was broken.

My ghost exorcism is very special, once it is broken, I will suffer backlash.

I couldn't do it on the spot, vomited blood, and lay on the ground like a dead dog.


That was the first time in my history, apart from lying like a dead dog on a woman's bed, it was the first time I was so miserable outside. I was terrified at the time, thinking that I was going to die. That old man was really too strong. Not something I can fight.

The old man ghost is at least the most top-notch red-clothed ghost. Anyway, the tiger guards will definitely not be able to deal with it, at least it must be the Qilin guards.

Then the old ghost walked over to me and said a word to me as soon as he opened his mouth.

He said, "Little baby, you are a bit impolite. It's not a good habit to do it as soon as you come up."

I know, when you see this, you must think that I am asking for mercy.

That doesn't exist.

Although I thought I was going to die, I didn't beg for mercy. After all, I am a ghost exorcist. How can I beg for mercy from an evil ghost? Of course, if I knew in advance that the old ghost is a good ghost, I would definitely have to beg for mercy. Hehehe, after all, a man can bend and stretch .

I'm sorry, I said that I went astray, and I will continue to the topic.

After the old man said that, he appreciated me for not begging for mercy, and said that I had a lot of backbone.

Later, he used ghost power to help me up.

While healing me, he told me.

Said he was not malicious, so I didn't have to deal with him in such a hurry, and said that he would deal with the red-clothed ghost, because he saw that the red-clothed ghost had a strong evil spirit, and he looked like a ghost at first glance. He had killed many people, and now he broke into his territory Only then did he kill the red-clothed ghost.

In the sense of an old man ghost.

He never spared any evil spirits or bad guys who dared to enter his territory.

And the reason why he didn't kill me was that he had seen me as early as I came in, saw me booking the venue, and drove the staff away to avoid danger, and knew that I was a good person.


After he planned to kill the red-clothed ghost, he would come to explain the situation to me. Who knew that I was too young, and would start fighting as soon as we met.

I think you must be very curious.

What is the origin of this old man?

I asked about this afterwards.

It turned out that the old ghost was actually a willow tree spirit who died unexpectedly and became a ghost. Since the house of horrors was the place where his willow tree used to be, he became the guardian spirit and earth-bound spirit of that place. He has lived for three or four hundred years. year.

His grandma's, three or four hundred years.

I actually fought with an old monster of three or four hundred years old. Now that I am typing, my hands are shaking. I really don’t know what I was pretending to be, so impulsive.

That's all for the matter.

From that day on, I didn't dare to pretend anymore. I know what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and a mountain beyond the mountain.

The reason for posting this today.

In fact, apart from warning everyone not to pretend when you are away from home, there is another point, that is, have any of your colleagues encountered that old man ghost, oh no, it should be said to be the old willow tree ghost senior.

After reading the post.

Zhang Wei glanced at the post's release time, it was posted a year ago.

And the posts are very popular.

There are thousands of comments.

Scanning the floor content with the most comments and likes on the post, many of them, like the poster, have encountered the old willow ghost in Luxia City.

Without exception.

The publishers of these floors, they have the same evaluation of Lao Liugui... powerful!

"After the comic exhibition, go to the horror house."

Zhang Wei murmured, his eyes reflected the post comments on the webpage.

The identity and strength of the old willow ghost made him very interested.


This is not the reason why he wants to go to the house of horrors. He is not too free to go and watch it forcefully. After all, the old willow ghost is powerful, but he is not a zoo animal. He specially goes to watch it. If he knows, he will not be beaten to death. .

The reason why he wants to go.

It's because of... his ghost back tattoo.

The ghost back pattern can conclude a contract with ghosts, making ghosts become their companions and helpers.

And Old Willow Ghost is such a powerful and friendly ghost.

Isn't it the best contract object for ghost back tattoos!


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