Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 81 The Defendant Hurry Up And Stop Your Wife

the next day.

Female dormitory, 2533 dormitory.

Amidst the laughter and whispers beside the bed, Zhang Wei woke up from the bed.

Going to the forum last night, Zhang Wei didn’t get over the drowsiness after all. He thought about squatting on Qiu Xiaolin’s bed for half an hour before getting up, but the result still fulfilled the saying of modern young people, “I will sleep for a while, and I will sleep for a while”...

Wait until you wake up.

Opening his eyes, Zhang Ya, Lin Ping, and Zhou Xiaoqian greeted his eyes, standing by the bed and looking at him with a smirk.

The sunlight coming through the window behind them.

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched, and the squint kept him squinting until morning.

"Good morning." Zhang Wei let out an awkward yet polite laugh.

Zhang Ya and the others giggled.

"Zhang Wei, good morning."

As they spoke, Zhang Ya pointed to Zhang Wei first:

"Zhang Wei, what kind of sleeping position are you and Xiao Lin in? Are you so close?"

After Zhang Ya reminded.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but turned his head to look sideways, his face was stunned, Qiu Xiaolin's cute and beautiful face was very close to his own face, and he could clearly see the slender eyelashes on Xiaolin's face and that alluring little mouth.

Perhaps feeling Zhang Wei's exhaled breath so close at hand, Qiu Xiaolin woke up her nose cutely, smashed her small mouth, and Zhang Ya and the others couldn't help but want to kiss her when they saw her cute sleeping appearance. .

However, Zhang Wei didn't care about these things, what he cared about was the sleeping posture of himself and Qiu Xiaolin.

The two of them hugged each other like koalas.

At this moment.

Zhang Ya covered her mouth and snickered: "Zhang Wei, did you and Xiao Lin sleep like this before? It's so cute."

"Misunderstanding." Zhang Wei stood up cautiously and touched his nose.

In fact, Zhang Ya was right.

Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin used to sleep like this. The main reason is that Qiu Xiaolin likes to sleep with a doll, and Zhang Wei is next to her. She likes to hold her. According to her, Zhang Wei is warmer and more textured than a doll, and Zhang Wei is also sleepy. Get used to hugging as before.

"Tell me, did you..."

Lin Ping ignored Zhang Wei's explanation, and went straight to Zhang Wei's face, asking with a smirk:

"Don't quibble, in the face of strong evidence, the defendant, Zhang Wei, please don't lie in front of this judge, I advise you to be frank and lenient, and bring the truth."

"Evidence? Where is it?" Zhang Wei asked subconsciously.


Lin Ping raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her mouth curled up into a hook shape: "It seems that the defendant Zhang Wei will not cry when you see the coffin. Please ask the plaintiff to appoint a lawyer Zhang Ya."

The words did not fall.

She looked aside Zhang Ya: "Lawyer Zhang Ya, please point out the evidence."

"That's great." Zhang Ya nodded and stepped forward.


She pointed her two fingers together like a sword, pointing at Zhang Wei's dantian three inches below, like hitting an acupuncture point from the air:

"Defendant Zhang Wei, look at this early in the morning, your b plug is almost broken out, and your b plug is almost attached to the b socket of the plaintiff Qiu Xiaolin. Before the evidence, the defendant Zhang Do you still have to quibble for you! You still say that you Chang Wei can't do martial arts!!"

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched.

The three of you have watched all of Luo Xiang's videos, right?

"Come on, I'm wearing pants, and I..."

Zhang Wei just wanted to say that this is the morning reaction that men have, but before he could say anything, he suddenly heard a groan in his ear.

In Zhang Ya's bluffing 'testimonies' just now.

Qiu Xiaolin woke up.


When she woke up and saw the three of Zhang Ya standing by the bed, looking at her with burning eyes, Qiu Xiaolin screamed out in fright.

This is called.

Zhang Ya and the others were taken aback, but they reacted quickly.

Zhou Xiaoqian shouted like a playwright: "Stop the defendant quickly, he is going to attack the plaintiff, don't let him stab the plaintiff!"

Immediately afterwards.

This 'court' is messed up.

The plaintiff suddenly went berserk and began to "slaughter" judges and lawyers.

"Don't be impulsive, plaintiff. Impulse is the devil."

"The defendant, hurry up and stop your mother-in-law, she is crazy, come, come, escort!"

"What is Judicial Police Xiaoqian still standing in a daze for? Save this Judge!"

It's been a rowdy morning.

Wait until Qiu Xiaolin and the others finish their fight.


Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Wei left the dormitory together, took the bus to Luxia City, and prepared to attend the comic exhibition the day after tomorrow.

on the way.

"Are you really planning to go? It's still too late to get off the bus."

"Yeah, you guys don't like watching anime, it's boring to go to comic conventions."

Zhang Ya and Qiu Xiaolin spoke one after another.

Lin Ping shook her head:

"I'm afraid, no matter how boring the comic exhibition is, it's much safer than the dormitory, isn't it? Didn't Zhang Wei say that, the ghost is afraid of the yang energy, then the comic exhibition is full of people, and the yang energy must be strong enough."

Most girls are timid.

Not to mention seeing ghosts.

Even though Zhang Wei got rid of the ghosts, they were still afraid and didn't dare to stay alone in the dormitory.

At this moment.

Zhou Xiaoqian also echoed:

"Yes, that's what I thought too. You don't have to be afraid of ghosts when you go to the comic exhibition. After all, there are so many people there. It can't be haunted."


Time flies.

Luxia City Bus Station.

Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin got off the car talking and laughing.

"It's almost noon, I'll take you to the hotel first, and then take you to dinner." Zhang Wei said.

Qiu Xiaolin waved her hand:

"It's okay, don't worry about us, we've already booked a hotel."

She knew that Zhang Wei wanted to do his best to be a landlord.


After Zhang Ya and the others babbled, Zhang Wei nodded:

"Okay, if you don't know where to go, call me, and I'll guide you where it's fun, and I'll go first...huh?"

The voice did not fall.

Zhang Wei glanced at the entrance of the bus station.

at this time.

The gate of the bus station is full of people coming and going. During the peak period of the flow of people, the bus station of Luxia City is adjacent to the bustling area, and it is also during the lunch period. The crowd outside the gate is rushing.

"Zhang Wei, what are you looking at? Are there any beauties?"

Zhang Ya and the others noticed Zhang Wei's actions.

In the middle of speaking, I suddenly looked at the door.

"No, there are no beauties." Zhang Wei replied, keeping his eyes on the door.

"Then what are you looking at?"

"Look at the cat."

"Huh? Cat? Where is it?"

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were stunned, looking back and forth at the bus station gate.

Although there was a constant flow of people at the door, it was easier to find a cat than to find people in the crowd. However, they looked around and couldn't see a cat, let alone a cat.

"Xiao Lin, have you seen the cat?"


"I didn't see it either."

They were puzzled, there was no cat in sight.


In Zhang Wei's gaze.

Not far from the entrance of the bus station, there was a chubby raccoon cat running towards him.


The cihuamao seemed to have sensed that Zhang Wei was looking at it, so it raised its head and barked at him.


(The content of this chapter is just a joke. Readers, please don’t take the real court as your seat!! The law must not be trampled on! Obey the law!)

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