Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 82 The Contracted Civet Cat Huahua, Now All The Ghosts Are Involved?

That raccoon cat is different from other cats.

The body is slightly transparent, and he quickly shuttles through the crowd, occasionally jumping up mischievously, and rushing straight to a passerby who is walking.

Immediately afterwards.

A strange scene appeared.

The passer-by who was hit by the cihuamao was not knocked down at all, and the cihuamao went straight through his body.

And the passer-by shivered, feeling as if a cool wind had blown just now, obviously it was noon and the sun was shining brightly.

When the raccoon cat barked at itself.

Zhang Wei showed a smile.

That's Huahua.

Not long ago, he and Qiu Xiaolin met after a few years, and then went shopping at an S store. On the way, they met a grandma on the bus. The other party had a civet cat guarding her.

Civet, also known as cat spirit.

It is a cat that becomes a ghost after death, and it must be treated kindly, or a kind cat can only form after death.

The ghosts formed by cats that were tortured to death or died with resentment cannot be called civets, they are cat ghosts, cat-like evil ghosts, fierce ghosts.

And Hua Hua.

Under the kindness of grandma, it became a civet.

At that time, Zhang Wei helped grandma, and was recognized by the civet cat, Huahua, who promised to come to Zhang Wei after he finished his work on grandma's side.


The civet flamboyantly jumped onto Zhang Wei's shoulder and rubbed his cheek.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Huahua, are you done with grandma's affairs?"

Qiu Xiaolin, Zhang Ya and the others were stunned for a moment, and then quickly remembered who Huahua was.


Because of Huahua's arrival, Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Ya knew about Zhang Wei and Huahua's affairs, so they pulled Zhou Xiaoqing, Lin Ping and Zhang Wei to say goodbye, and agreed to see you later.

Watching Qiu Xiaolin and the others go.

Zhang Wei took Hua Hua and sat down in a roadside flower garden with few people.

"Huahua, grandma hasn't finished her work, why did you come to me? Did something happen to grandma? Do you need my help?"

he asked aloud.

When I met Huahua just now, Zhang Wei asked Huahua if she had finished her grandma's work, but Huahua shook her head and couldn't help but make a guess.


Huahua still shook her head slightly.


It barked at Zhang Wei, then stretched out the chubby kitten's paw, and patted it on Zhang Wei's palm.


Zhang Wei understood the meaning: "You want to make a contract with me first?"


This time Huahua nodded her head a little bit.

"Haha, okay."

Huahua wants to make a contract with him, Zhang Wei is naturally happy.

next moment.

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand and bit his index finger, bleeding out, and drew a rune on the palm of the other hand.

Wait until the painting is finished.

Looking at the runes painted with blood on the palm, Zhang Wei couldn't help complaining:

"How about Maoshan technique, Taoism and so on, I like to bite my fingers and draw things with blood."

"Wait... Thinking about it this way, I seem to know how to recognize people as ghost exorcists. From now on, anyone who sees one or several fingers of others with many scabs and scars is probably a ghost exorcist. "

Just like ghosts, real ghost exorcists can also hide their own strength, especially the more powerful they are, the less likely they are to be detected.

"In the future, if you see a bald head, or someone with squinted eyes, or someone with a broken finger, it is very likely that you are a master."

Zhang Wei swears and complains over there:

"If the head is bald, the eyes are squinted, and the fingers are broken, it must be that the extremely strong man has not escaped. Tell me, Huahua, what I said makes sense."


Huahua's cute kitten face was smiling, and she was amused by Zhang Wei's words, as if she understood what Zhang Wei said.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei signaled Huahua to put her paw on the rune on her palm.


A light invisible to the naked eye blooms.

The light is blazing.

A tattoo emerges on Zhang Wei's back, a lounging cat lying on its stomach as if basking in the sun.

After the light faded, the tattoo on his back also disappeared.

at this moment.

Zhang Wei secretly felt that he had established a strange connection with Huahua, he could clearly feel where Huahua was, and felt that as long as he wanted, Huahua could be put in his back tattoo, and he could also call Huahua out of the tattoo.

A panel appeared in front of him instantly.

【Contract】: Huahua

[Type]: cat spirit

[Strength]: Ghost in red (if the strength of the ghost is lower than that of the host, the host can synchronize its strength with itself)

[Ghost]: Bell (gifted by the master "grandma" in life, and turned into a magic weapon of ghosts after death, it has a certain protective function.)

The cold system prompt sounded.

【Ding! It is detected that the host has contracted a ghost, whether to synchronize the strength of the host, and increase the contracted ghost's strength]

With a thought.

Zhang Wei chose to promote without hesitation.

"Meow~ thank you master."

Huahua yelled. Unlike before, Zhang Wei understood Huahua's yelling. It seemed that he had made a contract with Huahua, and he could communicate with Huahua and understand the meaning of her words.

"Don't be polite with me, you are my partner, it should be for you to improve your strength."

Zhang Wei scratched Huahua's chin.

"Meow~" Huahua yelled happily.

But because of the same mind.

Huahua's cry reached Zhang Wei's ears, and it became different, as if a person was screaming comfortably, especially Huahua was still a little female cat.

"Cough, Huahua, your cry sounds very embarrassing."

Since I can communicate with Huahua normally.

Naturally, Zhang Wei would not let it go, and immediately asked:

"Didn't you, Huahua, say before that you would come to me after finishing your grandma's affairs? Why are you here to make a contract with me now that you haven't finished?"

Huahua did not hide:

"Meow~ It's such a master. Last time you helped grandma introduce Captain Lin, that muscular Taoist priest. He helped grandma's family kill that wraith baby."

"I thought the matter had come to an end, even that muscular Taoist thought so, so I went to the master two days ago."

"In the end, I couldn't find the owner, and found that you were not in Luxia City."

"I have no choice but to go back to grandma first, and wait for the master to come back."

"And when I went back, I suddenly found that there was another baby with a ghost in my grandma's house."

Zhang Wei frowned upon hearing this:

"Captain Lin didn't completely kill the Wraith Baby?"

Huahua shook her head:

"No, Captain Lin killed it completely. The wraith baby that appeared was another one. I grabbed that wraith baby and asked about something. That wraith baby actually formed a gang. After being aborted as a ghost, she didn’t go to the grandma’s house at first, but met a group of ghost babies and ghost children.”

As soon as the words came out.

Zhang Wei raised his brows: "Huh? You mean that baby of the wraith, there is someone behind it, and now that it is dead, the ghost force behind it has come to seek revenge?"

When Huahua got it, she nodded affirmatively.

Zhang Wei couldn't help making a sound: "I'm sorry, people say that children are born to win at the starting line. It turns out that not only people are introverted, but even ghosts are so introverted. Do ghost babies form cliques?"


(ps: I was busy the past two days, and there were few updates. I will make up for it today, at least 4 updates!)

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