Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 83 Another Day, Don't Make Your Second Brother Suspicious

"Meow~ Yeah, I didn't think that the Wraith baby would have a backstage."

Hua Hua stretched out her cat's tongue and licked her paws, then washed her face.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei asked:

"Since grandma hasn't finished dealing with it, and a ghost force is involved, Huahua, why are you still looking for me? It's important to stay with grandma now."

Zhang Wei thought of a guess:

"Or you want to make a contract with me first. After all, it is a ghost force. You can't deal with it like a cat. You have made a contract with me. It is convenient for you to contact me for help. This is a good idea."

"Meow~ No."

Huahua put down her paws: "Master, I came to you not because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep grandma, so I asked you to make a contract for help. I was asking about the power behind the Wraith Baby, and I also asked about another matter."

"I learned about it from another baby with a wraith."

"Before you were at the bus station, after helping grandma and the others wipe off the ghost baby's footprints on their shoulders."

"That resentful spirit baby told the ghost forces behind you about your matter. Now that the resentful spirit baby is dead, the ghost forces think that it was caused by you, the master."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei understood.

The ghost power of the Wraith Baby believes that he asked someone to kill the Wraith Baby.


They were after him, trying to find him for revenge, or even...kill him!

as predicted.

Huahua's voice came:

"Meow~ That ghost force is not a good force. They already know that the Wraith Baby is dead, and they are planning to take revenge on the master and kill the master."

"I came to the master not only to tell the master to be careful recently, but also to make a contract with you, so that if the master needs help, I can help you in time."

Zhang Wei forehead, understand Huahua's intention.

No matter what kind of contract it is, ghost exorcists can establish contact with ghosts, even if they are far apart, once the other party is in danger, they can feel it.

In this way.

Even if Huahua goes back to protect grandma now, she can ensure that Zhang Wei is safe and provide immediate support.

"I will be careful."

Zhang Wei stroked Huahua's little head:

"Huahua, go back and protect grandma first. If grandma is in danger, you can contact me directly. I won't go to grandma's place for now, but I will deal with it."

"Meow~Okay, master, be careful." Huahua enjoyed Zhang Wei's stroking.

It came this time to protect Zhang Wei.

But after the contract, his strength was improved by Zhang Wei, and it wasn't just a little bit, it was multiplied several times. It knew that Zhang Wei didn't need to protect himself.


It also understands why Zhang Wei doesn't go to grandma.

To know about the Wraith baby, apart from Zhang Wei, it is the grandma's house. If Zhang Wei goes to grandma's house rashly now, he will only fall into the enemy's hands and be taken over by the enemy.

Watching Huahua leave.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and called Lu Lianxue.


Luxia City.

Lu Lianxue lived in a high-end apartment, room 123.

at this time.

Lu Lianxue had just finished eating, and was about to play games before class in the afternoon, when the computer was just turned on...

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

"Huh? Zhang Wei, why did you call me suddenly? You can't handle the matter in Wenling City, right?"

Lu Lianxue made a joke, she knew Zhang Wei's whereabouts, and when the other party called her, she couldn't help but think that Zhang Wei didn't handle the ghost that Xiao Mantou encountered, so he called the Department of Health for help.

Listen to what Lu Lianxue said on the phone.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Squad leader, how can a man say that he can't handle women's affairs? I'm sure I can handle them, and I'll make sure they're okay."

Lu Lianxue chuckled, and couldn't help joking:

"Is it that powerful?"

"What's wrong, don't you believe me, next time the monitor is coming, remember to find me and let you know how good I am."

As soon as the words came out.

Lu Lianxue was amused by Zhang Wei: "Zhang Wei, no matter what you say, I can feel a car passing by my face, the key is that I can't see the car, only the tires on my face imprint."

"Hahaha, illusion." Zhang Wei laughed.

Gossiping for a while.

Zhang Wei straightened his face and explained to Lu Lianxue the purpose of the call.

for a moment.

Lu Lianxue frowned: "Ghost baby forces?"

Just now Zhang Wei told her about the ghost baby encountered at grandma's house.

"I'll tell Captain Lin about this now."

Lu Lianxue paused.

She seemed to understand Zhang Wei's thoughts, and then took the initiative to add:

"Zhang Wei, you don't have to worry about bothering us. Let's not say that the ghost baby was handled by Captain Lin. Now that the ghost forces behind it are drawn out, it should be handled by our Department of Health. Besides, grandma is a citizen of Daxia. When their family encounters a ghost, we The Ministry of Health has the right to protect them and deal with ghost incidents."

The matter involves the power of ghosts.

Lu Lianxue didn't dare to procrastinate, hung up the phone hastily, and called Captain Lin.

Not long.

After talking on the phone with Captain Lin, Lu Lianxue called Zhang Wei again without stopping.

"Zhang Wei, I told Captain Lin that he has already reported to the headquarters of the Ministry of Health. Now the staff of the Department of Health in Luxia City have been transferred to the Northeast for support, and your matter involves ghost forces. It can be said that the matter may be serious. The Department of Health will Send someone over here as soon as possible."

"It is estimated that someone will come to deal with this matter today."

Lu Lianxue said, as if she remembered something, she hurriedly continued:

"By the way, Captain Huang applied to dispatch the personnel from the Department of Health and Dao to protect you, and it is estimated that they will come over in the next two days."


On Zhang Wei's forehead, he is not worried about his own safety.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to hang up the phone.

"Zhang Wei and so on." Lu Lianxue said out loud.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Listen to what you said just now, you're back in Luxia City now, so don't you plan to go back to the school dormitory tonight?"

Lu Lianxue is not stupid.

She knew what kind of person Zhang Wei was, otherwise the other party would not have come to the Department of Health and Dao because of grandma's affairs, instead of trying to deal with it alone.

And now.

Zhang Wei knew that he was being targeted by ghost forces, so he would definitely not go back to the school dormitory. He didn't want to put other students in danger because of him.

Think here.

Lu Lianxue blushed, gritted her teeth and said:

"How about, why don't you stay with me for one night? I'm a ghost exorcist. If ghosts come, we can take care of them."

Zhang Wei was moved when he heard the words:

"Isn't that good, lonely man and widow, not to mention that you have a bad reputation for the squad leader, and besides, you are my second brother's sister, so I said goodbye to my second brother Lianfeng, and then went to sleep at her sister's house. The timing is right, there is a feeling that the taste is not as good as dumplings, and the fun is not as good as sister-in-law, what a crime!"

"So, even if you really want to sleep at your house, you have to choose another day. Don't make the second brother suspicious."

Zhang Wei's words were rough and continued:

"in addition."

"I slept with them all night yesterday to help Xiao Mantou and the others. This night, I slept in a woman's place. Thinking about it, it's a heinous crime. No one is as bad as me."

Zhang Wei jokingly rejected Lu Lianxue's kindness, not wanting Lu Lianxue to be in danger.

The words fell.

Zhang Wei grinned and changed the topic:

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about business. Tomorrow is the manga exhibition. What is the squad leader planning to go to the manga exhibition?"


Time flies.

the next day.

A hotel in Luxia City.

Zhang Wei walked out of the hotel, stood at the door looking at the blue sky, and stretched:

"Today's weather is really nice, it's a suitable day to go to the comic exhibition."

After talking on the phone with Lu Lianxue yesterday, he just found a hotel to stay, and didn't even go to eat with Qiu Xiaolin and the others, for fear that the ghost forces would find him and indirectly harm others.

As a result, it passed overnight.

He felt that his worries were unfounded.

The ghost force did not find him immediately.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei called a Didi and went to the comic exhibition he was thinking of.


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