Under Zhang Wei's 'Child Abuse'.

The ghost babies in the hall of the venue fled in all directions.


Just after Zhang Wei killed four or five ghost babies, he was about to kill the next one.


The shrill and ear-piercing crying and howling of babies, as if thousands of babies were crying, came from all directions and resounded throughout the hall of the venue.

Everyone covered their ears, not hiding the horror on their faces.

"Ah, ghost! Ghost!——"

The anchor from before yelled.

Seeing the ghost baby being dispelled, the anchor breathed a sigh of relief, but also became excited. He hurriedly picked up his mobile phone to broadcast the situation here live. A real supernatural live broadcast would definitely make him explode overnight.


When he picked up his mobile phone to start the live broadcast, he suddenly noticed the scene outside the hall of the venue through the scene shot by the mobile phone.

The entrance of the venue where the mobile phone camera was aimed at...

There are countless ghost babies lying on the continuous floor-to-ceiling windows!

There are so many mahjongs that the entire floor-to-ceiling windows are covered, and there is no gap to see the scenery outside the window.


The anchor's mobile phone fell to the ground in fright, fell to the ground, and kept backing away.

he yelled.

It attracted the attention of many people, and they also saw the situation of the floor-to-ceiling windows. No matter if they were brave or timid, they all felt their scalps go numb and screamed in terror.

"so much?!"

Lu Lianxue also noticed it, and then she seemed to feel something, and she could not help changing the color of the situation outside the hall with her eyes:

"No, we were taken into the ghost realm."

"Ah? Are we in the ghost land?" Li Junfei was terrified when he heard this.

He understands what a ghost domain is. He has encountered the blood moon ghost incident at school last time. He is very aware of the horror of the ghost domain. Other methods.


When Qiu Xiaolin and the others learned about Huangquan from Li Junfei, they all panicked.

This ghost domain obviously covers the entire venue, which is equivalent to a cage, and now there are not only them in the cage, but also densely packed ghost babies. If the ghost babies gnaw on them alone, they can swallow them alive.

"Is there a way to get out?"

Li Junfei looked at Lu Lianxue beside him, and asked in a trembling voice.

Lu Lianxue shook her head, and said leisurely with a sad face:

"This ghost domain... is not comparable to the blood moon ghost last time."

"It can accommodate so many ghost infants raging, without leaking ghost aura at all. I didn't notice until I saw it with my own eyes. This scale... let alone me, even if Team Lin, who is the Tiger Guard, comes, It can't be broken either."

Lu Lianxue hesitated for a while, but still told the truth about the desperate situation:

"If you want to go out, at least you need to reach Qilin Wei."

The voice just fell.

I saw Zhang Wei walking over slowly with the head of a dead ghost baby in his hand:

"Squad leader, do you mean that Qilin Wei is fine?"

See Lu Lianxue nodded.

Zhang Wei casually threw the ghost baby's head:

"That's easy, that uncle over there, when are you going to wait, hurry up and get to work."


Lu Lianxue and the others froze for a moment, and they all stared at the middle-aged uncle Zhang Wei was looking at.

"Brother Wei, who is he?" Li Junfei asked subconsciously.

"He, he should be the person sent by the Department of Health and Justice to protect me, am I right, uncle." Zhang Wei grinned.

"Yes, I was sent by the Department of Health and Dao."

The middle-aged uncle admitted.

in words.

His eyes never left Zhang Wei, and he didn't hide his surprise. He obviously didn't expect Zhang Wei to find him.

This time he received the task of defending Zhang Wei and was ordered to protect him secretly. For this reason, he did not contact Zhang Wei and restrained his breath. It stands to reason that unless he reached Qilin Wei, he would not be found. After all, even if he became Qilinwei is not long, that is also a real Qilinwei.

Think here.

A startling thought came to the middle-aged uncle's mind.

Zhang Wei, who was asked by me to protect him, won't he reach Qilin Wei, right? !

"Uncle, the situation is hidden now, hurry up and break through the ghost domain, there are still many people here."

Zhang Wei spoke up.

The middle-aged uncle regained his composure, showing embarrassment and coughing:

"It's not that I want to hide it, it's that I can't break through the ghost realm."

He explained:

"So many people are trapped in Huangquan, I can't just sit back and watch."

"When the ghost baby and the ghost domain appeared just now, I shot through it, but, cough... I couldn't break through the ghost domain."

"This is not an ordinary ghost domain. Not only is it blessed with ghost magic weapons, but it is also cast by multiple ghosts at the same time. It is a multiple ghost domain. I broke through one layer of ghost domains, and another layer of ghost domains was covered."

"And when I destroy another layer, the previous layer of ghost domain has been restored."


He pointed out the floor-to-ceiling windows, densely packed with ghost babies:

"The only thing I can do now is to keep those ghost babies out of the venue, and they won't be able to come in for a while."

It seemed that they felt the despair on everyone's faces.

The middle-aged uncle quickly comforted:

"Don't worry."

"I've already felt it just now, those ghosts who cast Ghost Domain are on the second floor."

"I will go to the second floor to deal with those ghosts. As long as they are solved, the ghost domain will disappear."

"Before that, please Zhang Wei, Ms. Lu, please protect the people present and prevent them from attacking here when I go to the second floor."

Time is running out.

The middle-aged uncle had to go upstairs after making arrangements.

But at this time.

Zhang Wei stopped the opponent:

"Uncle, don't bother, just leave it to me to deal with the ghosts on the second floor. As for uncle, you can just take the squad leader, Xiaolin and the others out."

in words.

Zhang Wei went straight to the hall door of the venue, and then took out a box of contact lenses from his hand:

"Since the uncle can't break through the ghost domain, I have to come here, alas... I really don't want to pretend."

【Ding! 8000 system points for blessing color contact lenses]

With the system prompt beeping.

Zhang Wei opened the contact lens case, took out a pair of "Sharingan" color contact lenses, and put them on his eyes.


Lu Lianxue, Big Sister, the anchor and the others were stunned.

Zhang Wei quickly formed a seal with both hands, and shouted loudly:

"Sharingan is open! Amaterasu!"

Words come out.

Zhang Wei's pair of 'Sharingan' with three hooks turned and melted, turning into a 'Kaleidoscopic Sharingan'.


A raging black flame ignited.

In front of what Zhang Wei looked at, the floor-to-ceiling windows lit up.


The shrill screams resounded through the venue.


As Zhang Wei's pair of Sharingan eyes focused, the black flames from the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of them bloomed out of thin air, surging out, burning up the floor-to-ceiling windows and the ghost babies on the floor-to-ceiling windows.


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