Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 89 There Is A 'Real Product' Among Us

Deathly silence.

Except for the roaring black flames from the floor-to-ceiling windows, the venue was extremely quiet.


Looking at the black flames burning like maggots on tarsus bones, burning the floor-to-ceiling windows and the baby ghosts, the black flames couldn't be extinguished no matter what.

Let’s look at Zhang Wei’s outfit, and the pair of colored contacts ‘Sharingan’.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"This is... Amaterasu?!"

"That's Sharingan!!"

"I, I, I stepped on the horse and saw Uchiha Itachi?!"

Everyone was stunned, each one was petrified, even the fat man was shocked, and his heart was surging like a tsunami.

Shocked, appalled, unbelievable.

It's all written on the face.

A few seconds passed, and it was difficult to regain consciousness, immersed in the shock.

"My God, what did I see, what did I see!"

"I am Cao, there is a real person in our sermon?!"

this moment.

They all looked at Zhang Wei and looked at each other's attire. At this moment, apart from the excitement of being rescued, they were also deeply shocked and confused.

Could that person... be Uchiha Itachi?

There is no mistake, that is Uchiha Itachi, that is Amaterasu!

The big sister, Ser, and other people present wearing Ser uniforms were all shocked...

I thought all of us were acting as anime characters.

The result is not?

There's a 'real thing' among us.

People are acting in their true colors.

this moment.

Everyone was stunned, feeling like they were a group of Erha, and in this group of Erha, there was a real Alaskan wolf king!

Think here.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhang Wei's powerful 'Sharingan' again.

Even if you don't believe it, the facts are right in front of you.

They all saw with their own eyes that Zhang Wei's pair of colored contacts 'Sharingan' put it on, not only did it really move, it turned into a kaleidoscope Sharingan, and released the Amaterasu!

Almost certainly...that's Sharingan.

"So Sharingan isn't the bloodstain boundary, it's color contact lenses, you can wear it?" Someone murmured, recalling the scene where Zhang Wei took Sharingan.

As soon as his words came out.

The corners of the anime fans present, especially those Naruto fans, couldn't help but twitch.

"Please don't say it, okay, I am."

"I feel... I won't be able to look directly at the Uchiha clan in the future."

"Uchiha family? Color contact family??"

In the past, they felt that the Uchiha clan was very compelling, because the Sharingan passed down from generation to generation by their clan was really handsome.

but now.

Ever since I saw the scene in front of me.

All they can think of are Sasuke Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, etc. The first thing they do when they wake up is to put on the colored contact lenses of 'Sharingan'.


Their Sharingan is hereditary, not the kind of blood inheritance, it is the colored contact lenses passed down from generation to generation, and the wearing of colored contact lenses is passed down from generation to generation.

It's not just people at the show.

The fat man was shocked.

【Ding! The unknown ghost is confused, the Zhang Wei I want to assassinate is actually Itachi Uchiha? 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

at the same time.

Compared with the fat man and the others, the middle-aged uncle's eyes widened even more, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"This, this..." He rubbed his eyes vigorously, looking back and forth at Zhang Wei and the burnt French windows.

broke? !

The multiple ghost domains were broken by Zhang Wei, the "protected object"? !

The middle-aged uncle was dumbfounded.

That's a ghost domain, or multiple ghost domains, I can't even break through it, why did you break through it...

The middle-aged uncle couldn't help staring at Zhang Wei.

Qilin Wei!

Zhang Wei is Qilin Wei!

As a Qilin guard, he knows how difficult that multiple ghost domain is, at least a Qilin guard is needed to break through it, and Zhang Wei has done it, it is certain that Zhang Wei has reached the Qilin guard.


The strength of Zhang Wei's Qilin guard is still higher than his own.

Think about it.

The middle-aged uncle's eyelids twitched wildly... The person I want to protect is stronger than me?

He subconsciously looked at the broken ghost domain.

Zhuo! Who is protecting whom?

It wasn't until Zhang Wei patted the middle-aged uncle on the shoulder that the other party recovered from the shock:

"Uncle, Ghost Domain, I'll help you get dressed, and I'll leave it to you to escort the people present out of the venue."

"Huh? What about you? What are you going to do?"

Seeing Zhang Wei walking towards the venue, the middle-aged uncle hurriedly spoke.

Zhang Wei turned his head when he heard the words, and raised a smile:

"Of course I went to the second floor to fight ghosts. This is my territory in Luxia City. The ghosts are causing trouble on my territory. Let us deal with it."


Zhang Wei signaled to Lu Lianxue and others:

"Squad leader, I'll leave this to you, Junfei and Fatty, you two will go save people with me."

"Ah? Shall we go too?" Li Junfei was stunned.

Zhang Wei nodded.

He wasn't sure if Fatty planned the attack.

In order to confirm the situation, it is most reliable to let the fat man stay by his side, and Li Junfei, as a 'fuse', naturally has to be brought, with him around, the fat man can't do anything to himself.

But Zhang Wei can't tell the truth.

He casually gave a reason:

"I remember that the second floor is the location of the stage play of this s exhibition, isn't our ticket for the second floor?"

"I just looked at the well-known sergeants who were invited to participate in the stage play. The fire alarm didn't see them go out of the venue at that time. They were obviously all on the second floor."

"The two of you go with me. When the time comes, I will deal with the ghosts, and you will be responsible for saving people."

"Okay." Li Junfei nodded.

The fat man also nodded, not being suspicious of Zhang Wei's words.

The opposite of.

【Ding! The unknown ghost praises, this Zhang Wei is quite careful, when dealing with ghosts, he does not forget to consider saving people, a good person, this is]

[Host obtains system points +100]


On the way to the second floor.

Chi chi chi.

Amaterasu flames burn.

Zhang Wei burned through the ghost domain leading to the second floor and rushed towards the second floor.

Seeing this, Li Junfei hurriedly said:

"Brother Wei, do you have any extra Sharingan? Give me one, so I can protect myself."

Zhang Wei said while running:

"I'm just this one, do you want it?"

Li Junfei stopped Zhang Wei from taking off his colored contact lenses:

"That's no need, Brother Wei, you can use it, you have to deal with ghosts, and you have already put on your color contact lenses, and you wear them for me, I'm afraid it's unhygienic, haha."

Zhang Wei knew that Li Junfei was afraid that he would not be able to deal with ghosts because he lost his colored contact lenses.

Immediately, he groped around to see if there was anything Li Junfei could get close to.


not at all.

Except for the color contact lenses, he has no extra items on his body.

But soon.

No, I don't have any personal belongings, but it's not like I don't have nothing.

"Brother Wei, this is the entrance to the stage play."

Li Junfei interrupted Zhang Wei's groping, and pointed to the door of a second-floor venue in front of him.

Zhang Wei nodded.


Immediately pushed open the door of the venue on the second floor.


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