Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 90 It's Fine If You Don't Give It, Why Are You Still 'Spraying' Him?

at this time.

The hall on the second floor of the venue.

Like the hall on the first floor, there are also crying sounds here, but it's not the crying of babies, but a group of girls who were scared and cried, hugging each other and shivering in the corner.

They are well-known sers invited by the comic exhibition, and some of them are internet celebrities with millions of followers.

I thought this comic exhibition would allow them to gain more fans.

The result was unexpected.

If the powder is not inhaled, the life will be lost.

"Who will save us?"

They were so frightened that they cried loudly. They had long since lost the vigor they had when they came here, only fear and fear.

in front of them.

There were a dozen or so hairy figures standing there.

That's a ghost.

Among them, the three ghost infants in the front are so dark and infiltrating that just looking at them is enough to make people have nightmares.

Watch those ghosts.

They have never had such a moment, hoping to have someone to rely on, hoping that someone will appear to save them.

Not long ago these ghosts appeared and they were trapped here.


Those ghosts also walked towards them, no matter how they looked at it, they wanted to kill them and eat them.

But soon.

The fire alarm bell rang, which attracted the attention of these ghosts. After that, they didn't know what happened. What's the situation.

This scene.

Scared them out.


Just when they thought they were going to be killed by ghosts, they found that all the ghosts suddenly looked at the door.


The door locked by the ghost was pushed open, and a voice came from the door. It was the conversation between Zhang Wei and Li Junfei, and it was a human voice.

They were pleasantly surprised.

Someone has come to rescue them!

Can't help it.

They stopped crying and looked towards the door together, and some of the women even shouted loudly.

"We are here!"

"Save us!"

But just after yelling a few times, the yelling for help stopped abruptly, and they were all stunned...

I saw three people coming in at the door.

A handsome guy dressed as "Itachi Uchiha", a fat man named "Coach Anzai", and a fat man named "Choji".

Immediately afterwards.

The handsome guy who came in quickly spotted them, waved at them and said:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

next moment.

He said to 'Ding Ci' next to him: "Jun Fei, follow the plan, you two go save them, I'll deal with the ghosts, by the way, stretch out your hands... he tui!"

Zhang Wei spat at Li Junfei's outstretched hands, and said:

"Junfei, I don't have anything on me for you to deal with ghosts, so I'll give you a spit, don't mind."

Ladies: "????"

The ghost babies who rushed over: "???"

Li Junfei: "????"

【Ding! I'm confused, what's going on? Brother, he just wants to ask you for a magic weapon, if you don't give it to him, it's fine, why do you still 'spray' him. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

"Fuck me, brother Wei, what are you doing...I Cao?!" The corner of Li Junfei's mouth twitched, just about to complain.


A sacred light like Buddha's light bloomed from Li Junfei's palm.

to be exact.

Zhang Wei's saliva burst into immeasurable light, the light was sacred, as if it could dispel all darkness and evil, and illuminate Li Junfei incomparably holy.

【Ding! Bless the host's saliva with 3000 system points]

Everyone and ghosts are dumbfounded.

But before he had time to think about it, Zhang Wei rushed forward.


The three ghost infants looked at each other, and let out a shrill baby cry, with a surge of Yin Qi, and rushed towards Zhang Wei.

They are the three infant ghosts who used multiple ghost domains. The ghost domain was broken, let them know Zhang Wei's strength, and they dared not trust him. They joined forces as soon as they came up, and used the ghost magic weapon.

Not only that.

One of the ghost babies even gave an order to the dozen or so ghost babies nearby:

"Go and catch those women, don't let them save anyone."

In their view.

As long as these women are in their hands, even if they can't beat Zhang Wei later, they can rely on these people to force Zhang Wei to stop, so as to escape from here.


More than a dozen ghost babies rushed towards the female sergeants.


The female sergeant yelled in horror, and closed her eyes in despair, even if she saw Li Junfei rushing over, she was extremely desperate.

Just now they listened before the door opened. Li Junfei was asking Zhang Wei for something at the door. It was obvious that Li Junfei was an ordinary person, but now there are more than a dozen ghosts coming towards them.

Li Junfei was also desperate.

Originally thought that with Brother Wei around, it would be easy for him to save people, and Brother Wei could stop those ghosts.

Who knew that the ghost baby was so insidious, it was actually playing tricks.

But out of saving instinct.

Li Junfei still rushed over, blocked in front of the female servants, and punched a baby ghost who rushed over.

Then a shrill scream resounded through the audience.


Seeing the baby ghost rushing over, like a balloon, after being hit by Li Junfei's punch, it exploded with a bang, and was annihilated in flying ash, leaving only the scream echoing.

【Ding! The ghost babies were shocked, staring at Li Junfei's glowing fist]

[Host obtains system points +50]

This scene.

The ladies were all stunned.

"That drool, can you really get close to me?!" A woman with a million fans looked at Li Junfei's fist

Words come out.

All the females couldn't help being startled, and they all stared away.

same moment.

"This... just died like this? Did I kill the ghost??"

Li Junfei was dumbfounded. He looked down at the saliva on his fist, changed the pain he felt towards Zhang Wei before, and said excitedly:

"Brother Wei's saliva, is it so good, this nima toilet water repels mosquitoes, Brother Wei's saliva drives away ghosts?"


Li Junfei was excited, and realized that Zhang Wei's saliva had a powerful effect of exorcising ghosts. Without hesitation, he rushed towards the dozen or so ghost babies screaming.

You must know that there are a group of well-known women here, how can any man not want to show off in front of beautiful women.

Li Junfei is no exception.

Immediately make a bold move. After all, whether you can get out of the order may depend on today!

With the blessing of Zhang Wei's saliva.

Li Junfei punched one ghost, killing more than a dozen ghost babies in a short time.


Li Junfei clapped his hands, turned around and showed off:

"Beauties, I...uh..."

Li Junfei found that the female sergeants didn't look at him at all, but surrounded Zhang Wei who had also finished beating ghosts. They surrounded Zhang Wei circle after circle.

Just as they were hoping, they looked at Zhang Wei eagerly and asked about Zhang Wei's saliva.

I don't know if I heard it wrong.

They were chattering around Zhang Wei and said:

"That little big brother, can you give me some of your drool, I need it."

"Big brother, I want...your drool."

"Quick! Spit on me, big brother!"


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