Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 91 Ask Zhang Wei For A Lot Of Money To Ask For A Child

The words of the female sergeants echoed in his ears.

Watching the scene of female serfs surrounding Zhang Wei.

Li Junfei's raised smile shrank into an emoji of an old man in the subway in the next second.

The picture in front of you.

It is simply the dream of an otaku, brother Wei has come true in reality.

Asuna, Qiongmei, Nami, One Piece Empress, Hinata, Raiden General, blackened version of Saber and other perfectly restored anime female characters.

They surrounded Zhang Wei with three layers inside and three layers outside, looking at Zhang Wei eagerly, pushing forward one by one desperately, trying to push away the two General Thunder and the Empress who were holding Zhang Wei's arms with both hands.

This scene.

The eyelids of Li Junfei and Fatty twitched wildly.

I'm really afraid that they will appear in the movie scene with the suffix of 'avi' in their minds, and they will kneel in front of Zhang Wei one by one in a second, hugging Zhang Wei's thigh, and calling for their master eagerly.

【Ding! Unknown ghosts envy. 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

the other side.

The ladies didn't notice the expressions of the fat man and Li Junfei, they were all focused on Zhang Wei.

Before Zhang Wei and Li Junfei came in, they clearly heard their conversation and knew that Li Junfei was an ordinary person. However, under the blessing of Zhang Wei's saliva, the ordinary Li Junfei was more fierce than Lin Zhengying in killing ghosts.

Although they were trapped here by ghost babies not long.

The psychological shadow that can be caused is huge.

Now that Zhang Wei's saliva has such an effect, who wouldn't want it.

If there were not so many people now, and there were two extra men, Li Junfei and Fatty, they needed to keep a little more reserved, otherwise they would have had fun and demanded Zhang Wei's saliva crazily.

Don't talk about pleading with Zhang Wei.

Even if they had to spend a lot of money to buy it, they wouldn't even bat an eyelid.

As long as Zhang Wei is willing to sell, ten thousand of them are willing to consume Zhang Wei, even if Zhang Wei only spits on them.

"Big brother, do you want to add a WeChat account?"

They took out their mobile phones, wishing Zhang Wei could add all their contact information.

"Little big brother, whenever you want to sell, just call me, okay, I'll wait for you."

"Big brother, do you have that kind of very close female friend, that kind of friend who is so nice to each other that you can joke with each other, and even if you spit on her, she will still smile. If not, I think I can do it."

They chatted to each other in front of Zhang Wei.

They followed Zhang Wei all the way until Zhang Wei led them out of the second floor to the lobby on the first floor.

"What's the situation?"

Zhang Ya looked surprised, and quickly pulled Li Junfei who was left aside:

"Junfei, are you sure you went to the second floor to kill ghosts and save people? Why are they so hush-hush to Zhang Wei? Isn't it? It's just saving them."

Lin Ping, who didn't understand manga, said strangely:

"Are all Ser's so enthusiastic, after being rescued, are they so grateful to Dade?"

Zhou Xiaoqing also echoed:

"In fact, compared to this, I'm more curious why they keep staring at Zhang Wei's mouth. I don't think Zhang Wei has any cabbage leaves in his mouth. What are they doing staring at?"

To this.

Li Junfei didn't know how to explain.

Now that there are outsiders here, he is afraid that if he says that Zhang Wei's saliva can drive away ghosts, it will cause a sensation and cause trouble for Zhang Wei.

After all, women are the best example.

After thinking about it, Li Junfei said:

"It's nothing, probably Brother Wei sprayed me before he beat the ghosts. They think Brother Wei is so handsome and want to be sprayed by Zhang Wei."


Zhang Ya and the others were taken aback for a while, with weird eyes, then subconsciously looked at the female servants surrounding Zhang Wei.

Zhang Ya couldn't help asking:

"Junfei, are you sure they just want to be scolded by Zhang Wei? They don't want to be friends with Zhang Wei?"

Li Junfei couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, and just wanted to explain in a vague way.

But at this time.

"What are you talking about?"

I saw Zhang Wei walking over.

Li Junfei couldn't help being stunned: "Brother Wei, you got rid of them? So soon, don't they ask you to buy...cough, that?"

He said, looking at Zhang Ya and the others, he was embarrassed to say more.

Zhang Wei nodded:

"No, they wanted to buy it very much, but I told them that I didn't mean to have it. How could I keep throwing up, and it's not a water pipe. I said that when I was free, I added WeChat first and got rid of it first."

Zhang Ya and the others heard their conversation strangely.

Have we got it wrong?

Those girls are not shaking.

Instead... begging Zhang Wei for a son with a lot of money?


Time flies.


In a snack street near the comic exhibition venue, in a home-cooked restaurant.

"It's a pity, the comic exhibition will not be able to open for a while." Li Junfei cried out in pain.

Comic-Con Haunting happened.

Despite Zhang Wei's actions and the evacuation of most people in Manzhan in advance, there were still hundreds of people who saw the ghost. In addition to contacting these people to keep it secret, the Department of Health and Dao also had to investigate the cause of the haunting and track down the situation. For this reason, Manzhan Only temporarily closed.

Also for this.

Zhang Wei and the others didn't stay in the comic exhibition for long, and came to the snack street to eat.

Zhang Wei picked up a piece of braised pork, and said slowly:

"Don't worry, the cause of the haunting is related to me. The Department of Health and Dao doesn't need to investigate, so the only thing left is to sign a confidentiality agreement."

"I just contacted the squad leader. In addition to dealing with this matter, she also notified Captain Lin that the Department of Health and Dao has sent staff over. Basically, the confidentiality agreement can be completed within three days."

That's all for words.

The fat man couldn't help raising his head, with a strange look on his face and said:

"Brother Wei, why did you provoke so many ghost babies?"

【Ding! The unknown ghost sighed and wondered, what are you doing, there are ghosts trying to kill you wherever you go. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Fatty sighed.

I thought this haunting was just a coincidence.

Who knew it was related to Zhang Wei.

As a ghost, or a powerful ghost, Fatty wouldn't know that the ghost that appeared this time was definitely not a single ghost causing trouble, but a ghost force, otherwise it would be impossible for so many ghost babies to appear together.

You must know that Zhang Wei is in the Northeast, and he has already provoked their ghost power.

Who ever thought.

Zhang Wei also provoked ghost forces in Luxia City.

Think here.

The fat man's expression became more and more strange. He recalled that when the tailor asked him to kill Zhang Wei before, he adhered to the principle of prudence and investigated Zhang Wei's information in advance.

he remembers.

Zhang Wei did not come from an orthodox exorcism orthodox tradition, but became a monk halfway. He devoted himself to learning exorcism for several years, and it was not long ago that he dealt with ghosts for the first time.

Going to two places in a short period of time provoked two ghost forces.

If we go to a few more places, will the ghost forces in several places be provoked?

It's not what he wants to think.

Instead, he recalled Zhang Wei's behavior and the information he knew, and he couldn't allow him to think too much.

Can't help it.

The fat man couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Wei again.

You guy, you must not be the lone star of the devil.

At this moment.

Zhang Wei opened his mouth, waved his hands and said: "It's nothing, I just killed a ghost baby by accident, who knew that after killing the young one, the old one would come."

Words come out.

Li Junfei laughed: "Where is the old one here? This is a nest. By the way, we can't go to the manga exhibition today, so what are we going to do when we wait?"

Qiu Xiaolin raised her head and said, "We are planning to go back."

Lin Ping and the others nodded:

"I thought it would be safer to leave the dormitory. Who knows, it's dangerous to go there, so it's better to go back to the dormitory and stay."

"I feel that following Zhang Wei is not as safe as I thought, so let's go back."

"It just so happens that my club still has activities, so let's go back first."

"Okay." Li Junfei raised his forehead and looked towards Zhang Wei: "What about you, Brother Wei? I plan to go to the handicraft store with Brother Fatty later, Brother Wei will not come together."

"No, I have something else to do."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Junfei jokingly said, "I'm not going to provoke ghosts again, Brother Wei, I advise you to be kind."

Zhang Wei grinned: "Go find an old man to make tea."

"Brother Wei, where does the old man you are looking for live? Is it close to S Square? If it is close, we will go find you after we buy the figures. Hehe, I bet in the locker room before, Fat Brother still owes us a meal , you have to hurry up."

Following Li Junfei's words, he asked.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Living in a house of horrors."


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