Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 15 Chapter 1645: Offense

In the late period of the four Xuan Xian, two of them were already completed by Xuan Xian.

"On both of you?" A female fairy wearing a pink fairy skirt stared at Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu's doubts. She apparently saw that she was too low and had a seriously injured Yan Bingyu. Doubtful. It stands to reason that in the middle of a mysterious fairy, with a seriously injured female fairy, it should not be able to come here.

"Yes, Mo Ying has seen a few fairy friends." Under normal circumstances, few people under the Great Fairy are called Xianyou. The reason why Ye Mo said this is to show that he respects the four people in front of him."

The head of the immortal was already full of Xuan Xian. He stared at Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu and frowned. "This is already the place where Ping Pong grassland has entered the edge of the fourth-level area. Seriously hurt the fairy also dare to come here? Are you looking for death?"

Ye Mo understands the meaning of this fairy, the edge of the fourth-level area is just a general term, meaning that it is possible to meet the four-level fairy demon here. These general titles are only meant to give a clear division to the immortals who hunted the demon demon, not to say that there are no four-level demon in the third-level area. Sometimes there are four or even five-level fairy demon in the secondary area, but it is relatively rare.

"Thank you for the concern of a few fairy friends. I would like to ask if the past is the place where the four-level fairy demon is?" Ye Mo asked very respectfully, he knew that sometimes it was not the deeper the demon. The level is gradually increasing. The area of ​​the third-level fairy demon is not the place where the yidiǎn point is not the fourth level and the fifth-level fairy demon is not impossible. But in general, the more you enter the depths of Pingpeng grassland. The level of the fairy demon is higher.

The man who was in front of the eyes was full, although Ye Mo was looking for death. It is not the meaning of sarcasm. But I want to teach Ye Mo not knowing the depth. With a seriously injured female fairy, I dared to come to this place. Because the other party is kind, Ye Mo did not think much.

"Yes, here is the yidiǎn point, which is the place where the four-level fairy demon is gone. You hurry to take your Taoist back." The headed Xuan Xian looked at Yan Bingyu behind Ye Mo and shook his head. Kindly added a sentence.

The first-ever pink dress female fairy said: "Hey brother. There are a lot of four-level fairy demon behind this. They both go back. If they meet the fourth-level fairy demon, don't you..."

The female fairy in this pink dress seems to be afraid that her tone is too heavy, and she will swallow the two words of death, but all of them will hear what she meant.

The name of the mysterious man named Xiao Ge was full of waving his hand and said to Ye Mo: "The fog demon temple is open, we have to rush to the fog demon temple, so we can not bring you both. I will give you a jade, you along After the jade slipped back, there is still a chance to go out from here."

After finishing this Xuan Xian, you must take Yu Jian.

Ye Mo quickly said: "Hey brother. I don't know what is going on in the fog temple?"

Knowing that these mysterious people are very good, Ye Mo is grateful. There is absolutely no idea to return. He came to Ping Prairie to kill the demon demon, and even to enter the top 50 of the contribution list, how could he withdraw?

"Hey brother, I am afraid that we will fall behind again later." The other Xuanxian man who had not said anything took the initiative to remind him that he obviously thought that Ye Mo was too late.

My brother nodded and lost two jade slips to Ye Mo: "Let's see for yourself, let's go first."

After saying that the four people once again sacrificed the flying magic weapon, they disappeared into the depths of the Pingpeng grassland.

Ye Mo’s knowledge swept through two jade slips, one of which was a more detailed Ping Pong grassland route. Ye Mo along this line could exit Ping Pong grassland, and a jade slip was introduced to the fog demon temple.

The predecessor of the Fog Demon Temple belongs to the Fringe of the Fossil of the Great Luoxianmen. The disciple of the Wuling Xianmen can enter the fog hall for trials every hundred years. There are various kinds of fairy grasses and heavens in the fog hall. Treasures. Trial disciples can enter different places to get different opportunities according to their own luck and ability.

It is said that the Wuling Xianmen is because of the discovery of a place like the Wuyue Temple, which established the Wuling Xianmen here, so the fog temple has a longer history than the Wuling Lingmen. It is a pity that after the invasion of the fairy demon, the misty fairy door was extinguished, and the fog hall became the temple of the fog.

The Temple of the Fog has been opened for a thousand years, and there are not only fogs but also various fairy beasts. Of course, all of them are now fairy demon. Every time the fog demon hall is opened, there will be many immortals in Pingpeng Prairie to find the opportunity. Although the chance of falling in the fog hall is getting bigger, the harvest has become a lot bigger. Not only can you harvest a lot of contribution points, but you can also harvest a lot of rare fairy grasses or the rest of the rare cultivation resources.

Ye Mo handed Yu Yu to Qi Bingyu and said: "Blood sister, the fog temple should be open, and we will go to the fog temple to see."


Outside the misty valley of Pingpeng Prairie, thousands of immortals are crowded here. These immortals are all staring at the misty valley entrance, seemingly waiting for something.

"Hey, look, the guy didn't leave, went to the fog demon hall, and it was so arrogant." The female fairy who had been greeting with Ye Mo in the pink dress saw the Ye Mo who came over the green moon. And Bing Bingyu, in fact, even if she did not say that others saw it.

"He should not understand the rules." The female fairy standing with the red skirt female fairy simply returned. Although she is also with the red female fairy, but not much. And the clothes are also very monotonous, just a light fairy skirt.

Where did Ye Mo know the rules to come down before the mouth of the fog, and continue to walk on the flying fairy is a disrespect for the first immortal. If he knows, he must have come down first. He will be conceited again. He will not be disrespectful to so many immortals. What's more, there are still many big immortals here?

"Teacher, these people look at our eyes hǎoxiàng is not very friendly." Yan Bingyu was aware of the first time, the first immortal staring at their flying magic weapon is somewhat unfriendly.

Ye Mo immediately guessed that he should continue to fly here, not waiting for Bing Yu to say the second sentence, he has put away the flying magic weapon and landed on the ground.

"The kid, with a beautiful Taoist priest is very arrogant. Dare to fly directly to the mouth of the fog demon temple..." Ye Mo has just fallen, a big Yixian is screaming at him, it seems that he does not agree, it is necessary to teach Ye Mo has a meal. In fact, even if Ye Mo did not speak, he also planned to teach Ye Mo a meal.

When Ye Mo listened, he immediately realized that he had just come over the flying magic weapon and caused public anger. He is not afraid of a big sin, but there are so many immortals here, he can not offend, it is simply looking for death.

"You Xianyou, I am here because I first came here, I don't know the rules. Please come to Xianyou Haihan." Ye Mo did not apologize to this big Yixian for the first time, but said to the rest of the immortals.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Mo's words, most of the immortals are no longer concerned, although I don't know that there are very few rules, it does not mean no. Everyone has taken the initiative to say it, obviously it is really not known. What's more, for the immortal here, the most important thing is not to find Ye Mo's trouble, but the fog demon temple mǎshàng is about to open.

"Boy, you are really very arrogant." Where the big sin does not understand the meaning of Ye Mo, the people first apologize to the rest of the people, it is very uncomfortable for him. That means that people are not afraid of him.

Ye Mo’s heart sneered, and he wanted to fight. He had already explained why he didn’t drop the magic weapon. At this time, even if he and the big Yixian fight, the celestial people of zhouwéi are also watching the fun.

"The fog is gone, and the fog temple is already open."

The big Yixian was preparing to teach Ye Mo’s meal, but he heard that Zhouwéi had a surprise that the fog had dispersed, and his attention was immediately collected from Ye Mo.

Ye Mo also paid attention to the misty valley in front of him. Before that, the valley was foggy, and the valley where the gods and eyes could not see through it was gradually cheerful.

The dense fog of Taniguchi has begun to dissipate to both sides, and a huge valley mouth is exposed. The fog at the mouth of the valley is h两oxiàng two huge door panels, moving slowly to both sides.

Ye Mo knew this, the temple door of the fog demon temple turned out to be two fog gates. He thought it was really a palace, and then the palace was the temple of the fog.

After the misty gates of this Taniguchi moved on both sides, the immortals who had waited for a long time in Taniguchi rushed in. It seemed that as long as they went a minute later, the things inside were not given to them.

The big Essence cold eyes swept Ye Mo, did not continue to teach Ye Mo, but also quickly rushed into the fog valley, disappeared and disappeared.

Just now the misty valley, now only Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu are left. Even if a few immortals came occasionally, they all quickly rushed into the mouth of the valley, without a moment of pause.

"We also went in." Ye Mo picked up Qi Bingyu and quickly entered the mouth of the fog.

"Fairy spirit is so strong." The rich fairy spirit came, and Bing Bingyu couldn't help but say a word.

Ye Mo nodded and agreed: "The fairy spirit here is so rich, maybe there is a fairy vein in it. If I find a fairy vein, I don't have to go to the Qinglei Xianquan. Recently I There is almost no progress in唉, this cultivation resource..."

Ye Mo is really lamenting that he really has no progress now, or that he does not feel progress.

Yan Bingyu shook her head silently. Ye Mo’s growth was what she saw. When she first saw Ye Mo, Ye Mo was still in the middle of Jin Xian, but now how many years? He is already the peak of Xuanxian mid-term, and he said that his progress is slow, which is heard by others, how can he feel?

As the two entered the depths of the valley, they felt the more intense the spirit of the fairy, and Ye Moxin was more and more looking forward to it. In this kind of rich fairy aura, there should be a lot of good things?

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu appeared in front of nine quaint gates. These gates could not be seen as materials. But the gods swept in, but there was an ancient feeling of embarrassment.

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(To be continued...)

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