Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 15 Chapter 1646: Terrible Skyfire 9 Yang

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu appeared in front of nine quaint gates. These gates could not be seen as materials. But the gods swept in, but there was an ancient feeling of embarrassment.

Ye Mo stopped in front of the nine gates. Which gate should I go in from? When he was still hesitating, several later immortals rushed over. These later immortals only looked at Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu with a little doubt, and rushed into one of them.

"It seems that these doors are the same, and we will go in." Ye Mo finished, with Yan Bingyu quickly selected one of the doors to flash.

Presented in front of Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu is a faint misty scene, but these fogs are still dissipating, so it can be seen that after a while, the fog here will disappear.

With the deepening of Ye Mo, some low-level fairy grasses have already appeared in front of them, and some are even uncommon.

Except for some of the sacred grasses that were rushed away, most of the low-level fairy grasses were intact.

"It looks like there are a lot of good things here." Ye Moe smiled and speeded up.

If there are fewer good things in it, even if these fairy grasses are low-level, they will not stay here.

Ye Mo’s speed is extremely fast, and his knowledge has not found anything good. After he was carrying a small ice for a long time, he finally met other immortals. The only difference is that these immortals are not in a direction with him, but from the inside, there are hundreds of them.

I saw Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu went inside. These immortals do not have much to say. It’s as if I didn’t see it. They have been stalked by Ye Mo.

"Looking at the situation should be something going on, we will retreat." When Yan Bingyu saw this kind of posture, he knew that these immortals must have met dangerous things, otherwise they could not retreat, and the speed was extremely fast.

Ye Mo saw that so many immortals had retreated. Of course, they were not stupid, and they would immediately turn around.

It was just that he had just transmitted, and a gray rainbow that swiftly flew like lightning hit him. Ye Mo clearly saw that this was the first one of the Xuan Xian who was wearing a brown dress. The **** didn't know what was going on in the end. He even sneaked on him.

Just being blocked for a while, Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu were trapped by countless fairy demon. The magic rope and the magic blade of the road rushed to Ye Mo, and Ye Mo knew that the guy should want to block the fairy demon for a moment.

In fact, the guy has succeeded. When Ye Mo retired to the fairy demon group, the guy was gone.

As for the immortals who have not escaped, they have long been swallowed up by the fairy demon. Only Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu are still here, and there are countless fairy demon.

At the same time that Ye Mo was entangled in the magic rope, the ‘Moon Lotus Heart Fire’ had been sacrificed, and the magic rope melted in a moment. In the twinkling of an eye, there were more magic ropes and magic blades entangled, and Ye Mo’s knowledge swept out. I found that there are at least tens of thousands of fairy devils, and basically all are three-level fairy demon. Mixed with some of the four-level fairy demon.

I don't know what this group of **** have caused, and it has provoked so many fairy devils.

"Ye Shidi..." Yan Bingyu's tone is a little trembling. She knows that Ye Mo is powerful, but how many so many demon monsters still kill? Even if you enter the flying snow beads, you can't keep a life. The flying snow beads only have three levels of defense fairy tales, and will be broken by the fairy demon in a moment.

Once the space magic weapon was broken, she and Ye Mo did not have to wait for the demon to kill, and they have already dissipated in the space rules that come with the real mud.

Just like a storage ring, she has never heard of a storage ring being broken, and the things inside can still exist. Except for a handful of top-level magic weapons that can block the cracking of the space, most of the things will dissipate after the storage ring is broken. The difference between flying snow beads and storage rings is that the flying snow beads can exist in life.

Ye Mo saw that the magic rope that quickly melted under the fire of the sky and quickly formed, knows that it can't be supported for a long time by defense alone. He has no time to explain to Yan Bingyu that the four rounds of purple sun have been sacrificed. However, the color of the sun in the fourth round is a bit light, because it is because Ye Hao’s Tianhuo Jiuyang has not yet completely advanced to the fourth floor.

Four rounds of purple fireballs rose, and the endless purple light shone. The dense fairy demon was instantly surrounded by the purple light, and began to melt and dissipate. Under the Tianyang Jiuyang, the sound of the demon demon 磔磔 磔磔 凌 is messy, making people feel uncomfortable.

The fairy demon who was melted by the purple sun constantly dropped all kinds of demon nucleus, and the demon nucleus accumulated more and more on the ground. Even if the fairy demon is below the third level, there is no more. Under Ye Mo’s Tianhuo Jiuyang, there is nothing to do. Even if you want to escape, these three-level fairy demon can't do it.

However, Ye Mo’s purple mansions did not shrink, but instead expanded, and some of them were shrouded in the fairy demon on the edge of the sky. Once it was covered by the purple mang of the Tianhuo Jiuyang, even the four-level fairy demon, it instantly wilted.

Hundreds of four-level fairy demon see the bad, they want to rush to Ye Mo's side, but as the purple light is more and more dense, more and more dense, the body of the four-level fairy demon begins Broken.

Some of the four-level fairy demon who had a bad chance quickly escaped from the purple sun and disappeared. More four-level fairy demon see also want to go out, but Ye Mo has already slowed down, even if the sky fire Jiuyang let him at the moment he is very hard, Ye Mo still sacrificed the purple.

The magic cloud domain kills the knife and cuts it out.

The huge purple knives under the purple light are even invisible.

"Oh..." More sharp screams came, and the fairy demon under the purple scorpion was once again split and dropped into a demon nucleus.

Although the attacking ability of the four-level fairy demon is much stronger than the third-level, at this time, after the half-life of the Tianhuo Jiuyang, it can only be sacrificed under the murder of Ye Mo.

Even the time of the semi-column incense was not enough. The fairy demon who had just been stunned had been swept away by Ye Mo. There are only a bunch of demon nucleus left on the ground. Some of the first-level and second-level genie demon nucleus even melted under the celestial fire, but the third and fourth genie demon nucleus is still intact. of.

After Ye Mo swallowed a few medicinal herbs, all the nucleus on the ground was collected by him. The contribution points in the jade brand immediately increased by more than 100,000.

Yan Bingyu shocked and watched the fairy demon in a short time, and could not believe that this was Ye Mogan. She knows that Ye Mo has a fire in the sky and can also condense the sun. But I can't think of Ye Mo's skyfire so terrible, even if Da Luoxian wants to kill so many fairy demon, it takes more time to estimate.

After Ye Mo swallowed the medicinal herbs, his footsteps were somewhat illusory, and Bing Bingyu immediately noticed it. Some nervously asked, "Teacher, are you okay?"

After Ye Mo’s hand rested for a while, some hoarse said: “I’m fine. Although this thing is contributing quickly, it consumes too much.”

Although it is said that Ye Mo is also shocked, his Tianhuo Jiuyang is still a four-wheeled sun, so powerful. Once he can sacrifice nine suns, even if tens of thousands of emperors are besieging him, what about?

"There should be no big Luo Xianren here, you will send me to the flying snow beads, otherwise it will affect you too much. Moreover, I can see the outside situation in the flying snow beads." Yan Bingyu knows that he follows Ye Mo, some affect Ye Mo.

The outer part of the fog temple is so powerful, there may be more fairy demon inside, she can not only help Ye Mo, but also drag her legs, which is obviously not good for Ye Mo.

Ye Mo silent for a moment and said: "Alright, there is not much Da Luoxian here. Once I come to Da Luoxian, I will let you out immediately and put away the flying beads."

"Yeah." Yan Bingyu sighed, as long as it did not affect Ye Moe to earn a contribution point, Ye Mo's repair is high, for her only benefits no harm.

She knows very well that she is with Ye Mo after her injury. If she is replaced by another person, she will not be dead, and she will not be able to make a 'Flying Snow Dan'.

Ye Mo hangs the flying snow beads on his chest, and it is a lot quicker to act alone. Ye Mo knows that this is only his psychological effect. In fact, there is no such thing as Yan Bingyu on his back. His scruples are much less. Plus the ‘three births’ is to restore the sage and the gods, and there is no need to stop.

When Ye Mo came to a round dome, he suddenly stopped, and then he was excited. A two-person tall cyan tree grows in the middle of the dome, and there are six cyan fruits on the fruit tree.

"Du Fu Tianguo..." is the one in the snowballs, Yan Bingyu also excitedly called, she could not think of a ferry tree in the fog in the temple.

Ye Mo's excitement is He saw this blue-colored fruit tree immediately know that this is a six-level fairy fruit fermenting fruit.

You can refine a variety of elixir. However, after the immortal people get the ferry, they will not use it to refine the elixir, but choose to eat it directly.

Everyone knows that it is better to eat the fruit of the ferry than to refine the elixir. The fern can make any immortal under the fairy a small grade. For example, Ye Mo is now in the mid-term of Xuan Xian, and after eating the Duo Guo Tian, ​​he will immediately advance to the late stage of Xuan Xian.

Don't look at just a small level. In the fairy world, it is such a small level that also requires countless years of cultivation, that is, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years are not unusual.

And the crossing of the fruit can make the immortal without any sequelae of promotion, this effect is simply against the sky. Ye Mo thought that he would be able to advance to Xuan Xian's consummation immediately after he swallowed the ferry. Once he is promoted to Xuanxian, it means that he can rob the Jinyi at any time. Because he is different from other mysterious people, he has a lot of Taiyidan on his body.

Seeing the ferry Tianguo to Ye Mo, the promotion of Daxian is in front of you.

... (to be continued..)

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