Strongest Hero in One Punch

Chapter 5: Get used to it

The sudden sound of the broadcast made all the teachers and students nervous, but this kind of thing happened more than once. Everyone has been indoctrinated with the principle of evacuation since they can remember, so although they were afraid, they still maintained a good order.

Xia Dong followed the crowd, got off the teaching building, and ran towards the distance of the stadium.

The Faculty of Science is still behind, so I probably won't come to the Faculty of Engineering for the time being.

Just don't know what the weirdo level is.

If it's a wolf-level weirdo, then don't worry at all, the school guards can take care of it.

For tiger monsters, the gymnasium is enough to defend against their attacks.

But if it's a ghost-level monster, and a monster known for its destructive power, then dodging has no effect.

"Everyone evacuate quickly and maintain order."

They evacuated towards the gymnasium in the distance, and a teacher was in charge of managing the arrangements.

"Go, go."

Xia Dong followed the crowd and ran towards the distance, but at this moment, a figure in the distance did not retreat but advanced, walking towards this side.

This figure wore a metal mask on his face, his right hand was wrapped by a small pile driver, and the sharp drill bit exuded a terrifying light, and he was running towards the Department of Science.

"That is?"

When Xia Dong saw the other party, some memories appeared in his mind.

Piledriver Hero.

In z city university, there are also several heroes. Among them is the hero who uses pile drivers to fight. He belongs to the strongest among z city university heroes.

"Somewhat familiar."

Xia Dong looked a little surprised when he saw the other party.

He remembered that in the future, there would be a hero in the Association of Heroes who used a pile driver to fight, called the Wild Siren, who ranked sixth in the b-level.

He was invited to appear in the joint activity of capturing monsters alive in City Z in the original book, saying that he has definite combat effectiveness and excellent commanding ability of civil workers.

This is the Department of Engineering, civil engineering is the most popular major, and there is a big overlap with his identity information, could it be the same person?

"Is this a hero?"

When Xia Dong saw the hero for the first time, he was a little excited, but after missing him, he turned his head and ran away.

Leave it to the hero to punish the weirdo. I am just an ordinary person.

Xia Dong shook his head, followed the crowd and ran towards the stadium.

The gymnasium is extremely grand, with an oval-shaped appearance. The thick walls have extremely strong defenses, and monsters who can easily destroy stones cannot break through the walls.

The inside of the gymnasium is very spacious, and the seats can accommodate 2,000 people. If the venue is included, it can accommodate 4,000 to 5,000 people.

This is just an indoor gymnasium. There are a total of three such gymnasiums in City Z University.

When they arrived at the gymnasium, after they entered through the main entrance, the teacher immediately arranged for them to go inside and enter.


Ryota Kawai sat down on the ground, panting heavily, and said, "I'm so tired."

"Your physical strength is too weak." Xia Dong sat aside and said with a smile.

"It's far away, okay?"

Ryota Kawai looked at Xia Dong, and said with some surprise: "Your physical strength is not much better than mine. It turned out that you were out of breath from being tired here. Why do you seem to be so comfortable now?"


Xia Dong also felt a little surprised that he didn't feel a little tired after running a thousand meters.

"I don't know what kind of weirdo it is."

Ryota Kawai looked into the distance curiously, and pointed in a direction, "That's the Department of Science, let's go and listen."

The two approached that direction, and immediately heard the people from the Department of Science talking about something.

"Algebra Freak, a book of algebraic figures, with a ruler in one hand, a triangle in the other, and a semicircular ruler on his back.


"Even the walls can be cut."

Xia Dong listened to the description in his ear, if he could cut through the wall, he should be able to touch the side of the tiger monster.

But now the levels of monsters are not systematically classified, and it is difficult to measure their strength.

In the case of a tiger-level monster, can that hero solve it?

Even if b6's wild siren can deal with tiger-level monsters in the future, there is still hope for the weaker ones, but there is nothing the stronger ones can do.

"Forget it, anyway, a weirdo of this strength can't break through the stadium."

The old god Xia Dong was lying on the ground of the stadium, patiently waiting for the end.

"The alarm was lifted, and the weirdo was killed by the United Heroes guards."

About twenty minutes later, the news that the alarm was lifted came from outside.

So everyone filed out again, and each went to the classroom in the teaching building. The class will continue to be carried out according to the original plan, and at most one class will be delayed.

Living in such a world, most people have become accustomed to such things. Attacks by monsters and disasters cannot make people lose confidence in life.

While leaving, Xia Dong saw traces of ambulances passing by, and he saw two of them.

"Looks like a lot of injuries."

When Xia Dong saw this scene, his expression was very gloomy. The ubiquitous weirdos made life in this world a lot more stressful.

"Hungry again."

Back in the classroom, Xia Dong felt a little hungry in his stomach. He picked up the toast and ate it. It took him only forty or fifty minutes to finish his meal, but he was so hungry so quickly.

After Xia Dong ate bread, drank milk, and settled all the food he was carrying, he was still hungry at noon.

At noon, Xia Dong ate a full four servings of rice in the cafeteria. Looking at the reduced wallet, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"It costs too much."

Xia Dong looked a little helpless, he spent 2,000 yen for lunch, and in the morning it was homemade breakfast with 600 yen of egg toast.

Including dinner and supper, the money I spend on food a day should be at least 6,000 yen, and the food alone would cost 180,000 yen a month.

This kind of consumption is too high, and my part-time income is only 120,000 yen.

Xia Dong works in a fast food restaurant, four hours from 6:00 to 10:00 pm from Monday to Friday, eight hours each on Saturday and Sunday, thirty-six hours a week.

Based on the salary of 900 yen per hour, you can earn about 32,000 yen per week.

Around 130,000 yen for four weeks, plus overtime pay, it can reach 150,000 yen in 30 days.

That is to say, all my income is not enough for food.

As for Xia Dong's older sister, Qianqiu, her monthly basic salary is 300,000 yen before tax, and there is also a share of the manuscript remuneration. She can get almost 350,000 to 400,000 yen.

However, personal income tax, resident tax, unemployment insurance, pension insurance, and health insurance must be deducted, as well as summer and winter national health insurance.

These will be close to 30%, leaving 267,000 yen.

Rent is 60,000 yen per month, water, electricity and gas bills are 20,000 yen, mobile phone bills are 10,000 yen for two people, transportation costs are close to 10,000 yen, and broadband costs are 5,000 yen.

The monthly food for two people is about 80,000 yen, including the occasional meal out.

Entertainment expenses, clothing expenses for two people, and item consumption add up to at least 80,000 yen.

Just the basic necessities of life, my sister's income will be exhausted, so my sister can rarely go out for dinner with friends, and the focus of work has always been at home.

In high school, the two-month bonus every year was basically filled in Xia Dong's tuition.

After going to university, the tuition fee of 850,000 yen for the first year and 550,000 yen per year for the next two years is already beyond his reach.

After working part-time in summer and winter, you can ease your income, but try to avoid large expenses.

But if he continues according to this appetite, it will be difficult for him to support himself.

"Damn belly."

Xia Dong looked very depressed, and rubbed his belly, wishing he could eat less.

"Go to work."

Xia Dong left the school on a bicycle, found a place to buy some rice balls to fill his stomach, and walked slowly towards the part-time job site.

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