Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 106 Hydra List

"Arnim Zola! I remember his voice!" Steve blurted out.

This is the person he will never forget for the rest of his life, the one who caused him to lose Bucky.

"Dr. Zola? Isn't he dead? Is this a video?" Natalia looked puzzled.

As far as she knows, this person was a dog-headed military division under Red Skull during World War II, with many bad deeds, and was finally captured by Thor himself. Later, because of his talent and learning, he was recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natalya explains to the captain what happened to Dr. Zola afterwards.

"I'm not a video, girl. I may not be the man your man took to prison in 1945. But, I'm not me." Dr. Zola's deep voice sounded.

"In 1972, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Science could not save my body. But my mind was worth saving, so I was stored in a 200,000-foot-long database.

Dr. Zola's voice became enthusiastic, "They think that I can help their careers. But I have always had my own career!"

The screen on the computer began to switch, showing the development of HYDRA over the years.

Everything has been inevitable since Dr. Zola was recruited. With the cooperation of the internal personnel, HYDRA continued to insert its own personnel inside, infiltrating without knowing it. Today, HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D are just two sides of the same coin.

"HYDRA has created a chaotic world, and people are finally ready to give up their freedom to gain safety. Once our purification process is complete, the new world order established by HYDRA will be born! We won, HYDRA Hail~!"

"What exactly is the data in the USB flash drive?" Natalia asked a key question.

"Zola Algorithm, as for what it is used for, you don't need to know. Sorry, I was delaying time, a missile will explode here in 30 seconds.

The door of the room was closed immediately, and Steve was about to rush to the sewer gully, but Natalia held her back, and a female voice sounded through the communicator.

"I have turned on the signal shielding, the missile will arrive at least three minutes late, the door lock has been unlocked, you go, HYDRA people will soon find out that something is wrong!"

Inside the Trudheim Manor, Skye wiped the cold sweat off her brow. She had just successfully hacked into Dr. Zola's supercomputer at the last moment and took over the old S.H.I.E.L.D's control system.

"I didn't expect that the system left by a person who has been dead for decades is so terrible!" Skye had lingering fears. If she hadn't relied on this high-tech computer integrated with alien technology, it would be difficult for her to succeed.

"Such a dangerous target, HYDRA, can be recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D, too scary!"

Nick Fury's expression was already ugly.

The infiltration of HYDRA started half a century ago, how many friendly forces are there in the current S.H.I.E.L.D? He dare not imagine.

After thinking for a few seconds, he stepped aside, picked up his mobile phone and made a call: "Sam, the captain needs help..."

Falcon, is already one of the few trustworthy people.

On the other hand, Skye handed Thor a USB flash drive.

"Here, I copied this from Dr. Zola's database, and the list of almost all HYDRA members is in it.

"Nice job!" Thor took the USB flash drive and rubbed Skye's head in satisfaction [messing up her hair...

Skye suddenly looked like a little wild cat whose tail had been trampled on. He put his hands on his hips and said angrily, "Miss Ben worked so hard for you, how many brain cells have died! Just one sentence?"

"Okay, what reward do you want?" Thor looked helpless.

Because of Peggy Carter's relationship, Thor always treats Skye as a child habitually, but in fact she is already a big child in her twenties...

Thor patted her on the shoulder, and a magical power flowed through Skye's body: "Okay, the reward has been given to you."

Looking at the bewildered Skye, Mopping the floor said meaningfully: "Do you know the secret of Sister Pei's age? Now you are the same as her.


Although not many people know about Peggy Carter's youthful appearance, there are quite a few who say it, and Skye, whom she watched and grew up with, is one of them.

Over the years, she asked (Nuo's Zhao) the reason many times, but Peggy just smiled and prevaricated. In fact, she wasn't sure at the time.

Skye was surprised and delighted, "It turns out that Aunt Peggy stayed young because of you. Wow, that's great! I was still sad at first, but in a few years I'll be a 30-year-old lady

Don't worry now, hee hee!"

"Is it necessary to be so excited? Everyone in my manor has this blessing." Thor squinted at her, what kind of soul is the thirty-year-old lady?

Skye slowly calmed down. Um, everyone in the manor has a hoo?

She thought of the relationship between the daughters living in the manor and Thor, and Ruyu's cheeks blushed suddenly.

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