Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 107 Action

"By the way, I have to remind you that immortality is not free." Thor added: "As a balance, the reproductive ability of most races is inversely proportional to the length of lifespan. Just like my father, king, in human I have been with my mother since the Bronze Age. Up to now, there are only three children, and one of them is adopted. When you gain eternal life, the chance of conceiving a child is infinitely close to zero.. …”

"So, I want DINK in my life?" Skye said indifferently.

In fact, in western countries, people are not so eager for children, and Skye is no exception.

Alexander Pierce moved quickly. Taking advantage of Nick Fury's departure, Captain America and Natasha Romanoff were wanted, he quickly persuaded the council to launch the insight plan.

Headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D, Pierce took a sip of champagne and excitedly said to the council members who came: "Soon 343, we will witness a new history! From this moment on, there will be no more crimes in this world, A new world is coming! For the new era, Tian Cup!"

As a high level agent and boss of HYDRA, he seldom expresses his emotions too much, but at this time it is still difficult to hide his inner excitement. As long as the Helicarrier rises to a certain height, the weapons on it will be activated, instantly destroying all HYDRA enemies!

The congressmen were also very excited, they raised the champagne and drank it: "Cheers to the new era!"

Definitely they don't know that the so-called new era is not the new era they imagined, but the new era of HYDRA.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the radio.

"I'm Steve Rogers, Captain America. You must have heard a lot about me these days. There are many people who are hunting me. Now it's time for you to know the truth.

He hesitated, and continued: "S.H.I.E.L.D has changed, it has been taken over by HYDRA, and Alexander Pierce is its head. So are many of the Special Forces and Insight Project personnel, and many people around us.

The councilors glanced at Pierce in surprise, Pierce was expressionless, and the phone quietly sent a few messages.

"The insight plan is their purpose, not to deal with criminals at all, but to destroy all HYDRA's enemies and put the whole world under its control.

"I know it's hard, but the price of freedom is high, and I'm willing to pay that price."

"I believe, I'm not the only one."

Although it was an impromptu speech, the speech was very appealing.

Although they were wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D just a moment ago, many people choose to believe in the captain and their spiritual leader.

Crossbones broke into the office controlling the space carrier with a team of agents and ordered the technicians in charge of the launch: "Get into the launch sequence and let the spacecraft lift off.

The audience was silent, and the head of technology (ahff) glanced at him in surprise, but did not respond.

"Launch the spaceship, is there a problem with what I said?" Crossbones amplified his voice.

The person in charge was sweating coldly. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "I'm sorry, sir. I can't launch. This is the captain's order."

"Brush——" A gun was pressed against the back of his head.

The same gun, held to the back of Crossbones' head.

"You're on the wrong team, Agent Sharon," Crossbones said coldly.

He gestured to put down the gun in his hand, and shot suddenly while the gun was falling, knocking Sharon down to the ground.

The people at the scene immediately divided into two groups, gunshots rang out, and Crossbones activated the launch system while taking advantage of the chaos.

"Unfortunately, you are on the wrong team." Crossbones raised his gun indifferently, pointing at Sharon's head.

"It's you who are on the wrong team." A voice sounded from behind, and before Crossbones could react, he was grabbed by the collar, and the whole person flew out immediately.

Sharon looked at the tall figure in front of her and showed a smile: "I'll kill you in the next second, don't you believe it?" [076808407飞2550]

"I'm sorry for taking your head."

With a wave of Thor's hand, the surrounding HYDRA agents went to the bottom instantly, twitching non-stop.

"Bang—" A figure with a metal arm knocked Falcon to the ground.

"Sam, go and insert the chip, he will give it to me!"

Steve stood in front of him.

"Okay!" Falcon didn't have hesitation, he quickly took off and rushed towards the flying space carrier.

Steve looked at this familiar figure with affectionate expression on his face: "Bucky, it's me, Steve, have you forgotten?"

His answer was a hard punch.

At S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, the old congresswoman suddenly jumped up and quickly brought down the incoming HYDRA agent, and the widow stinged at Pierce.

He wiped his face with his hand, revealing a face that was disastrous to the country and the people.

"Your Excellency the Secretary-General, it's over."

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