Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 108 If This Isn’T Love

"What to do, the space carrier has already started and can't be stopped!" Sharon Carter was so anxious that she was sweating profusely and kept typing on the keyboard.

"It doesn't matter, let them take off normally, nothing will happen."

Thor comforted, "Even if I can't stop it in the end, I will let them crash."

"Finally?" Sharon paused, "Before this, do you have any other plans~?"

"definitely have a plan, you think I came here to save you?"

"I think so, after all, there are quite a few people chasing me.

On the space carrier, Falcon inserted the last chip and turned on the communicator: "Fixed!"

In front of a huge amounts of computer screens underground, Maria Hill instantly seized control of the Helicarrier from HYDRA. She operated quickly, turning the densely packed clearing targets on the screen into three space carriers.

"Wait a minute." Thor appeared behind her and took out a USB flash drive: "The HYDRA list in Dr. Zola's mind. Since the space carrier is going to be destroyed, it's better to use the waste first."

Hill agreed and moved away from the seat. She knew she couldn't stop it even if she tried.

On the space carrier, overwhelming weapons suddenly poured down, bullets, rockets...

However, Thor found that there was a blank space in the densely packed clearing o'clock on this map, which seemed to block the detection of the space carrier.


"Hahaha! I won! It's useless for you to catch me, the insight plan has been launched, and soon, HYDRA will rule the world!" Alexander Pierce laughed wildly, and the councilors turned pale.

The next moment, Pierce's smile froze on his face as a bullet burst through the window of the S.H.I.E.L.D building, piercing his heart.

"The villain died from talking too much." Natalia complained lightly, and then added: "But even if you don't talk, you can't run away."

Nick Fury looked at Pierce who was lying on the ground and refused to die, and sighed: "Thor has cracked Dr. Zola's knowledge base and got the HYDRA list.

Pierce had a dazed look on his face, then closed his eyes.

Nick Fury stared at his corpse in silence. Once, he could be a gun for this senior.

"Bucky, wake up, we're friends!"

Steve was slapped wildly.

In fact, his strength has long been able to win, but the opponent is Bucky!

Whenever occupied, he tried to wake Bucky's mind. And then got hit again...


A wave of missiles flew over, bypassing Captain America and Bucky, and killed all the nearby HYDRA rushing to help.

Captain America was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Bucky who was also in a daze. He was a bit puzzled as to why Project Insight had eliminated HYDRA instead of hitting him.

But before he had time to think, Bucky pounced on him again.

Under this wave of attacks, the HYDRA hidden all over the world was almost wiped out, and Dr. Zola had more lists in his mind than anyone else. Even many HYDRA who have been lurking for many years and even the original informants are dead, and HYDRA who are ready to explode at any time have all been eliminated.

Except SOKOVIA which shielded the signal.

After clearing HYDRA, the Helicarrier's weapons turned on each other. Even without HYDRA, Thor also didn't want the Insight Project to fall into the hands of the Council.

As for private embezzlement? To be honest, Thor doesn't think much of these spaceships except for his vision plan.

No. 2 holy place, that is the romance of men!


There was an explosion on the Helicarrier, and Captain America and Bucky, who were still entangled, fell down together.

Thor took Maria Hill into the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, while Natalia and Sharon Carter were handling the follow-up.


"How's the situation?" Nick Fury asked.

"HYDRA around the world has basically been cleared, except for one place where the signal is blocked - SOKOVIA. The scepter embedded with the Mind Gem is there.

"What about S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"The loss is more than half. Most of them were HYDRA, and some were unfortunately killed in the battle." Thor sighed, "S.H.I.E.L.D can basically be disbanded. Such a big matter, the council will not let it go. Do you regret it? ?”

"I won't regret it. It hurts to dig out the scabies, but only in this way can I regain my health and thrive."

In a forest, Winter Soldier dragged the unconscious Captain America in the river, and dragged him ashore.

According to the order received, he was going to kill the other party. However, a voice in my heart kept telling him——he died, you will regret it!

He sighed and decided to follow his heart.

If this is not love...five..

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