Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 110: The Underground King

Wilson Fisk, a well-known entrepreneur and philanthropist in the United States, has a very good reputation in the eyes of the public. If there is no accident, he will become the mayor of New York in the future.

Such a simple, honest, slightly obese bald man, on the surface, no one would think that he is the biggest underworld leader in New York and even the world, the king of the underground black empire—Jin Bing.

Many people are deceived by Jin Bin's appearance, thinking that he is just a fat man. In fact, more than 90% of his body is made of muscles, his strength is amazing, he can punch through a wall with his bare hands, and he is also a world-class fighter.

Without cheating, even Captain America is no match for him.

It can be said that without super abilities or high technology, Jin Bin is the strongest human being. Or use it, his muscles are super Ability.

Low profile version of Hulk, that's him.

In addition, like many villains, 07 Jin also has a beloved person, his wife and son.

"Thank you very much, Your Highness Thor! Vanessa told me what happened. If it wasn't for Your Highness's help, I would have lost my most important person today."

Jin Bin was grateful, and even adopted the honorific title of "Your Highness" to Thor.

Thor glanced at his wife and children nearby.

Jin Bing observed his words, reacted immediately, and ordered: "Protect them and go back, clean up the blood, and then go to the police station to say hello, and say it's a gang fight."

All his subordinates left with his wife and children.

Only then did Jin Bing turn his head, and said with humility on his cold face: "If your Highness needs anything, I will try my best to satisfy it simply by saving my wife and children.

Thor said, "Should I call you Wilson Fisk, or Kingpin?"

Jin Bin was taken aback, and immediately said: "Your Highness wishes me to be Wilson, and I am Wilson. Your Highness wishes me to be Jin Bin, and I am Jin Bin. Even, I can give everything I own to Your Highness." .”

If someone sees his appearance, no matter what his identity is, it will be enough to make his jaw drop.

Thor nodded in satisfaction. It has to be said that there is definitely a reason why Jin Bin was able to start from nothing and become a super boss who eats both black and white.

He is smart and courageous. He clearly knew that it was impossible for Thor to take away his inheritance, because even if he took it, it would be useless. Not everyone could control the underground kingdom, and without gold, it would be a mess. Even if it is really taken over, it is impossible to manage it in person, and it must be controlled through gold unions.

And once Thor is handed over, the benefits brought cannot be measured by money.

Definitely, Thor saved his wife and children is also a reason.

Thor shook his head: "Only you can be the king of the underground, and it's useless for me to come."

"Then, no matter what your Highness wants, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not disappoint His Highness!"

Thor nodded in satisfaction, threw him two small bottles, and turned to leave.

"It's—undiluted Extremis!" Kim said with surprise. Unlike the diluted products on the market, the authentic Extremis is only a few batches sold to General Ross, and there are less than 20 sticks.

At the beginning, he used various methods, but he only got one. Now Thor has given him two more, which means that the safety of his wife and children will be greatly guaranteed!

Looking at Thor's back, Jin Bin suddenly picked up his mobile phone and made a call: "Thor Odinson, transfer ten billion dollars to this account."

The person on the other end of the phone almost dropped the microphone...

Back at the manor, Thor received a text message of the account notification, and he smiled with satisfaction.

The value of Jin Bing is very high, whether it is his wealth or his ability to take both. The entire underground world of the United States is almost under his control. There are countless 443 officials secretly controlled by him, and even most of the FBI is controlled by him.

Originally, he planned to go directly to Jin Bing's, but an accidental assassination made things easier. [0708407 Feilu 1

Jin Bing was really smart, he put himself in the position of Thor's subordinate without taking the initiative to make any demands, and instead directly called him a huge sum of money.

It seems stupid, but in fact, for Jin Bin, it is impossible for Thor to directly intervene in his power, and the autonomy is still in his hands. Being Thor's subordinate in name will only make his position more stable, at least it can save the Avengers from troubles for him.

[The timeline of this book is different from that of the movie. For example, the plot of Hulk is placed before Iron Man, and Captain America2 is placed before Thor2... In fact, many plots can happen in advance. The protagonist It can help General Ross find Hulk in advance, and HYDRA will also launch the insight plan in advance because of the protagonist's sharpness, etc.].

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