Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 111: The Present Ether

S.H.I.E.L.D just disbanded, there are many trivial things to deal with. About a month later, Nick Fury, who had settled down again, was ready to kill HYDRA. They must not be given a chance to make a comeback, and the lessons learned from the past are right in front of us.

"I'm going to ask the Avengers to go to SOKOVIA and solve the trouble of HYDRA once and for all.

In the list given by Thor before, HYDRA still has an important stronghold in SOKOVIA that has not been cleared, because Mind Gem blocked the insight plan, so there is no signal in this area.

No need to think about it, the last stronghold of HYDRA, the security of this place can no longer be simply described as strict. Moreover, the opponent has a Mind Gem in his hand, so this is no longer something S.H.I.E.L.D can handle, and the Avengers must be dispatched.

Nick Fury came to Thor's door to discuss the plan of eradicating the weeds, but he was declined.

"The time is not yet ripe, HYDRA is very vigilant now. Attacking now will only scare the enemy, and then the opponent will disperse and make troubles all over the world. Wait for them to relax and attack suddenly, and then none of them will be able to escape."

In fact, this is just Nick Fury's fooling around.

Others don't know what HYDRA is doing in SOKOVIA, but he does.

They are using Infinite Gems to conduct human experiments in an attempt to create a superhero to deal with the Avengers.

At the end of this experiment, there are only two survivors left, one is Quicksilver, a small character. Another Wanda, but one of the most powerful in the future Avengers camp.

"And one"—" Thor lowered his voice: "If we fight in the past now, it is very likely that we will lose two future Avengers, one of which is a superhero who is stronger than me and Carlo!"

Nick Fury is a smart guy. Regardless of whether Captain Marvel destroyed Ronan's fleet, or Thor's record of destroying countless Qi Rita in one blow, he knew it all. It is no exaggeration to say that it would not take much effort for either of these two people to destroy the earth. To what extent would a superhero stronger than them reach? He no longer dared to imagine.

In fact, Thor couldn't get away at this time.

This morning, Sif suddenly told Thor a news—Jane Foster is missing.

Just last night, because an anomaly was detected in the space near Stonehenge in England, Jane went to the local area to investigate. Then all of a sudden lost contact. Sif contacted Heimdall, but even Heimdall couldn't find her, as if she had disappeared frequently.

Thor, who knew the plot, was not too worried. He came to England, opened a room near Stonehenge, and waited for Jane's return.

In a dark world, Miss Jane is fully armed, holding Mjolnir tightly and walking slowly forward.

Although she has become a female Thor, her greatest hobbies are still astronomy and space science. For a while, she was traveling around, and when she heard the abnormality of Stonehenge, she rushed over immediately, but she entered this strange space in a daze.

This place gave her a very oppressive feeling, all means of contact had lost their effect, and it seemed to be boundless, and she couldn't get out.

She clenched Mjolnir tightly, paying attention to the surrounding noises vigilantly.

At this moment, a rune stone pillar appeared in front of it, and a narrow gap in the middle divided it into two halves.

In the gap, strands of red mist that looked like smoke were constantly churning.

Miss Jane approached cautiously, tense...

Suddenly, the group of red mist erupted instantly and rushed towards her. Miss Jian was caught off guard and was rushed into her body by the mist.

"Not good!" Miss Jian turned pale with shock. Although she didn't know the details of the red mist, it was definitely not a good thing from such an evil look.

Before I had time to check my physical condition, I felt my mind sink and passed out.

This is a desolate world, a dead silence, not a blade of grass grows.

Wartheim, the place where the dark elves once lived in the Nine Realms. Since many years ago, Boer, the last king of Asi (Norley) Gard, led an army to defeat the dark elves, this place has become a place of death that no one wants.

A huge amounts of spaceship suddenly appeared here.

On the spaceship, a pale face slowly opened his eyes.

He slowly opened his withered lips, and said hoarsely: "The ether has awakened us. The celestial bodies are about to converge. This time, we must take back the ether, restore our glory back then, and let the entire universe return to darkness!"

"People of Asgard, you have had enough time in peace, this time, your end has come!"

King of the Dark Elves, Malekith!

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