Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 120 Returning To Asgard

Jane slowly opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling in front of her.

Where am I?

"The funds have been transferred to your card. I will be away for a while, so you will help in the construction of the new base of the Avengers. The venue should be as large as possible, and money is not a problem. In the future, S.H.I.E.L.D can also settle in it." Thor voice came.

"Damn it, where did you get so much money? Don't tell me the research center earned it!" Natalia complained from the other side of the phone. Although Maya Hansen's research income is quite a lot, it is absolutely impossible to have 10 billion...

"Don't worry, the money was obtained through legitimate channels, and there will be no problem."

This is not a lie, Jin Bingming's identity on the surface is a big entrepreneur and a super rich man, and the money given to him is completely fine. Even if there is a problem, it can become okay.

As for secretly, he might be worth more than Tony Stark.

"By the way, remind Nick Fury, about SOKOVIA, don't act rashly until I come back. Unless he is ready for the Avengers to die."

This is not alarmist talk, Wanda's Ability fluctuates like a 100 roller coaster. Without the battle strength like myself or Jane, if you rush in recklessly, if someone breaks out, you may really kneel...

After hanging up the phone, Thor turned to the bewildered Jane Foster, smiled and said, "How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Jane shook her head: "It's okay, but I'm a little tired. I fell into a strange space, and there was gray silence everywhere. Before I passed out, a red mist entered my body, and I didn't know it was ( ahef)?"

Then he asked in a low voice: "I didn't screw up something, did I? That space feels very evil to me, like a place where some demon is sealed."

This brain hole......

Thor shook his head and explained to her: "It's none of your business. The space you mentioned should be related to the dark elves. This is an evil race. They are determined to expel the light in the universe and bring the world back into darkness. .”

"Many years ago, the former king of Asgard, my grandfather Boer, led an army to fight against them. In that war, the dark elves used a treasure called ether to create a large number of cursed warriors. In the end, we won , the ether is missing.

"If I'm not mistaken, the red substance in your body is the legendary ether. And its other name is Reality Gem, and its Ability "is Alter Reality."

Thor's words attracted Miss Jane. She is no longer the stupid scientist she was at the beginning. She learned some knowledge about Infinite Gems from Asgard's classics.

Jane Foster asked curiously: "But, since they have treasures that can alter reality, how could the dark elves lose?"

Thor knocked her on the head with his finger, "Do you really think that a gem is invincible? Alter Reality, such a heaven-defying ability, must have limitations. Otherwise, wouldn't other Infinite Gems be just a display?"

"On the one hand, the greater the modification, the more energy is needed to activate it. When the energy is not enough, it will draw the vitality of the user. Secondly, its modification effect is time-sensitive. When the Dark Elf was transformed into a cursed After the fighter, the duration is very short, and once the effect expires, it will run out of life and die.

This is why Thanos needs to collect six gems to snap his fingers.

The pure Reality Gem is actually a bit tasteless, the effect of erasing life is limited, and it must be helped by other gems.

A power gem that provides the energy needed to wipe out half of life.

Space gem, let the range of snapping fingers spread to the entire universe.

The Time Gem, makes Alter Reality's time permanent and never disappears.

As for what role the Mind Gem and Soul Gem played in it, Thor doesn't know much.

Jane's eyeballs rolled, as if thinking of something.

Thor saw her thoughts at a glance, and said with a smile: "Don't think about taking advantage of loopholes, it won't work. I checked just now, and when the life span becomes infinite, our life span will not be recognized by the ether."

Miss Jian stuck out her tongue, feeling very embarrassed to be poked in the center.

"What are we going to do now? I just heard you say you're leaving, where are you going?"

Jane is actually a very assertive and independent career woman. But in front of Thor, she was used to listening to him.

"I'll take you back to Asgard. Although the ether won't hurt you temporarily, it's definitely not a good thing to stay in the body for a long time. I'll take you back and let the magicians check it out.

Thor picked up Jane, who was still a little weak, and jumped downstairs from the window, shouting to the sky: "Heimdall, take us back!"

The bright light communicated with the world, and Thor and Jane disappeared in place.

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