Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 173 Disagreement

"I thought we were avengers. It turns out that we are treated like criminals. The government will keep tracking us and have unlimited firepower against us! After all, the United States is also a signatory country, and we are in the United States!"

During the insight project incident, Sam, who was disappointed with the council, complained mercilessly.

"However, this time, 117 countries want to sign this agreement, 117, do you not take it seriously at all?"

War Machine Rhodes, as an active soldier, was born with a stand.

"117? So few? What a coincidence, I have destroyed more than 117 planets over the years." Thor whistled.

"We are Avengers, not Destroyers, and cannot use threats...

"Listen to me." The silent Vision said: "During the years when Stark admitted that he was Iron Man, the number of superhumans has increased rapidly, and the disasters that caused the end of the world have also increased simultaneously. .This may have a causal relationship. Our super-ability has been challenged, and challenges stimulate conflicts, and conflicts can lead to disasters. Therefore, regulation is what we should consider.”

As a super robot, Vision seems to be invulnerable when he speaks, but...

"It means that if you have a strong force, you will be targeted instead? No wonder so many countries have voluntarily given up their nuclear weapons. They should be doing well now, right?"

Uh... Vision suddenly has nothing to say, Ukraine, Libya... It seems that every one of them has something to do with it.

"Tony, what's your opinion? You're not usually so quiet?" Natalia asked suddenly.

"Because he's already made up his mind." Steve said flatly.

"Gosh, you really know me." Stark groaned, stood up and opened a video.

In the video, there is a black youth, and some profiles of him.

Stark introduced: "His name is Charles Spencer, a good boy who could have a good future. He intends to do some good deeds and accumulate some experience before graduation. He wants to use his summer vacation to build ecological houses for the poor. Guess where he went? SOKOVIA."

Everyone fell silent, they had already guessed the follow-up heavy.

Stark continued with a heavy face: "What exactly he was thinking, we have no way of knowing. Because when we were fighting fiercely, we threw a building on him."

"We don't have a decision-making process at all, we need to be regulated. I accept it in any form. If not regulated, we will be lawless and no better than bad guys."

Captain America made an opinion: "Tony, because someone died under your nose, so you decided to give up?"

"I didn't give up."

"If you are not responsible for your actions, you are giving up. These documents are just passing the buck."

Steve stood up and raised his voice: "In my time, the United States was a country of real freedom and democracy. It represented the struggle of justice against evil. But now, this country has been corrupted and it is no longer free. It’s more like a lighthouse trying to dominate the world. Well, how do you say it?”

Thor reminds: "Dragon slayers become dragons."

The two talked so seriously that Rhode couldn't sit still, and she said loudly: "But it is not S.H.I.E.L.D, nor HYDRA, but the United Nations that is asking to sign the agreement now!"

"That's human, and if you are a human, you will have goals and selfishness. The insight plan is certainly a conspiracy of HYDRA, but isn't it the politicians who are trying to control the time that contributed to this plan? If one day, someone really needs our eggs when we are sent elsewhere to do meaningless things?"

Thor asked Stark in a low voice: "Tony, you mentioned the SOKOVIA incident, so have you ever thought that once the agreement is signed, the agreement will not prevent you from producing Ultron, at least 527 more applications and approval will be over. But the agreement must delay us to stop Ultron's actions!"

"But if we don't sign, they will force us to sign, that's how things are, and it will be ugly..."

Natalia hesitated to speak. If there is no Thor, maybe she will choose a temporary compromise for the sake of the overall situation. But now, she stands by Thor's side unconditionally.

What's interesting is that once the bill is implemented, Stark, who has a family and a business, will be the most affected, and he will sacrifice the most. And Steve is completely unaffected, and he is the one who has the least influence.

Judging from the degree of influence, Stark is the hardest to accept the bill, while Steve is the easiest to accept.

But now, these two people have made the opposite choice, because their decisions are not for selfishness.

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