Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 174: Signs Of Split

"Well said!" Thor suddenly applauded: "You mentioned a very critical point. When these politicians who think they are high above them, when they introduced the bill, they never considered whether we would accept it. They didn't consider us at all. put them on an equal footing, but force us to submit."

"Perhaps in their eyes, we are the weak side, only the obligation to accept without the power to refuse. But the fact is that we are the party qualified to make decisions!"

Thor's words were murderous.

"Hey, come on..." Stark scrambled to put out the fire.

He whispered: "Some of our actions have made big mistakes in front of the public. We need to rely on the bill to win back trust. Believe me, we only made a small compromise so that there is room for maneuver. If there is a complete break, then …”

"Stop, stop!" Thor interrupted Stark, suddenly realizing that the scientific genius was politically naive.

"First of all, as far as I am concerned, the trust of the people is not as important as dancing with Nata. It is not that I need their trust, but that they need my protection!"

"Then, I don't care about breaking with the council! When two parties have a dispute, there is always one party who needs to compromise, but that must not be me! Thanos, the first butcher of the universe, can't let me compromise, what are those politicians? If not With the emergence of Sorcerer Supreme, the earth is still under the rule of Asgard. What is going on now, you want to turn yourself into a master, and in turn enslave me, the future King of Asgard々」?"

Stark was at a loss for words, and he suddenly realized that what Thor said was very reasonable. As an alien prince, how could he come to Earth to be a pawn for others?

"The last point, I understand what you mean, first compromise and sign the agreement, and then fight for more rights for us, right?"

Stark nodded, he thought so.

"However, the reality is that the opponent will only press forward step by step, and it is absolutely impossible to give up the power that has been obtained with great difficulty. In other words, the place we are most repulsed by is the place that the opponent desires the most."

"At that time, what can you do? Either compromise to the end. Or, violate the agreement and be legally targeted by the other party. Even if the conflict is unreasonable."

"I'm glad we didn't have this bill four years ago, otherwise the nukes would have gone off in New York. Tony, what would you have done if the board had ordered you to drop the nuke and detonate it in New York? Well, by the terms of the bill, they totally Could put a gun on Pepper Potts and make your choice.

Stark was speechless.

The scene was already obvious, and only Stark, Rhodes and Vision agreed to sign the agreement.

There is also a Black Widow in the original book, but she was originally a middle-of-the-road faction. Now that Thor has made a decision, she is also selfish...

Even non-staff personnel from S.H.I.E.L.D such as Skye and Sharon are on Thor's side.

Stark's face turned dark.

"Okay, don't pay too much attention to it. Stark and I will go to the signing site of the agreement in Vienna, and try to persuade the representatives of various countries to change the content of the agreement and give us enough respect. Thor, will you come too?"

Stark nodded in agreement, this seemed like the best way to get married, he already had a premonition of the split of the Avengers alliance.

Thor shook his head in disbelief, he didn't like Captain America's idea. For these politicians, meeting them is a waste of time.

Besides, it's still the same sentence, they are not qualified to let themselves come to the door for consultation, and the reverse is almost the same.

As the top Asgardians in the universe, arrogance is inherent, and good upbringing allows them to learn to treat everyone and every race equally. But when someone puts their nose on the face one day, I'm so sorry, I am a god, but I just look down on you mortals like ants!

"No, no matter what he chooses, it is his own idea. I will not and cannot interfere with him. Don't make it difficult for me!"

Betty Ross was holding the phone, feeling very excited.

For so many years, General Ross rarely contacted her. Unexpectedly, the rare occasion when she took the initiative to call was to ask her to blow Thor's pillow and get him to agree to the bill.

General Ross is very clear that Thor will be the biggest thorn in the side, and if he is dealt with, others will not be able to make waves even if they disagree.

But no matter what, she was unwilling to let Thor make a decision against her will because of herself. Besides, she also knows that Thor is usually talkative, and will never give in on matters of principle, and will not change principles because of a woman.

After hanging up the phone, Betty sat on the sofa with red eyes.

"What's the matter? Got into a fight with your father?"

Thor's gentle voice came.

Betty Ross was silent.

Thor hugged her gently: "This is politics, this is politicians, these are not suitable for you. Sorry, I got you involved. Don't worry, your father is your father, you are you, and it's none of your business.


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