Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 177 Showdown

"That is to say, this is Helmut Zemo's conspiracy?"

"Yes, he knows that he doesn't have the ability to avenge the Avengers, so he can only design for us to kill each other."

Sharon was a little puzzled, she wondered: "Then why didn't you say it? Ordinary commandos can't catch the captain, and the council will definitely shoot Iron Man to arrest them."

"Bucky was wronged, but the difference in ideas between the two sides is real. The contradiction already exists, and Zemo just magnified it. The bill has been passed, and Bucky is just a fuse. Without him, there will be other conflicts. "

"Besides, there are some things, I hope to get rid of them, so that it will be more convenient"

Peggy's pupils shrank, and she realized that Thor was going to make a big move.

"Then you should be careful! The other Avengers are being held back. It is convenient for you to do things, and it is also for the council!"

Thor said disdainfully: "I'm just waiting for them to move 07. You can rest assured that there is no place on earth that is safer than Trudheim Manor. It's just that you stay here recently and don't leave. I'm worried that you're crazy Politicians can do anything."

"By the way, let me add to the fire!"

Thor held a press conference on the SOKOVIA Act.

As the strongest avenger, Thor's attitude has attracted more people's attention, and reporters swarmed like sharks smelling blood.

Facing countless cameras, Thor delivered a speech.

"Many people have always known the results of the meeting in Vienna. The 117 countries participating in the meeting passed the bill unanimously. The Avengers must be supervised to carry out their missions."

"Well, you are right. In the future, while saving the world, the Avengers will need to wear a dog leash to point and bite."

Everyone could hear the sarcasm in his tone.

"Haha, what a group of ignorant and short-sighted guys, trying to control the most powerful force in this world, even came up with such a despicable method, calling it order and stability!"

"The reason why you have today's security and peace is because someone desperately blocked the danger! In the past few years alone, human beings have been close to extinction several times! Because of the losses caused by the war, they spread their anger on the soldiers. I don't even think about who it is that makes you guys qualified to stand here and push!"

"Asgard began to protect the earth countless years ago. If my father hadn't defeated the Giants of Jotunheim, an evil race that invaded the earth, over a thousand years ago, this lair would have been frozen! For this reason, my father even lost One eye."

"And now, you are actually trying to enslave the future king of Asgard? My attitude is very simple, get out!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely abide by the requirements of the law. Since you feel that the Avengers have caused losses to your lives and properties during their mission, then I will follow your wishes. Next time a crisis comes, please use your own hands Go and protect all of this, I hope you will not regret it!"

"Don't worry, I will never make a move in a country that has signed the "SOKOVIA Act". At that time, if you can't stop it, don't come to me, go to your politicians!"

Thor's fierce rhetoric made the reporters fry, and they even thought about tomorrow's headlines.

Reporters crowded forward one after another, asking questions loudly.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Thor threatening us in disguise?"

"Is Mr. Thor's attitude representative of the Avengers?"

"All 117 countries have passed the bill. Are the Avengers going to be enemies of most of the world?"

"Half the world?" Thor smiled mockingly. He has seen the list of 117 countries that agreed to the bill, and they are basically the dog legs of the United States.

Thinking about it is also true, if it is Laomei's competitor, how can he hope that the other party will control the powerful force of the Avengers?

"117 countries? 740 Your so-called half of the world, except for a very few fools who have been fooled, is basically the United States, plus a group of dog legs who are looking forward to the horse's head, which is nothing in my eyes. Oh, it is obviously a group of outlaws. Ridge dog, how dare you guess madly in front of you! I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"I even suspect that those governments have been infiltrated by HYDRA, trying to stir up conflicts between ordinary people and power users!"

"Oh, by the way, I definitely know why you want to enslave us. Because we are different, because you fear our Ability! Humans are always afraid of different things. I am going to tell you now, tell the world, that you should Awe us!"

"We can protect the world, and we can also bring you a devastating blow! I welcome you to launch a war against superpowers, but the consequences of the war are up to me, you can't afford it!"

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