Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 178: Accusation

"Oh, damn it!"

At Leipzig Halle Airport in Germany, Stark couldn't help cursing secretly after receiving the latest news.

"This guy is adding fuel to the fire! Does he think the situation is not bad enough and wants to start a war between superhumans and ordinary people?"

He's so upset right now.

Yesterday, with the help of Black Panther and the CIA, Winter Soldier had already been captured and was waiting to be detained and returned home.

As a result, when the doctor checked Bucky, an accident happened. Bucky suddenly went berserk, and after a fierce fight, he escaped from the cage, and Captain America and Falcon let him go.

General Ross gave him an ultimatum, and he must bring the rebellious Avengers back within 36 hours.

In fact, at this time, he has already realized that the goal of the council is not Bucky, but to make use of the problem, wanting to take the opportunity to wipe out Captain America and other Avengers who resist the bill.

Thinking of the tough attitude of the 117 countries at the meeting, Stark felt more and more ominous.

Steve and the others are okay, at least they can communicate, they just strive for fairer terms for the Avengers, and there is a possibility of redemption.

But Thor has clearly expressed his attitude, and there is no need to discuss that at all, and he even made a statement about declaring war at the press conference.

"Damn it, he showed great threatening power in SOKOVIA, and now he comes to such a place again, I doubt that Washington will make extreme moves!"

Vision's emotionless voice came: "I think this may be what this Lord Thor wants."

Stark's face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth: "It can only be said that those idiots on the council should be more rational!"

He shook his head to take his thoughts back, and shouted to the opposite side: "Steve, come back with me! You, and your partner can all get a fair trial!"

"No." Steve said sternly: "You arrested the wrong person, he didn't do it."

"You have a problem with your judgment. Your old comrades killed a lot of people yesterday."

"It's the doctor. There are five other super soldiers like Bucky, and I can't let the other party find them first, trust me!"

Steve tried to explain, but was interrupted by Stark: "Okay, time is running out. Steve, you know what, I'm trying so hard to stop the alliance from falling apart, and you're bringing Clint into it...  ..”

"No, Tony, the moment you sign it, it's gone."

Stark was stunned for a moment, and said dejectedly: "Maybe. Alright, now, hand over Winter Soldier. Please, don't make it difficult for me!"

He lowered his voice: "Otherwise, it will be people from the special forces, and they will not show affection.

Steve still shook his head: "Sorry, I can't go back."

The first internal strife since the establishment of the Avengers kicked off

"I used to think that the legendary Thor was a hero, but he was like those demons who tried to destroy the world [the country that signed the "SOKOVIA Act" with the threat of the earth's security!"

"He is a tyrant at all! Didn't you hear him, we should be in awe of him? Sorry, I will never be in awe of a person who threatens us with war!"

Dou Mi Yang En, Sheng Mi Yang, people are forgetful, save the world once, they think you are a hero. But help them many times when they think it's your duty to save the world

The nature of everything changes.

"After scolding, I feel comfortable all over, my waist is no longer sore, and my back is no longer hurting!

Thor is lying comfortably on the recliner [enjoying Peggy Carter's massage.

"I don't know about the back pain, but the sore back must be from last night!"

Sharon stuck out her tongue: "It was so noisy last night, I couldn't sleep next door!"

Peggy: "1"

This car is unstoppable!

"Presumably, there will be a lot of people scolding me outside, right?" Thor said with a smile.

"Yes." Natalia was tapping on the computer beside her.

"At least half of the latest posts on Twitter are scolding you, and even comparing you to the head of state at the time, demanding that you be hanged for crimes against humanity... If you make it like this, don't you plan to explain it? "

Explain the fart, this is what I want!

Seeing their disapproving expressions, Thor smiled and said (it's good): "Let's tell a story. There was a bully, and the neighbors didn't like him. One day, he suddenly did a good deed, and then he was praised as a good person by others. , There is also a good man who often helps others. One day he is sick and can't help others. As a result, the neighbors scold him for being selfish.

Peggy was thoughtful: "You used to play the role of a good person, but now you are going to change your mind?"

"Isn't it Blacken? That's how it's done in movies."

Sharon Carter unceremoniously broke the stage.

Ignoring the unscrupulous niece, Thor showed a cold smile: "If the problem cannot be solved by reason, then use violence.


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