Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 224 Counterattack Wakanda

"Then I'll yell right away, Avengers assembled.

Natalia teased.

This morning, Thor brought the girls back to Earth.

If such a historic moment is not witnessed at the scene, I am afraid it will become a lifetime regret.

What's more, the ascension of Captain America means that the "SOKOVIA Act" can be canceled soon. After all, it is a routine operation for a new president to withdraw from the group when he takes office!

Without the leadership of the United States, the Sokowi Act is a piece of paper.

For at least the next few years, the Avengers will be free of any constraints.

"April 47" "You know, if it weren't for my promotion, the person standing on the stage now would be a businessman president who is used to running the country on Twitter, and will only shirk responsibility to other countries when something goes wrong."

Thor had a weird smile on his face.

"I believe it. Natalia glanced at him and smiled knowingly.

Interestingly, as soon as the swearing-in was over, Steve immediately became the target of a sniper. One of the advantages of being a superhero president is that he can cut off the assassin himself. Captain America personally caught the gunman and handed it over to the bodyguards who came after him in a hurry.


Bodyguard A: "Shouldn't we protect him?"

Bodyguard B: "That's right! But just looking at him makes me feel safe."

Immediately after the inauguration ceremony ended, the new president took off his suit and changed into a combat uniform, picked up the iconic invincible big shield, and rushed to the plane to prepare for the battle, leaving the reporters' questions behind him.

This is a leader who takes his own actions and leads the people to fight against evil.

The only one who kept up with him was Peter Parker, a part-time newspaper reporter, who chased after Steve and asked, "Captain President, who is the Vice President?"

"Are you moving to the White House?"

The President of Captain America has a righteous face: "The United States is my White House.

The first decree the captain made when he came to power was to announce the repeal of the SOKOVIA Act.

"This is an era that needs superheroes. We put all kinds of constraints on heroes, but criminals have no constraints."

"Avengers, should never become a weapon in anyone's hands!"

The leadership of the captain is a huge amount of encouragement for the entire country, and many people who have lost hope and are decadent have regained their courage.

The most obvious is the military. The Wakanda people were surprised to find that the enemy, who was originally vulnerable, changed into a different person in just one day, and his fighting will rose several levels.

Then, following Thor's order, a large number of superheroes in the manor joined the battle.

Although Wakanda's technology is strong, it is only in the realm of mortals after all, and it has no advantage at all against the mysterious stream.

Especially the top players like Wanda, Jean Grey, and Jane Foster.

No matter how strong Vibranium is, it cannot withstand their attacks.

The tide of battle was turned in an instant, and it was useless even if Erik was huddled in the protective shield. He didn't know from the beginning to the end that in Thor's eyes, he was just a dog used to bite people and a shit stirrer.

Now that you've finished biting someone, it's worthless.

On the African prairie, the rhino troop of the Wakanda border tribe rushed towards Thor and the others with the momentum of crushing everything.

In the back, Erik's face sinks like water.

It was this group of people who ruined his great cause and made his dream a joke.

Moreover, everything I have done for so long seems to have helped the opponent clean up a large number of enemies.

A huge monster tens of meters high landed in front of them, and a dragon roar that shocked the world was heard.

The black dragon princess showed the prototype of the Dragon and roared to the sky.

There was a commotion among the rhinos, and no matter how the fishing boat was directed, they refused to move forward.

Although they have never seen such an existence as a Dragon, it does not hinder their fear of the top predators of the food chain.

There was excitement in Onyxia's eyes. During this time, she has been engaged in some intrigues, but her favorite is still the hearty battle.

She took a deep breath.

"Not good! Come back quickly!" Wakabi shouted anxiously.

But it was too late, a huge amount of flames covered the land of 3.1, this grassland was a sea of ​​flames, the herd of rhinos ran wildly in the flames, and let out heart-piercing screams.

"No no no..."

Wakabi let out a long howl of pain.

For Erik, the rhino is just a weapon. But for him, these rhinos are carefully raised by him, no different from his soldiers.

The flame roared forward and hit the protective shield.

Erik looked at the other side with gloomy eyes, hoping for this last line of defense.

The next moment, a battle ax condensed with divine power descended from the sky.


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