Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 225: The Curtain

A Stormbreaker that can crush even Infinite Gems, it doesn't disappoint.


The moment the shield shattered, Erik knew it was over.

Without this big turtle shell, one T'Challa is enough for him to drink a pot.

T'Challa stepped forward slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Surrender, Erik. You will get a fair trial."

Erik stared blankly at this scene, and suddenly shouted: "No! I didn't lose!"

Quickly went out a controller and pressed a button.


The ground broke open, boiling smoke blocked everyone, and a fighter plane made of Vibranium broke through the ground, carrying Erik and soaring into the air.

Stark raised his hand and released a laser with maximum power, but the fighter just staggered and remained unscathed.

"This is the latest fighter plane equipped with the most advanced weapons. There is only one Wakhan 07. Its armor can even block nuclear bombs!"

T'Challa said anxiously: "I must go back to the control room immediately and get in touch with his authority, otherwise the destructive power of this fighter plane is no less than that of an army!"

Stark turned to look at Thor. He knew this guy must have a way.

Thor didn't make a move, it was Jean Grey who made the move.

She stretched out a hand, and the fighter plane in the air immediately trembled in the air. Even though the power was turned to the maximum, it still couldn't move an inch.

Thor nodded slightly.

The Vibranium fighter plane began to retreat slowly, and as Qin's power suddenly increased, with a sound of "whoosh", the fighter plane was pulled back and stuck upside down in the ground.

"Crack......" With a swipe of Qin's other hand, the indestructible Vibranium fuselage was torn apart, and several metal lines turned into spears to support Erik who was still in a daze.

"I'm sorry, this is my first shot, and I don't want to disappoint him." Qin smiled lightly, and raised her hand, as if an invisible hand pulled Erik out, and fell to Thor's feet.

Thor squatted down and looked at him, whispering: "From the beginning, you lost."

Erik raised his head and glanced at him, and suddenly laughed maniacally: "Hahaha! You're right, I lost at the beginning "No amount of mortal strength can stop a god. But I don't regret it!"

"I just want to make those who enslave us pay back all this. I'm just taking revenge!"

"But most of your guns are aimed at innocent civilians!" T'Challa said righteously.

"Our compatriots are equally innocent!"

Thor didn't bother to listen to the brothers' argument.

There is no point in arguing about this kind of thing, and no one can try to convince anyone.

Are the civilians of the United States innocent? In fact, most of them are descendants of exiles, and everything that their ancestors did is beyond description. Look at what the Indians have not done.

Are black people innocent? Thor acknowledges that the history of enslavement is pathetic, but that's no reason to transfer your misfortunes onto others. You must know that Erik's initial attack target included Hong Kong. If he hadn't happened to meet Dormammu and let him cancel this part of the plan, the war would not only spread to the west.

Definitely, Thor has no position to stand on the moral high ground to say anything. Because Asgard's history is also not so glorious. As Hela said, the resplendent Asgard was bought with the blood and tears of the Nine Realms.


Unlike the original book, this is no longer a dispute over the throne of Wakanda, but a catastrophe sweeping the entire world.

Even T'Challa is not qualified to give Erik a lenient sentence, he will be court-martialed.

Not necessarily the death penalty, but for T'Challa's sake, life in prison is most likely.

However, Erik clearly had no such intentions.

"I will not be a prisoner. Bury me in the sea, like those ancestors who jumped ship to die. Because they know, give me freedom or give me death.

He took out a Vibranium dagger and pierced his heart fiercely.

The end of a hero.

Thor sighed, and led everyone away from the 710, leaving room for T'Challa.

In all fairness, as a villain, Erik is one of those sympathetic villains.

Whether it is T'Challa or the villain Erik, they all love the country of Wakanda deeply, and even have special feelings for this race.

They are no longer black and white, but more like an extended discussion between conservatives and radicals in today's political game.

T'Challa hopes that Wakanda will continue to be prosperous and peaceful, but at the same time, he also hopes that Wakanda will be connected to the world, so that Wakanda can take on more global responsibilities and help some people who have suffered injustice in the world, but he has been hesitation.

Erik also hopes that Wakanda is good, and he hopes that black people all over the world will live better. He uses extreme methods and wants to use violence to conquer the whole world, just like what white people do when they oppress black people.

The reason why he lost was not the nonsense that justice must defeat evil, but——he was on the wrong team.

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